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The day of Yoongi's funeral had come and gone quicker than the news of his death, leaving Jimin in an even worse state than he normally had been in. He kept denying that the person he loved was gone, he kept denying the cold-hard truth that Yoongi wouldn't be returning to him ever again. He partially blamed himself for the loss of Yoongi, because if he only told the ravenette he didn't want him to leave, Yoongi would've still been alive and probably wrapped up in blankets while cuddling the brunette. Life would've been great, if only he told Yoongi not to take the job offering.

To say that Jimin was a mess would be an understatement in everything that had been going on. Not only had he put the full blame on himself for the loss of his loved one, but he was also attacking himself for actually allowing himself to let his guard down and let someone in, he was upset that he allowed himself to fall in love with someone. If only he had continued being the cold-hearted person he showed to Yoongi for their first few meetings, he would've, just so the ravenette would still have his life today. He could've cared less about getting hurt, as long as the older boy was alive and well.

Sadly, what happened was set in stone and there was no way for Jimin - or anyone for that matter - to bring back Yoong and change things so there could've been a better outcome. Nobody wanted to accept the fact that it was Yoongi's time, that he was meant to get on the plane. Everything happens for a reason, per say, and everything after that is caused by the butterfly effect.

Jimin was meant to break into the music store that one night, because it lead him to meet the love of his life. Even though their love couldn't last as long and because they didn't get a happy ending, doesn't meant that what happened was negative. Jimin met Yoongi to finally break free from his shell, forget the past and fall in love for the first time in his life. If he never broke into that music store, none of that would've ever happened.

"Hey Jimin, are you coming with us to Seokjin's and Namjoon's play?" The redhead from the bookstore popped her head inside the brunette's bedroom. Jimin simply shook his head, his gaze focused on the item in his hand. Kaesi sighed, a frown etching its way onto her lips. "Okay, but call us if you need anything."

And that was that. Every now and then, one of the brunette's friends would stop by and ask him how he was - since they all had a spare key - and he would always be in the same position every time. Whenever someone walked into his room, they would find him laying on his bed, staring down at the last picture he had ever taken with Yoongi. It was one of his favorite pictures of them together, something he will never forget, because it was the last date they ever want on together.

"I miss you hyung," the brunette brought the picture up to his lips and placed a small kiss on it where Yoongi was at. "I'm going to come visit you today, okay? It's been a little while and I have something that I want to give to you."

The brunette gathered some strength in himself and stood up from his bed, padding his way over to his closet. He threw on one of the ravenette's favorite sweatshirts and a pair of ripped jeans before making his way out of his room and to the living room. He picked up the bag off of the couch and headed out of the door, closing and locking it behind him. It had been almost three weeks since he left the apartment, so he was partially excited to get out and see the world around him - although it would've been better if Yoongi was there with him.

Jimin's lips curved into a small smile at the thought before furiously shaking his head and making his way down the stairwell. As he reached the lobby, he was greeted with a very surprised Jiyeon.

"Jimin dear, where are you going? It's raining pretty badly out," the old lady called out to the brunette, who simply ignored her words and continued his way out of the complex doors. 

Once he was outside, he flipped the hoodie up so it was covering his head as he made his way to his destination. It was going to be a twenty minute walk before he got there, and he didn't want to be completely soaked when he arrived. Sighing aloud, the brunette clutched the bag close to his chest as he began walking down the street, heading towards his destination.

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