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Jess could recognise that scream anywhere. She had heard it multiple times each time the monstrocity dubbed a spider made its way into Eva's room. And each time she would rush bursting through the door like an averging angle only to find a barely visible spider crawling its way on whatever surface it chose. She flew out the door at the speed that would make Flash green with envy. She followed the sounds of the animalistic grunts and Eva's pained scream. She heard rather than saw Draco follow her into the darkened alley.

Of all the things she thought she would find in that corner, a man with monstrous wings was the last of them. Her body went from cold to hot then back again before she could register what happened. Her lungs opened up to let a scream out but Draco's hand clumped over her mouth. As soon as she recovered she jabbed him on the sides, fighting to go rescue her sister from the thing. She stomped her heel on his foot, kicking his ankle with it too so that when he bent over her elbow visited his nose. She turned around and landed a few more punches before rushing to her sister. She was a few paces from the couple when Draco came at her again. He landed harshly on her, pushing her hard on the floor. She took all the brunt impact of it when their bodies met the concrete.

As the two tumbled on the floor with Draco's hand making its way to Jess' mouth once again, Koava was lost in the bliss of finally making love to his darling. The loud scream fed his dragon who continued mounting her. He released his essence deep in her snug carnal all the while his teeth clung to her neck. He didn't care if anyone heard her, he wanted them to know that the stallion had found his perfect mate.

Atta, boy! Those were Draco's initially thoughts when he saw Koava enveloped by long creamy legs. Finally broke your dry spell didn't ya! He was proud of his friend for finally taking pleasure where he could. Then after that it was oh shit! When he saw Jess run towards them. Big mistake because no matter how friendly you can be you never interrupt a mating dragon. I mean no man wants to be cockblocked how much more an unreasonable animal on the verge of release!

The smirk on his face was wiped off quickly when she stomped his foot. Motherfu... the jab on his nose brought tears on his eyes. The stupid woman was fighting like a..girl! Fighting to meet her death, idiot! Morons the lot of them, all these humans. His hands had a time holding her struggling form.

"Get off me you jerk!" Jess cried out, chomping at the fingers trying to cover her mouth. "That thing is eating her! Let Go! Help her!"

"Be quiet! He will swallow you in one bite you fucking imbecile! I'm saving your stupid ass." Said ass was rubbing his now awake cock. Not now you prick! He reprimanded his dragon who was concentrating more on the hot body wiggling on them than Koava's troubles.

"Help! Somebody hel..." those were Jess' last words before it was lights out. Draco knocked her hard with a fist on her head. He could have used a softer method but the bitch was drawing a lot of attention as it was.
He stood up, leaving her laying on the filthy floor to gather the men he had left on the car. His angry eyes went to the now passed out Eva and a panting Koava who was amidst retracting his wings.

"That was just great Koava! Excellent idea you had!" He said sarcastically. He couldn't help adding, "yes, I see you thought it through!" The sneer on his face said it all.

The black SUV pulled up around the small gathering crowd with Draco's soldier pushing everyone out of the way. "In," was his sole command as he marched into the car, leaving them to carry the woman on the floor. Koava gathered his sleeping beauty, cradled her lovingly into the awaiting vehicle. He held on to her until they reached the mothership, his hand brushing softly at her cheek.


The deafening silence in the control room spoke volumes. The anger, tension and nerves warned all standby soldiers to clear out the room before they become collateral damage. Draco sat, his whole body rigid even his lungs seemed scared to move. His nose flared like a horney bull, and barely seemed to blink. His eyes twin embers that threatened to burn anyone who so much as looked at his direction. The only bright feature on his face was the shinner he spotted on his left eye and the cake of blood on his upper lip. He had been like that since they had entered the ship thirty minutes ago.

"What was the mission soldier?" He questioned Koava who stood stiffer than a ruler. His voice was barely a whisper in the quiet room.

"To acquire your mate, sir."

"That's right, to acquire my mate. Mine! Meaning one!" He jerked upwards from the chair to display his forefinger. "Care to explain to me why we have not one human on this damned ship but two of them? What part of no unneeded attention did you not com-fucking-hend?" Now his steely eyes bored straight into Koava's.

Koava carefully inhaled. "Because sir, I made a grave mistake. I was overtaken by my emotions I disregarded a direct order not only from you but also from your father." Koava replied in an emotionless voice. "And for that I gravely apologise. I apologise for how things have turned out but I donot regret it. I fell for Evangeline, sir, and I hope as my king and friend you will understand that. I.Love.her."

Draco continued to stare at him, his thoughts hidden from his face. It was not a hidden fact that Koava had waited a long time for his mate and finding her was probably the best thing that has ever happened to him. Draco had always admired Koava's ability to share his feelings no matter how inappropriate they may be. Above and beyond, he was his friend more than just a man under his command. A man who almost never made a mistake. That said it did not mean he would let him scot-free, after all he had disobeyed his command and he had to be punished.

"You fucked up Koava, big time. And I may understand your reasoning but it does not mean I agree with it. So," a naughty glimer entered his eyes, "You get the honour of babysitting both females for this whole journey. If anything goes wrong, it is your responsibility to wipe their filthy ass."

Koava felt gratitude and love swam him. He allowed a tiny smile to grace his lips knowing he had gone off lighter than he deserved. His only response was a very audible groan but he nodded nonetheless.

"And Koava? You ever do that again, it will be de fucking last thing you ever do? We clear?" Draco promised. Koava swallowed hard as he nodded again.


"Mhmm... " Jessica moaned as her hand connected with the lump on her forehead. It felt heavy and it hurt like miners were digging a shaft through it. She slowly came around, sitting up to take in her surroundings. She blinked twice before it hit her. Eva! She jumped up from bed, her eyes searched frantically for her sister.

"Eva! Oww, Eva baby what have they done to you?" She shook her sister, patting her gently on her cheeks. "Wake up. You need to wake up."

"Ouch! My head! And my neck!" Came the groan from Eva. She too slowly sat up from her bed, opening her arms to hug her younger sister. "Where are we? And more importantly, what the fuck? He vamped me!"

Just as Jess was about to comment, the door swung open to bring forth one happy looking Koava.

Both sisters yelled, "You!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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