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+ note ; sorry for not updating as much lately, im trash i know :( also please read the note at the end of this chapter

Throughout the entire work day for Jimin, he hadn't seen the ravenette and it was kind of disappointing to him. He was slightly anticipating to see Yoongi walk through the shop doors at least once that day, but he hadn't shown up at all. That left the brunette with a faint frown etched on his lips for the rest of the day.

At the end of Jimin's shift - which held no presence of the ravenette the full eight hours he was there - he made sure to bid a small goodbye to his boss before exiting the art shop with the faint frown still etched at his lips. He knew he was only supposed to visit Yoongi at the end of his shift, but he was still slightly disappointed that the ravenette hadn't made an appearance once that day. Deep down, he was excited to see the older boy but he would never admit that to anyone, of course, because he was unsure as to why he was slightly excited to see Yoongi, in the first place.

As the brunette stepped outside into the cool night, he noticed there was the faint sound of a piano playing near by. All signs of a frown disappeared on the boy's lips as he recognized the beautiful piano music as that played by Yoongi. He had completely forgot about his slight disappointment and was only filled with the soothing pleasure of the music played from the piano.

Jimin made his way over to the music store, which had it's lights off like the first time he had ever met-met the ravenette. He walked to the door of the store - which was unlocked, just like last time. This time, as the brunette entered the store, he made his presence known by clapping his hands together as the older boy finished a song he was playing.

Yoongi's head turned in the direction of the clapping, startled, but regained his posture as he realized who had walked into the store. Jimin stood at the entrance of the store, hands still clapping as his lips curved up in a faint smile. He had, once again, been mesmerized by the beauty that is Min Yoongi and his music. Yoongi, of course, couldn't see the younger boy's smile because the shop was dark with no lights on.

"Why don't you come sit next to me while I play?" Yoongi asked, breaking the small silence that enveloped the two after the Jimin's clapping had subsided. 

"I can't see, hyung, I don't want to fall like last time," Jimin pointed out, not moving from his place standing by the entrance. Knowing himself, he was sure he would have fallen on the ground once again, by tripping over something on the ground of his own foot. Either way, the brunette knew he was doomed to fall in front of Yoongi, once again.

All the brunette could then hear was a small chuckle from the older boy, then a few lights flickered on before his eyes. The lights weren't the stores normal lights, though. These lights were hanging from the piano, spiraled up its legs and all around it, lighting up the area around it. It was another mesmerizing sight to the brunette, he had never seen little white lights hanging from a piano, nor did he imagine they could be so mesmerizing to look at.

"Can you see now?" Yoongi asked, voice coming out quieter than before. 

Jimin didn't reply, for he was too mesmerized by the lights that decorated around the piano. He was, however, able to control his feet as he carefully made himself a path to the piano and Yoongi. He took a seat on the small bench next to the raevenette. Unlucky for them, the bench wasn't all that big in size so the two had to sit pretty close if they both wanted to fit comfortably on it. Not that Yoongi minded the close proximity, though, Jimin on the other hand was not so fond of it.

"Sorry about the small bench," the ravenette noticed how uncomfortable the brunette was at their close proximity. "I'll talk to my dad about getting a bigger bench for this so next time you come over after work, you'll be more comfortable."

Jimin simply shrugged.

He didn't quite know what to say back to the ravenette, so he kept quiet and didn't say anything. Their silence was more comfortable after that, too. 

With that silence enveloping the two, Yoongi decided to take that as an opportunity to begin playing something he learned a few days ago. His fingers carefully moved over the keys, making sure he was hitting all of the right ones so he wouldn't mess up. This was, after all the first time he was going to be showing someone his music, that was actually interested in and liked it. Although, it wasn't exactly his own song that he was playing, he still wanted to play it beyond perfectly for the younger boy. After all, he was trying to impress Jimin.

While Yoongi was off in his own world, lost in the music he was playing, Jimin couldn't help but take quick glances at the ravenette beside him. He watched his facial features through the small lights, as he got lost in the music, the way he barely stuck his tongue out of the corner of his mouth in concentration and how his eyes were solely focused on the instrument in front of him. All of it was beautiful to him, even Yoongi, he was also beautiful to him in that moment.

As the song ended and as Yoongi broke out of his connection with the piano, Jimin was sat completely still with a wide grin on his face - one that Yoongi had never seen. His grin was wide enough to make his eyes partially crinkle up as his lips stretched to his cheeks. It was something the older boy could not and would not ever forgot; it was too mesmerizing to him. 

"I liked that song, hyung. Was it one of your own?" Jimin asked, his wide grin slowly fading as he came to realization at what he had done. Yoongi shook his head.

"It's something I learned a day or two ago."

Jimin nodded in understanding, although he was slightly disappointed that he didn't get to hear a song from the ravenette himself. Yoongi noticed the change in the bruentte and quickly got his fingers to work on the keys, playing a little something of his own. The song was more of a ballad, something less heart-wrenching than the first song he played. Jimin, once again, had found himself getting lost in the beautiful music that was being created by the raven haired boy beside him. He was lost in the piano, lost in the music, and lost in Min Yoongi.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head on the older boy's shoulder as he continued to play. He hadn't been fully aware of his own actions, but he was peaceful and relaxed at the music to the point he didn't care what he was doing. He was getting himself lost in the music, as well as Yoongi had been doing.

It had been a new feeling to him, a feeling that Yoongi's music was giving him. It was giving him a sensation of free-falling, like he had been weightless and everything around him didn't matter except the boy and his music next to him. His heart was beating slightly quicker than normal and overall, he felt at peace. He felt happy, like that was all he needed to complete his happiness. With the older boy's music, he found himself feeling oddly complete. He may have felt like he was free-falling at the very beginning, but it all went to him feeling complete and safe, safe in a sense that was the place that would be his happiness. That place would be the only thing he needed, wanted and thrived for every second of the day.

And that place had been created by Min Yoongi.

+ note ; idk what this chapter was but idk if it was good. im just glad i updated again, tbh. and some people are curious about hoseok coming into this story, well, he already has. he isn't going to be a bad guy or some bs like that. he was already introduced though, and so was another character :)

 he was already introduced though, and so was another character :)

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im in love with their love :')

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