Chapter 9

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Zayn POV

We were still a little dumbfounded over the fact that the girls were mermaids. Cole looks especially pretty as a mermaid with her beautiful tail. When Cole went to talk to me she said that she wanted to be friends and that completely broke my heart because I was truly and utterly in love with her. But, if that's what she wants then I should support her. Right? My thoughts were interrupted by a figure dragging their against the floor as they walked away from our group. I turned around only to be met by the Louis' back. What's his problem?

"Louis! Wait! Where are you going?" Aria called out to his retreating form. He didn't answer her and kept on walking. Aria sighed in disappointment and returned to her human form after she had dried off.

When I turned my head to look for Colette, I couldn't find her and started to panic. I felt someone rest a hand on my shoulder. "Zayn calm down, Cole just went to talk to Lou." Liam said, and I felt a little spark of jealousy in me. I nodded my head to Liam in response.

After discussing things with the girls, except Cole, about the mermaid stuff we had finally gone back to our hotel rooms.

"We should have a movie marathon!!" Niall suggested rather excitedly. Mag was quick to agree and started jumping up and down. I frowned. That's the kind of relationship I wanted. Although they weren't actually dating they acted like they were a couple already.

We split up on different couches and decided on watching The Lord of the Rings movies, since those were some of the only movies the hotel had. Bailey and I shared a couch together. Niall and Magdala shared a couch together, and Harry, Aria, and Liam shared the L-shaped couch together.

After we finished the second movie it was already late in the evening and I was really worried about Cole being away so long.

During the middle of the third movie Louis and Cole walked in talking and holding hands. Everyone took a glance at them and then returned to the movie, all except Aria and I. The hurt I saw on her face was probably mirrored on my face I felt rejected and broken.

"Oh are you guys like together now?" Ari asked a little bit to harsh. Cole looked a little surprised at the tone Aria had used and shook her head to the side twice. I was a little relieved by that but I still had the feeling of punching Louis in the face really hard. But I would never let jealousy get the best of me.

Louis POV

I walked away from the pool ignoring Aria as she called my name out. I had almost rounded the corner away from the building with the pool next to it when I was confronted.

"Lou what's wrong?" She asked me softly. And I stared into her eyes and did the least thing I ever imagined possible at that moment. I kissed her, but she kissed back. My head was filled with mixed emotions. Why did kissing her feel so good, but wrong at the same time? When I kissed her I forgot about any other problems in my life and just let go. But then I remembered Aria! I pulled away quickly and so did she.

"I'm sorry." We both said. I shook my head. "No it was my fault, I shouldn't have done that." I told her. But really in my mind I was thinking about if she felt the same butterflies in her stomach, or if she like kissing. All I knew was that part of me really liked her, not just her looks, but her personality, and everything.


OOH!! Louette moments!!! Do you ship them? Or are they meant for other people? Comment below!! Sorry for not updating, I will start updating more frequently.

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