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+ note ; im sorry that these chapters go from jimin working to something happening after work, back to work the next day. it's probably irritating, im so sorry.

The following day of work hadn't much effect on the younger boy. His facial expression was stoic, lips pressed in a flat line and eyes showing of no emotion. After what Yoongi said the previous night, Jimin had fallen into a dark hole of emptiness. He was forced to remember his high school years and the things that used to happen to him, just because of a stupid little nickname spoken from the ravenette's lips.

He didn't want to continue blaming Yoongi since he really hadn't a clue of what happened to the brunette during his high school years and why he hated the nickname 'art boy' but he couldn't help it. Every single time someone called him that, he couldn't help but reminisce on what happened to him a few years prior moving to Seoul. He wanted to forgot the past and move on with his life, but it was especially hard for him since he worked at an art shop and was indeed of the male species.

"Hey Jimin, do you mind setting up these lights around the shop?" The brunette's boss broke him from his thoughts, his gaze falling onto the grey-haired man with a box in his hand. "Christmas is coming up this month and I figured we might as well get in the spirit of things, that might bring more customers, you know?"

Jimin nodded.

"Alright, you know where the stool is and where our rolls of tape are at. Help yourself with whatever and if you need any assistance, I'll be in my office."

Jimin nodded once again, taking the box of lights from his boss' grasp and heading to look for the stool. Christmas time was always a favorite for the brunette, except when he moved away from his family. After moving to Seoul and living on his own, the only person Jimin was able to spend Christmas time with was his cat, Hana, and she wasn't even a person. She was just a little kitten. And that tended to get lonely for the brunette, yet he was keen on not making friends so it left him lonely during the holiday season.

Once he found the stool, he picked it up and brought it to the front of the store by the window and started setting up the lights from there. He hung them around the shop, making sure to light the entire store with the many colors that represented joy due to the upcoming holiday. About half an hour later, he was almost finished setting up the lights. The only place left untouched by the lights was the right wall, which is where most of the brunette's favorite pieces of art hung from.

Jimin placed the stool on the ground and stood upon it, carefully reaching over the paintings to reach the wall. He had to be extremely careful when hanging up the lights or else he would risk the possibility of them falling and breaking, or them getting ruined by him coming in contact with them. Although, that last worry of his wasn't as likely because all of the hanging paintings were fully dry and showed no signs of wetness anywhere.

Being the careful person he was, was able to lift the lights over the paintings without touching any of them in the process. He grabbed the roll of clear masking tape and used his teeth to pull a piece off. With his free hand, he placed the piece of tape on the lights to hold them up, the roll of tape hanging around his wrist until he needed to grab another piece.

The door to the shop opened, the little bell chiming as it did so. Jimin looked in the direction of the door to greet his customer, only to have spun too quickly and slipped off of the stool. The brunette heard a loud gasp as he went tumbling to the ground, the back of his head coming in contact with the newly-cleaned floors. He groaned in pain, his eyes becoming a little blurry from the sudden impact he received.

The person at the door rushed to his side and was kneeling over him to make sure he was okay and didn't hit his head too hard. The person grabbed the brunette's cheeks in both his hands and brought his gaze to him, although the brunette still couldn't see well due to his slightly hazy vision.

Jimin blinked a few times, each time the haze was slowly fading away, and the person kneeling next to the brunette became more and more clear. Once his vision was clear, he looked directly up at the person who was kneeling next to him, his eyes going slightly wider at the sight. He quickly sat up, bumping heads with the boy for the second time within a few days time span. He scooted away from the boy, a glare settled in his eyes.

"Jimin, are you alright?" The boy asked, rubbing his head from the head-bump he just head and scooting a little bit closer to the brunette.

Jimin simply looked away from the boy, not quite understanding his own behavior. "Just go away, Yoongi," he sighed, taking a quick side glance at the ravenette. Why it had to be him to show up, why him of all people, the brunette didn't understand. He would've been fine with the two who hate each other than rather see Yoongi at that moment.

"No, not until you tell me how you're feeling," Yoongi spoke sternly. He cupped the brunette's chin in one of his hands and turned Jimin's head so he was forced to look at the him. "I need to know if you're okay, you took a pretty hard fall," the ravenette mumbled as he looked directly in the brunette's eyes for any signs of terribly hazy vision. Luckily, though, Jimin's eyes were completely fine.

Jimin grabbed Yoongi's wrist and pulled it off of his chin, the brunette immediately looking away and dropping the ravenette's wrist afterwards. He had a scowl set on his features as he stood up, gaze focused anywhere but the ravenette. "I'm fine Yoongi, you can go now."

Just as Jimin turned to walk away from the situation, Yoongi stood up and grabbed onto his wrist, not allowing him to go anywhere. He knew Jimin wasn't fine and he wanted to know why. He wanted to know what he said wrong the night before to upset him the way he did, he wanted to know why he liked his music, he just wanted to know more about Park Jimin.

"Can you at least tell me what I did wrong last night?" The ravenette asked, voice barely above a whisper. The way the ravenette whispered to him, made him feel slightly guilty. Yoongi hadn't done anything wrong intentionally, yet here Jimin was, treating him like he was one of those people who bullied him in high school. "I want to know what I did wrong."

Jimin looked over his shoulder, noticing that Yoongi wasn't looking at the ground or anywhere else, his gaze was directly focused on the brunette. It was focused directly into the eyes of Jimin. He sighed, shaking his wrist out of the ravenette's grasp and turning to completely face him. As badly as he wanted to apologize to Yoongi for his behavior, he didn't. That would bring vulnerability and that was the last thing Jimin wanted. He didn't want Yoongi to think they could be friends after their small encounter, since Park Jimin doesn't do friends. He doesn't have, want, or need them.

"It's nothing I can talk about to you, I barely know you," the brunette spoke harshly, yet the ravenette's face stayed stoic. "I will let you re-do last night if you'd like, though. We can talk about whatever you wanted but please refrain from talking about anything involving art and I together."

Yoongi was confused at Jimin's request, but was slightly excited that he wouldn't mind a re-do of their friendly talk at the café from the previous night. It gave him the excuse to get to know more about Jimin and ask him the question he'd been dying to know since he found out that the brunette liked his music. He would never show his excitement, though, because that's just how Min Yoongi was.

And Min Yoongi never showed emotion.

"Alright then, when should we meet up at the café?"

"After work, so 6," Jimin shrugged with his reply.

Yoongi's lips curved up in a small smirk, his lip ring making him look oddly attractive - in Jimin's opinion that he'd never admit aloud. Just because he wasn't fond of the ravenette and didn't want to befriend him or anything, it didn't stop him from finding the boy extremely attractive.

"See you at 6 for our date, Jiminie," Yoongi gave a small wink to the frozen brunette before slyly making his way out of the shop, not glancing back at the flustered boy once.



+ note ; ugh this is trash. it's kinda a filler and should get better soon but like, it sucks. and today sucks. and my life sucks. i hate myself sm

and i want to apologize because so many authors can update multiple times a day with good chapters while it takes me a few dayes to update and it's not even worthwhile.

i just want something that i do, be good enough.

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