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Jimin stepped outside of the art shop, scarf wrapped securely around his neck to keep him warm. That particular day had been colder than others and the sweater he was currently wearing wasn't enough to keep him warm. Silly Jimin forgot to grab a jacket back at his apartment before leaving. He could've just stopped back at the complex to grab a jacket real quick before leaving to meet Yoongi, but he was already seventeen minutes late than the time he said and he didn't want the ravenette to think he was going to ditch him, because he wasn't like that at all. Even though it was just a friendly gesture for the two to talk for a little while.

That day hadn't been rainy so at least the brunette wasn't risking the chance of getting wet as he hurriedly made his way to the small café from the previous night. He normally wouldn't have been in a rush, but he didn't want the raventte to get the wrong impression of him, even though there were plenty of times the ravenette could have gotten the wrong impression from Jimin, after all of the things he's done in front of Yoongi, things he no longer wanted to think of.

Jimin politely made his way through the people on the sidewalk, apologizing every time he would accidentally hit another person or bump into them. He wanted to make it to the café as soon as possible so the ravenette wouldn't feel forgotten. Not that Jimin cared how Yoongi felt about the situation or anything, he just didn't want to seem like a bad guy, even after all of the things he had done in front of the ravenette the past few days.

Once the café was insight, the brunette quickly entered through the doors, a strong scent of cinnamon filling his nose. He enjoyed the pleasant smell of cinnamon mixed in with apples, caramel and a small hint of chocolate. That's exactly how the café smelled, a little bit of all of those things mixed together. It was heavenly for the brunette.

Jimin looked around the café in search of a boy with a head of raven colored hair and a lip piercing. When he spotted the boy he was looking for, he noticed that he was sitting in the same boot as they were the night before. This time, though, the café had been more packed with people, almost all of the tables were filled with friends, couples, or strangers becoming something more - in his case with Yoongi.

The ravenette noticed the entrance of Jimin and waved him over with a slight wring of his wrist. Jimin walked over to the table and took a seat in the booth across from Yoongi. He noticed there was a cup in front of him and a donut - just like he ordered for them the previous night. Yoongi was leaning back against the booth, arms crossed over his chest, one of his hands free to hold his drink that he took a sip of every now and then.

Jimin looked at the boy in front of him, who was looking directly back at him. Everything was silent between the two as they kept looking at each other. The brunette had no idea what to say since he was the one invited to the café in the first place, so he decided it was best to stay quiet until the ravenette decided to speak up with whatever he wanted to talk to him about.

"So Jimin," Yoongi started before taking another drink of his coffee. "I want to know more about you, since I kinda messed it up last night." 

Jimin stayed quiet, finally breaking his gaze with the ravenette. He didn't know exactly what to say to the boy across from him. What exactly did he want to know and why was he trying to be friendly with him? The last thing he wanted was for the ravenette to think they could become friends, since he was the type of person to stuck to himself and solely himself. He didn't want or need anybody else in his life.

Even though he did feel quite lonely, often.

"Let me be more specific," Yoongi noticed the quietness from the boy and wanted to replace it with a talkative brunette. "Let's start off with you telling me your full name, since I only know you as Jimin," the ravenette explained. "Then you can ask me something and we can go back and forth until you can no longer stand me."

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