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+ note ; wow look at this, last chapter of this fanfic. then an epilogue. nobody was expecting this, it came out of the blue lmao. surprise motherfuckers, y'all are in for a treat.

A few months had passed into their relationship - which started the night of their little confession - and everything had been running smoothly. Well, almost smoothly. A few weeks back, Yoongi got a call from some big music company that had been interested in a few tracks he had sent in nearly a year before he received the call. The excitement on his face when he got the call meant everything to Jimin, especially because of how happy it made the older boy. 

That being said, neither expected the next words told to the ravenette on the phone after knowing they were interested in him. The director of the company told Yoongi that he'd have to travel to Europe if he wanted to make music, something that froze both males who were in the midst of being all excited. Yoongi was going to deny the offer to go and live his dream, because he didn't want to leave Jimin's side, but the younger boy wouldn't allow that.

As badly as the thought of losing Yoongi hurt, he wasn't going to let the person he cared so deeply about miss out on an opportunity that comes only once in a life time. So, after some arguing, tears and tight hugs, they had both agreed that it was best for both of them if Yoongi left to to Europe to fulfill his dream. 

That's where they currently were, standing at the airport, waiting for the older boy's flight to be called.

"I don't want to go, I don't want to leave you," Yoongi whispered to the brunette, who had been doing his best to not cry. "I've worked enough as it is to have you as mine, but now I'm leaving you because of some stupid music career that I don't need. We could continue our lives as they were, you working at the art shop and me working for my shit-for-a-dad. I can call the director right now and tell him I'm not going, so we can stay together."

Jimin shook his head furiously, not liking the way of the older boy's thinking. He reached his arms up and wrapped them around the ravenette's neck, pulling him close for a tight hug. He leaned his head against Yoongi's, holding him as close and tightly as possible. Yoongi let out a shaky breath, slowly wrapping his arms around the brunette's waist, nuzzling his head into the crook of his neck. Neither had to say anything to know that Yoongi ditching his dream was never an option, no matter how badly he wanted to give it up just to stay with Jimin.

"I don't want you to go, hyung," Jimin let out a shaky breath. "But this is your dream and I wouldn't want me holding you back on this. I know you'd do the same for me if I had an opportunity to become a professional artist. You'd be telling me to go and live my dream, like I'm telling you right now."

Yoongi gripped tighter onto the boy's waist, blinking quickly to rid of the tears that clouded his vision. He had never been a person to cry, but leaving the person he loved to go and fulfill some dream that he could care less about, really broke his heart. The last thing he wanted to do was leave Jimin after everything he had to do to be with the brunette, the last thing on his mind was to leave him. Yet, there he was, standing in an airport, waiting for his flight to Europe to be called.

"Flight 95 to Europe, your plane is boarding now," a staticky woman's voice spoke through a speaker from somewhere.

Both boys froze in their places, not expecting their time together to be up so soon. Jimin held even tighter onto the ravenette, the tears that he had been trying so hard to keep in earlier, falling down his cheeks. His body was shaking with every sob that escaped past his lips. Yoongi only clutched onto the boy's waist tighter as he, too, let the tears roll down his cheeks. Their time together had come to an end quicker than they anticipated.

"Flight 95 to Europe, you plane is boarding now. You have five minutes until takeoff," the staticky woman's voice returned, breaking off a piece of both boys' hearts in the process.

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