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Planet Earth, present day
Evangeline and Jessica Swift were seated on the outside tables of Evangeline's dinner, Tiana's. It was named after her sister's favorite cartoon, a character in The Princess and the Frog movie. The two ladies were slowly sipping their iced tea and talking about fashion, work and of course men. The cool breeze was a welcomed freshener for them in the crowded but secluded place.

The two sisters were as different as night and day which was understandable because Jessica was the adopted sibling. She was the shy and reserved kind of girl. She rarely if ever talked unless spoken to. But she was no way near a pushover, oh no! She was stronger than a general army commander!

Her quiet strength was what scared a lot of men away from her. As they say, still waters run deep and Jessica was a perfect example for that.

At twenty six she was still virgin because she was frightened of men just as she scared them away. She was very beautiful in a wallflower kind of way, the kind who don't draw attention to themselves but it follows them anyways. Her round face and small pointed chin were decorated by her unique eyes and rosy pert lips. Their different color was what caught people's attention. One eye was blue almost purple and the other was a very deep shade of green. Her robust breasts -that were for some reason always hidden- matched perfectly well with her fine ass.

Her long naturally tanned legs were covered by a white high waist jeans with her worn out sneakers. She was tall, taller than her sister with an athletic killer body which probably developed from the frequent visits to the gym. She loved keeping up with her reflexes and boxing as well as sword swinging calmed her. She had quick reflexes and she would bet she would be able to hold a fight with Floyd. Not that she would win, but she would beat the heck out of him. She had always wanted her sister's round child bearing hips but her lithe body had no space for such feminine features.

Eva on the other hand was a different story. She was into everything and anything. She was all over the place with her ever happy smile. She enjoyed partying and sex. Lots of it too! She was loud and giggled a lot with occasional flirting. She had a-to-die for body. Round thighs, hour glass stomach and a handful of breasts. The fit her 32C cups. Her flawless skin was cherry on top of the sundae.

Her natural platinum blonde hair was dyed black like her sister's wavy one. Her green eyes were filled with life and mischief. Right now, she wore a tight dress that advertised her asserts with the aim of driving her customers insane. It showed off her white thighs and the whole of her back with only slim straps holding it on her shoulders.

"I am very serious, Eva. That man is scared of my sex expertise after I blew his mind with my bedroom knowledge. He can hardly look at me in the eye and whenever I enter a room, he quickly moves out," Evangeline's laughing voice said. Her laugh was sweet and melodious it drew in many of her would be conquests. She would just smile and men would fall on their knees.

"Eva! Behave yourself please," Jessica whisper yelled at her best friend and sister.

"That is my boss you're talking about. I don't want to be imagining his junk whenever I am in a meeting with him!"

"Well don't imagine it, know it." Eva smirked, wiggling her eyebrows and bent down to pick her large Prada bag. Jessica looked at it with distaste. She would never be caught carrying such useless things as handbags. She would rather carry her sword around but she didn't think people would appreciate that. Eva took out her phone and scrolled through her gallery.

"Here, this is how small his penis is. Look at how pathetic it is even when he is aroused." She handed her phone to Jessica who screwed her eyes closed and pushed it away.

Jessica pushed the disturbing picture away from her saying, "No! Eva, I've already told you, I have no wish of knowing about your bedroom activities with my boss!"
"I just wanted to know your boss in depth, you know," Eva added whilst wiggling her eyebrows to her baby sister. "Live a little Jessica and stop being such a Holy Virgin!"

She knew everything there was to know about Jessica including how uncomfortable she was talking about sex. She would flush red and her eyes would get as big as boulders each tie a topic about men arose between them.

Eva also knew when something was bothering her. She had already identified the tell signs. For example, she was laughing and joking around but her eyes had a certain dullness in them. The bags under her eyes deserved to be called luggage. Her shoulders sagged and she was restless and jittery. But Eva knew if she pushed her, she was likely to not get anything so it was best to let Jessica share her problems when she was ready to.

There was a moment of silence between the two before tears gathered in Jessica's eyes.

"The nightmares are back Eva. And this time they are worse than before," Jessica whispered as if afraid the wind would blow away the words from her mouth. "I don't know what they mean but I know they mean something."

"Oh, sweety," Eva responded softly. "I am very sorry. I thought they were gone for good." She moved her chair closer to Jessica's to hug her.

"What am I going to do, Eva? Do you really think its PT..."

"No! No, no," Eva said with an irritated voice. In actual fact she was just trying to hide her fear, internally she was panicking. She was afraid for her younger sister. "What happens in the dream this time? What makes you think it is worse than last time?"

For all her twenty six years, Jessica had been plucked by nightmares. At times they would be mild but now they were bad, she wasn't even sleeping. She had nightmares even with her eyes opened! She clutched at the amulet around her neck for reassurance. It always made her feel safe.

"They all start with me pregnant. I give birth to twins but my husband wants to kill the twin girl. I keep chanting in the baby's ear, I don't know what it is I say to her but I keep saying it over and over again.
No matter how much I cry, plead and beg him, he always takes the baby. I…l cannot see its face but my husband's is very clear.
But now what is worse is, I see myself becoming sick and sometimes even dying. Trust me, the death is no less painful than the birth of my babies, only this time around my baby girl is not there to see me go. The husband keeps wailing about his lost little warrior, Sanato. It's just all so confusing!" She hiccupped delicately, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Eva, I hear them. I hear their voices like these people are right next to me. I feel everything they feel even when I am not asleep! Am I going crazy? Is that it?"

"No, Jess. That is not it at all. I may not know what it is but we will figure it out together." Eva hugged her sister tightly to her, thankful they were not closer to the other people who would be witnesses to this.

Eva was three years older than Jessica. When her younger sister had been brought home by their parents, she had been ecstatic. She treated her like a doll until Jessica was old enough to make her decision. After that she grew a stubborn streak that annoyed the six year old Eva thus she lost interest to her 'doll'. One night she had been woken up by Jessica's muffled cries about her baby girl.

Eva was shocked to hear a three year old baby scream about her baby girl but thought maybe it was one of Jessica's many dolls. This continued until she couldn't take the sleepless nights so she told her parents.

For the next few years, Jessica was restricted from watching horror movies, fed numerous sleeping pills and even went through a hypnosis session but nothing seemed to work.

Max and Jane Swift decided to have her committed to a well-known psychiatrist where she was diagnosed with PTSD. The only question; was what was its source? For a patient to be diagnosed with PTSD, there is usually a traumatic experience they had gone through and they would relive it each day. With Jess, she was dreaming herself giving birth, and her baby taken away before she even knew where babies came from!

Whatever they did to her seemed to have work for a couple of years until recently. Now the dreams were back with vengeance, flooding her every night and day.

"Oh, baby. We need to tell mom. You cannot go on like this, this isn't healthy Jessica."

"Okay. If you think that will help," Jessica agreed reluctantly, resting her heavy head on her sister's shoulder who embraced her in the cocoon of her love.

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