Chapter 15

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Bay's POV

          I haven't seen Liam in so long now. He's stopped visiting me. The girls and other One Direction members have told me they are really worried about him and that he barely ever sleeps anymore. I haven't seen it for myself but they say he's got bags under his eyes and his hairs a mess. I just want everything to go back to the way it was before I was permanently a mermaid and could be with Liam. I miss him so much. But, above all, I'm just really worried about him.

"Bay everything's going to be okay. Stop worrying about Liam. If anything we should be worrying about you. We still don't know how to undo this and make everything back to how it used to be," Magdala sighed swishing her tail in worry.

"I know. It's just that I haven't seen him in so long and what if he hates me now that I'm just a full blown fish that he probably wants nothing to do with," I vocalized all my insecurities to my friend.

"Trust me Bay, he's practically in love with you. He's going to come sooner or later so stop worrying about it. We need to focus on you." Magdala smiled at me.

"Thank you," I replied and gave her a smile of my own in return. The difference was that I was faking mine and she was not.

          Magdala left soon after our talk and I was alone again. I got bored and decided to venture out into the sea. Seeing all the fish and dolphins cheered me up a little bit. After awhile I had swam closer to the shore. Not the main shore, but one slightly off to the side where no one ever visited. 

          When I got there I realized that I wasn't alone and there was someone else on the sand walking. I squinted my eyes and gasped when I realized it was Liam. I was going to call his name but he was acting really weird. It was almost like he was being drawn towards the ocean. That's when it hit me. The necklace. He had the necklace that turned us all into mermaids in his hand. He was being drawn to the ocean because it was going to turn him. I didn't want him to suffer the same fate as me so I had to act fast.

"Liam! Don't come in the water!" I desperately shouted after him. He paid no attention to me as he feet edged closer in.

          I moved to swim closer to him and save him but the waves were holding me back. A storm had began to form. Even worse than the one that had happened the night we changed. I needed to save Liam. But the lean wouldn't let me.

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