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Image of Eva's dress👆👆

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Image of Eva's dress👆👆

Koava was captivated. He felt a wave of desire engulf him as he watched the laughing woman. He had seen plenty of beautiful women in the past, even slept with a handful of them but this one was a beauty beyond thoughts. She was perfection itself, a goddess. Her melodious laughter drew him in, enticing his whole being to her lustrous body that was currently quaking on the chair.

He could feel his penis harden behind the loin cloth he wore underneath the shorts. It restricted his harden member from showing itself and for once throughout his whole journey he was grateful for the human clothes he wore. He wasn't one to advertise his body no matter how proud of it he was. Added to that, he figured it would intimidate the poor woman if she saw his gigantic dick unlike the probably puny cocks she saw every day amongst her kind.

He was a great believer of love at sight which was why it did not scare him when he felt himself fall to her as deep as he was. He was a product of his parents falling in love with just one glimpse of each other.  He felt like he was falling down a bottomless pit that he had no hope of ever getting up from. His heart rate picked up as he listened to her laughter. His precum would surely leave a wet spot on his undergarments for sure.

His dragon was pacing inside of him wanting to see and taste the woman who brought him such feelings. It was known for its thoughtless and reckless actions and right now he felt it crawling just underneath his skin to free itself.

Calm down will you! We are in the mist of humans or have you forgotten? Koava reprimanded his worked up dragon. It was growling inside him, pacing and snarling heavily at him.

"What? Its not like you can do more than what you are doing right now. I mean look at you, you're sweating like a sinner in church!" lt answered inside his head. It was like a voice at the back of his head. One he recognized easily and in more cases than one it annoyed the hell out of him. Koava's palms started sweating and a few drops collected on his forehead. His knees shook and he felt a spell of dizziness for a second.

He took in a deep breath to calm himself down then his eyes went back to the walking temptation that was causing all this commotion inside him. He saw her pearl white teeth that were in a straight line inside her mouth whenever her plum juicy red juicy lips parted. 
He was transfixed by her beauty. He felt a deep dam burst within him, one he had no control over and had no wish of controlling either. He maintained his position behind Draco but his mind was on the beauty talking infront of him. He idly wondered how Draco was ever going to talk about his mission to these two sprinted women.

Ohh.. me likey! Eva thought naughtily as she watched the handsome hunk of a man who had his eyes on her. He was damn delicicious but gave off a sweet shy persona. Not what she usually would have gone for but with a killer body like his, she would look past his conservative nature. He was shorter than the arrogant outspoken bastard infront of him but his beautiful chocolate brown eyes drew her in.

He was buff, muscular with different symbolic tattoos on his arms all the way to his upper neck. His small smirk and delighted eyes made her catch her breath. Her eyes wondered down to his firm lips currently moving to whisper something to his friend. He had a small beard enclosing his lips as if to protect them from molestation by women like her. And what amazing lips those were. Oh mama wants! She caught his wondering eyes and snickered when she saw the two pools of red decorate his cheeks. Ohh! There is no running away for you buddy!

She stopped laughing and held his eyes, relaying the desire she felt in her panties. It was like a faucet down there, and she was sure anytime soon she would feel her juices run down her legs. She squeezed her thighs together trying to suppress the burning sensation in her pussy. She was never one to beat around the bush, if she wanted something she just went on and took it regardless of the consequences. It was why most married women hated her, after all no woman wants her man stolen right under her nose.

The problem was that Eva never slept with a married man, she only led him on until he was weak on his knees then she was out. She loved manipulating men, bring them down to their knees and watch the angry and disappointed look in their eyes when she left them hanging. But luckily, this delicious looking stranger was not going to be left dry. He was going to feel Eva's magnificent fucking skills and he would be ruined for all the ladies after him. Grrrr!


Draco was annoyed by the woman's loud laugh, it was screechy and made his ears ring. Who the fuck still laughed like that these days?!  He felt rather than saw Koava move infront of him. He knew that his friend could sense the distress building up in him. It has always annoyed him when Koava did that but he knew Koava was the best at handling delicate situations and calming tempers down.

"Let me handle this Draco. We don't want to scare her away now do we? What if she calls the law men?" Koava whispered in Draco's ear in their language. Not that the humans would hear anything he would have said even if he had spoken their English. It was just that one can never be too careful around these species. They were very smart for their own good.

"I am not scared of some stupid earth fuckers." Draco growled deeply.

"I know, sir, but we donot want to draw attention to ourselves. Now please let me speak on your behalf?" Koava already knew he had worn this argument when Draco shrugged and wore a scary frown on his face. He turned to the women, his eyes moving to his beauty then back to her sister.

"Ladies, excuse my friend's behaviour over here. We simple came here to seek your help if you would be kind enough to aid us?" Koava gently spoke looking directly at Evangeline. He already knew who she was from the file he had read about Draco's mate on the way here.

"As l said before, what is it that you want?" Jess answered as she felt the embarassment from her previous stuttering. As a matchmaker agent, her customers came at her from anywhere and it was her duty to make them feel comfortable. She worked at Lovers Find, a private agency that worked to help people find their significant other and she loved it because it helped her give others what she would likely never have. A happily everafter ending.

When she had first started, she was shocked at how many people came in to ask help in finding that particular person to share their life with. What still amazed her was that some of these people were well known players with buckets of money and looks that melt your eyes yet they still weren't able to find that perfect somebody. This was why she wasn't surprised when the two large gentlemen came to her with such a comment. After all, she had received stranger requests from her clients in the past.

"l said we are here to find my wife, or was that not clear enough?" Draco interjected before Koava could. Repeating himself was one of the things he hated doing. He felt like that individual was not paying attention so it was their fault they mossed wht was being said to them.

"Yes, sir, l heard you the first time. What l am trying to figure out is why you came here instead of the offices? This is my personal time."

"We are from there miss. It's just that we requested we see you personal as it you we want as our mediator. Are you uncomfortable with that, do you want us to leave?" Koava looked at Jess with pleading eyes. He wanted her to agree so that their whole plan could go smoothly.

"Oh, No. That's fine with me. I, uh, just need to freshen up and l will be with you shortly." She moved quickly to the bathroom. What the heck is happening to me? I cannot be attracted to a client! It's strictly against the rules. Jess was thinking to herself as she took care of her business and washed her tear strick cheeks. 'It's a wonder he even took me serious with the way l look. How very unprofessional Jessica?' She was whispering to herself on her way out of the bathroom.

l am so sorry for the lack of updates. I just had a few problems at home but now l am back to business. So what do you think. It's not how l would have wanted it to go but l have been receiving alot of "please update" PMs. Remember to vote, comment and follow.

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