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A light shake of his shoulder brought the brunette out of his sleep. He brought his hand up and rubbed his eye with the back of it, a small yawn escaping past his lips. He slowly blinked his eyes open, only to be met with a face extremely close to his. Ignoring the close proximity, Jimin slowly sat up on the couch, moving backwards as he did so, so he wouldn't bump heads with the ravenette; or worse. He stretched his arms above his head as another small yawn escaped past his lips. Once he was more awake, he focused his gaze on Yoongi, whom was smirking at Jimin.

"What time is it, hyung?" Jimin asked, quickly running a hand through his matted hair. "And why are you smirking like that?"

Yoongi pointed at the the brunette's chest, making him look down. It was only at that moment, Jimin realized he had fallen asleep wrapped up in the older boy's jacket. His cheeks grew a rosy color at the realization, him quickly bringing his hands to his face to hide his blush. If Yoongi had seen it, he would get teased for it, he knew that.

"You look so cute sleeping in my jacket, Jiminie," the older boy chuckled, ruffling the younger's hair. Jimin removed his hands from his face to glare at Yoongi, sticking his bottom lip out to pout at the ravenette. "And to answer your question, it's only 6. I just got back from the music store, I stayed after a little bit to work on some music. I would've stayed later, too, but we're supposed to have some sort of snow storm soon and I wouldn't want to be locked in the store without my cute little Jiminie with me."

Jimin's cheeks grew a darker shade of crimson at Yoongi's comment, him burying his face back into the palms of his hands – if that was even possible. He wouldn't lie and say the way Yoongi called him 'his cute little Jiminie' had no effect on him, because it did. His lips curved upwards in a little smile, although it was hidden from the older boy's view, which Jimin was thankful for. He didn't want the older to know the effect he had on him because that would only lead the older boy to want to strengthen whatever relationship they had together, something that Jimin would never allow.

"I'm just joking with you, I know how you feel about closeness and all that," Yoongi did his best to not frown. "I'll go make us something to eat though, okay? I know you only like to eat once a day for whatever reason, but I won't allow someone I care about to skip meals. I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."

Once Yoongi was out of the living room and Jimin was positive he was gone, he removed his hands from his face and sighed. He was slightly relieved that Yoongi understood his problem with getting close to others, yet he was slightly disappointed because he wanted the ravenette to at least try to pry into his life.

As conflicting as it was to Jimin, he couldn't ignore the small want, the small need, that he felt whenever he was around Yoongi. He wanted the older boy around as much as he could, yet he'd never admit that. He wanted to be close with Yoongi, yet he was being stopped and he knew exactly what by. If it weren't for his fear of getting close to others, than maybe, just maybe, he'd be able to tell the older boy everything and confess his whole life's story.

The only thing that was stopping Jimin, besides his fear of getting close to others, had to deal with his fear of others leaving. He was fearful that if he told Yoongi about himself and his past, that the older boy would just disappear the next day and never return; which is something the brunette didn't want to happen. He cherished the time he was able to spend with the ravenette as it was, he didn't want all of that to go away because he decided to speak out about his past and tell Yoongi all about himself. He just didn't want to lose Yoongi.

Jimin sighed aloud before curling up on the couch, snuggling into Yoongi's jacket. He had a lot on his mind at the moment and he didn't exactly know what to think or do. One option would be him slowly warming up to the ravenette and letting him in, although that would only bring tragedy and heartbreak in his eyes. The second option at hand would be to distance himself from Yoongi and ignore him to the best of his ability. That would be a lot harder on Jimin, though, since he was already attached to the older boy and not being able to be in his presence for a long period of time didn't seem like it would be good for Jimin.

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