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The next morning, Jimin awoke by a sweet scent. He fluttered his eyes opened to reveal his room, a loud yawn coming out of his mouth as he stretched his arms out in front of him. He lazily stood up from his bed and walked to his closet for a quick change of clothes - which consisted of a white and grey striped sweater and a pair of light denim jeans. He didn't bother doing anything with his hair before making his way into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Once his usual morning routine had been completed, he made his way out of his bedroom and down the short hallway to follow of the sweet scent that filled his nose. He walked into the kitchen half-expecting Yoongi to be there in the middle of burning something, but was met with nothing but a plate of steaming pancakes placed on the counter. The brunette walked up to the plate, eyebrow cocked in confusion as he approached it. He noticed a white note next to the plate with messy handwriting on it and picked it up.


I'm sorry if me asking to stay at your apartment for a few days is too much to ask, I just don't have anywhere else to go, really. I have Namjoon but I'd rather not stay with him and his boyfriend who are too loud and obnoxious. There's also Hoseok, but he's always getting into arguments with this girl whose name I don't remember. You're the only person I could really turn to while being in this situation.  I'll help around as much as I can and bring groceries or whatever you need. I'll even pay you once everything is settled and done. But all I could do for now is make some apple cinnamon pancakes for you. I hop they're still warm by the time you wake up. I'll be off to the music store so that's why I'm writing this note.

I'll see you after work, then.

- Yoongi

Jimin re-read the note over to make sure his eyes were catching everything he was being told, and they indeed were. He sighed softly as a small grin etched its way onto his lips. He stuffed the note in his back pocket and grabbed the plate of pancakes and a fork before making his way to the living room to quickly eat his small stack of pancakes. Work for the brunette started whenever he showed up, really, so he took time to enjoy the sweet, fluffy pancakes the older boy made for him. They were the greatest pancakes he'd ever tasted and he - secretly - hoped Yoongi would make them for him another time.

After finishing up the last bite of his pancake, Jimin placed the dirty dishes in the sink and began getting ready to leave for work. He went to grab his jacket from the coat rack, only to realize it wasn't there. The only jacket there was a black one that looked like it was leather - although it wasn't. Jimin sighed, realizing that Yoongi must've grabbed his own on his way to work earlier that day. Not wanting to get sick from the cold weather, he grabbed Yoongi's leather-looking jacket and threw it on over his sweater before heading the door. He locked the door behind him and made his way towards the stairwell.

Jimin made his way down the stairs to the lobby, only to be stopped by a Jiyeon who couldn't help but greet the brunette.

"Morning, Jimin," Jiyeon smiled widely at the brunette, who waved and smiled back at her. "Your boyfriend left earlier with your jacket, he wanted me to tell you that he was sorry for that but he didn't want to be late to work."

Jimin rolled his eyes at the old lady's statement and completely ignored the fact she called Yoongi his boyfriend. Although, he couldn't quite help the small grin that plastered its way onto his lips at the mere thought of Yoongi wearing his tan jacket. He tried to push that thought away with a small, fake cough and headed towards the apartment complex's front door to exit the building.

Upon exiting the building, Jimin was met with the sheer cold air of the near-winter season and he shivered. He tried to snuggle himself deeper into the fabric of Yoongi's jacket, which did make him feel a tad warmer, but that only made him a lot more comfortable. He even thought of never giving the ravenette back his jacket since it was so comfortable.

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