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The following day, Jimin woke up in the same place he had fallen asleep; the couch. Yoongi still had his arms wrapped securely around his waist and their bodies were still pressed tightly up against each other. The older boy was still asleep though, soft snores escaping past his barely parted lips. Jimin couldn't help but stop the small smile from etching onto his lips at the sight. He'd never admit it aloud but he found the older boy extremely adorable while sleeping.

"I know I'm attractive but can you not stare at me while I'm trying to sleep? It's making me uncomfortable," Yoongi spoke in a hoarse, huskier sounding voice. Jimin's cheeks heated up in the slightest, turning them a very faint rosy color. He had been caught in the act of staring at his hyung, which was very embarrassing for him.

"Shut up Yoongi hyung," the younger boy mumbled. "And your breath smells really gross, please learn what a toothbrush and toothpaste are."

Yoongi opened one of his eyes and looked directly at Jimin, his gaze more of a glare than a simple look. He removed his arms from around the younger boy's waist and used his hands to cup the sides of Jimin's cheeks so he was forced to look directly at the older. Jimin cocked an eyebrow in confusion at the older's actions.

"Does my breath really smell bad Jiminie?" Yoongi hummed, making the younger boy get another scent of his breath. Jimin fake-gagged and squirmed in the older boy's grasp, not wanting to smell the stench of his breath any longer.

The older boy just laughed, letting go of the brunette's cheeks and allowing him to get up. The younger boy got off of the couch, huffing in the process. He may have been disgusted from the older boy's morning breath, but he couldn't help but smile. Jimin didn't exactly know why, but a wide grin etched its way onto his lips and, for a moment, he forgot he had work. That is, until his phone rang and it was his boss calling.

Jimin pulled his phone out of his pocket and quickly answered it, walking into the kitchen in the process.


"Hello Jimin, it's your boss. I'm calling in to let you know there won't be any work today. We got some heavy snowfall last night and there's too much snow piled up in front of the door for anyone to get in. The snow seems to be pretty bad so expect the next two days or so off. I'll call you if you have to come in, okay?"

"Okay, thank you for letting me know," Jimin replied, feeling a bit giddy inside that he didn't have work. As much as he loved to go to the art shop, he was also excited to stay home to work on his own art. It had been a while since he was able to draw something of his own.

"Okay, bye."

Jimin's boss hung up, and as soon as he did, the brunette dashed out of the kitchen and into his spare room, which became his art room. He grabbed one of his empty canvases and sat down on the hardwood floor, pencil in hand as he glanced down at the canvas. He wasn't exactly sure as to what he wanted to sketch at the moment, but he knew he wanted to sketch something. After all, it had been a month or so since he created any art of his own and that was upsetting to him, especially since art meant absolutely everything to him.

The brunette tapped the eraser end of the pencil on his chin repeatedly as he was in thought of what to sketch. Normally, he would only sketch when he had an idea, but no ideas were coming to his mind. He stuck his bottom lip between his teeth in frustration, quickly running a hand through his light brown locks. He hadn't been this clueless on what to sketch since he was little.

"Jimin?" The sound of Yoongi's voice broke the younger from his train of thought, his eyes snapping up to see the ravenette standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. "I knew you were into art but I never knew you created your own."

Yoongi stepped inside the room, eyes gazing at every single piece of art scattered throughout the pale, blue room. There were portraits hanging on the walls, portraits leaning against the wall on the ground and blank canvases scattered all across the hardwood floor. The older boy was amazed at the art that enveloped the room. Now, Yoongi had never been one to actually enjoy that type of art before but seeing the dozens of paintings, drawings and sketches scattered across the room made him think otherwise. He had never seen such beautiful art before

"You made all of these?" Yoongi asked, turning to focus his gaze on the brunette. Jimin, who was in the midst of pulling at strands of his hair, nodded at the older boy. "These are amazing, Jimin. You should become a professional or something, since you have the talent for it."

The younger boy simply shook his head at the older, focusing his full attention back on the blank canvas that sat atop his lap. He hadn't even drawn a single line yet and it didn't help that he had no clue what exactly what to draw. Not to mention that the room of his art that he wouldn't allow anyone to see had just been discovered by another person. Jimin was far too focused on thinking of something to sketch to even acknowledge that little detail, though. He just wanted to sketch something but no ideas were coming to his mind.

"What are you working on now?" The ravenette asked as he made his way right next to the brunette. Yoongi down sat beside the younger boy and peeked over his shoulder, only to see nothing on the canvas except a blank, white space. "Do you need some help coming up with ideas?"

Jimin simply shook his head.

Yoongi sighed, bringing his knees his his chest and leaning his head back against the pale blue painted wall. He closed his eyes, wrapping both of his arms around his legs to hold his body close together. He wanted to help the younger boy, but he didn't exactly know how.

The brunette flickered his gaze to the ravenette beside him, his eyes widening a fraction at what he saw. Inspiration had quickly made its way into his head and he began to sketch on the blank canvas. He made sure to turn his body so he was more facing the older boy so he could get a better look at what he wanted to draw. Everything about Yoongi's posture and the way he was sitting had somehow given the younger boy inspiration for his new sketch.

Yoongi peeked an eye open to see the brunette quickly sketching away on the canvas, glancing up at him every now and again. His lips curved upwards slightly before closing his eye once again, trying to stay as still as possible. The ravenette knew what Jimin was sketching and he didn't want to interrupt him at the moment, so he didn't say anything. Although, the younger boy would be getting a lot of teasing from the older later. After all, Yoongi found it amusing that the younger found him interesting enough to sketch.

"Hyung, I know you just looked over at me but please try to stay as still as possible so I can get this right," Jimin bluntly said, making the older boy's pale cheeks turn the faintest rosy shade. That, however, went unnoticed by the brunette since he was more focused on working on the torso of the older boy first. That's how all of Jimin's artworks were made. If it were a person, their torso would always be sketched first and everything else afterwards. To him, the torso of the person was the most important part of a sketch because it defined the character in the way the character was inspired.

Yoongi mentally rolled his eyes at the younger boy. He was enjoying all of the attention he was receiving though. Normally, it would be Yoongi who was giving attention to the younger because he wanted to know more about him and get close to him, but now Jimin is focusing on him and even sketching him - it made the older boy feel really special.

Thanks for making me feel special for once, Jiminie.

+ note ; kinda sucky like this story :(

im sorry if this story is really bad or getting worse but i promise you im doing my best to make this perfect for you guys. i have an idea for the ending to this story and i can't say it will be something expected but it will be different i guess. ill try to make things more interesting and try speeding it all up a bit soon. and try updating more. im such trash when it comes to that and im sorry everyone. im trying, i really am.

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