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lmage of baby Sanato☝☝

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lmage of baby Sanato☝☝

King Proden was a proud man but today his ego was inflated by the birth of his heir. He had planned for it to be publicly announced immediately after his son was born. He smiled, his eyes glistening with pleasure and pride that his wife was big as a boboa with his son embedded deep inside her womb. Boboa were similar to what those primitive humans called whales.

He looked around his castle as he walked to the birthing room. The servants were running around like headless chickens, placing everything accordingly on the tables. Numerous state representative and all important people would be dinning with his family tonight to celebrate the addition of the new member to the crown family.

Both moons were visible tonight as if to celebrate the birth of the Almighty Fervainen heir. Even the tall, giant trees outside danced in joy and the wind howled joining in the harmonious melody nature was singing for the long awaited prince.
He ran up the steps like a man on fire. From afar, he heard the echoes of his wife's screams as she demanded for his presence during the birth of his son. As if he would miss it! Today was the day which the Goddess Omario was blessing him most kindly and not even the demons of hell and his numerous enemies could keep him away from this. The miracle happening today was one his people would be talking about for the next coming years.

He opened the door and found his wife sprawled on the bed. Generally, Fervainen men were big, larger than most men on the other planets but Proden was a giant. His massive structure dominated the room, crowding his wife and the doctors present. Intelligent machines had been developed with the purpose of reducing infant mortality rates.

Highly qualified doctors and these machines worked hand in hand in maternity wards to ensure that no child died at birth. These machines provided unimaginable expertise and knowledge about such an important event as the birth of a child.

He sat on the chair next to the bed leaning forward to kiss her on the lips. It was a small peck on the mouth, a kiss meant to reassure her and thank her for the gift she was giving him.
"How are you feeling, my queen? Do you want the nurses to give any pain medicine?"

He asked as he watched his wife writhe in pain.

She had a very small body structure and carrying a baby with Proden's genes was no joke. The past ten months had been the longest months of her life. Fervain women carried their babies for a full ten months sometimes eleven depending on the bloodline of the parents.

In her case, because she was pregnant with the king's son- one who had pure undiluted Goddess blood flowing through him- she had a long and painful pregnancy.

She shook her head signaling her answer as tears streamed down her face. She was trying to deal with the next contraction that wrecked her body. Proden kissed her on the forehead whispering sweet nothings to her. It seemed to work because for a moment she stopped moving and her breathing calmed down.

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