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The two sisters were seated, well, Jess was the one sitting whilst Eva pounded vegetables on the kitchen counter late in the afternoon. Eva being Eva was again being controlled by her emotions instead of her brains. Okay, agreed she wasn't as smart as Jess but hey she owned and ran Tiana's from the ground up. That probably meant she had a good head above her shoulders, right? Not to brag again, but she did maintain a consistent GPA of 3.7 all throughout her university days. If that did not convince you then nothing would.

Anywho, right now her hormones were agitated by her conversation with Jess. Unlike her younger sister, she wore her feeling for all to see and they drove her actions. Jess was a brainy kind of girl. Mind over matter and all that. She tended to process everything and sometimes came off as uptight before she took any action.

Right now Eva was pissed at Jess because she wouldn't let her come with her to meet her clients. It didn't take a genius to figure out how impatient she was feeling with the way the knife banged loudly on the board as she sliced through the carrot. Poor thing.

I mean who takes an hour to make a decision that can be made in a minute! That was Jess for you alright, always over-thinking everything. She mumbled a string of curses that could shame a pirate with a potty mouth before she turned to fix her smoldering eyes at Jess.

"Jess, come on," she begged once more, "I just need to see him again."


"You spent a whole good hour thinking about this and that is all you can come up with is No? Why did you even waste my time then?"

"Eva that..."

"Please! If I promise to be really good and wait until you'all are done before I grope him, will you let me come?" She knew if she annoyed Jess long enough she would give in to her eventually. It worked every damn time.. She really wanted to see Koava so badly she would do pretty much anything for it. Anything at all to see that hunk of a delicious man.

"Evangeline! That is besides the point. I can't bring you to our discussions and you know that." Now Jess was growling too.

Eva sometimes behaved like a spoiled three year old. And it annoyed her to no end but hey you take what you get and live with it. What she had not disclosed to her dear elder sister was that Koava had infact requested her presence. He was not her client but he had insisted to see Eva again.

"Jessica, ok, I solemnly promise to be on my best behaviour all throughout the ses-wait," her eyes glowed with excitement now, "we don't need to be with you and Mr.Cock for Microphone all the time. Me and Koava can excuse you guys while we catch up. See, I won't be a bother at all."

A deep sigh escaped Jess' pert lips. A small smile climbing to her cheeks as she tried to smother it with a fake scowl. Inside she was both annoyed and giddy to see her sister behaving  like a love stricken teenager. It was rare for Eva to be so smitten with a guy as she was with Koava. Usually, Eva was a casual sex kind of girl. Lots of casual sex too.

"Fine! Sure you can come Eva. But please control yourself, he is not a piece of meat for goodness' sake!" Jess chided as Eva bounced over happily for a hug. A large happy conniving smile plastered on her face.
Goodness, what have I done? Jess thought enfolding her back.


Draco smirked at Koava's bouncing leg. He was so keyed up one would have thought he was getting married. Nerves and delight came off Koava in throes, hitting even the furthest warrior in their larger ship. Infact, Draco half expected him to start jumping up and down like a dragon youngling. He half wished to see what his friend would do if the human waif did not show up, but the other softer side of him wanted to see his buddy happy even if it was for a short time because this human was not flying back home with them. They were here for his mate not to add complications to an already tangled situation.

"Did she promise you something you aren't telling me about Koava or are you just anxious to get said thing from her?" Draco teased, wiggling his thick black eyebrows.

"Shut up!" Came Koava's embarrassed reply, color flooding to warm his ears and cheeks. He had not meant to alert Draco of his attraction to the human girl in fear of not just the petty gibes but also the disgust he knew would be in Draco's face when he discovered that he was in love with her. Completely, hopelessly in love with Evangeline.

Just thinking about her brought butterflies in his stomach and a broad grin on his face. His heart palpated rapidly, sweat gathering on his limp arms. He fisted his hands, once, twice to bring feeling to them before wiping them on his pants. They were ill-fitted and uncomfortable but he would wear them all week if that is what it cost to see his girl.

"Be careful you don't become attached to her fine ass, pal, 'cause we are not here for her. Only her sister." Draco's voice had a firm warning underneath the humour.

Too late for that, Koava thought but did not voice it out.
He simple nodded, his eyes going out to the vehicle that was waiting for them outside. He hated that the had to use this air degrading contraption but he couldn't exactly fly over to Tiana in his dragon form now could he? He swiftly stood up, hurried over to it so it would take him to his love. Draco on the other hand was dragging his feet, stalling in any way possible.


Eva flew to the the dinner's door immediately when her eyes met Koava's. She had had them glued to the door for the past five minutes since their arrival. The two hugged and kissed, well Eva did all the kissing, like two long lost lovers instead of complete strangers who had met three days prior. When she pulled back to catch her breath, she saw his glazed heated eyes dilate to an almost inhuman degree and felt pride to have done that to him. The probing hard steel rod against her tummy was evidence of just how aroused he was. She herself was a breath away from hyperventilating.

"Hello, honey bear." She panted out to his shy, "hi."

They continued to stare at each other for eternity-more like seconds- before she turned to face her sister, her bottom nestled below his hard cock.
"We will be right back," was her speedy remark before she dragged him out the door to darkened alley.

Koava had her backed up before they were even completely hidden from curious eyes. He just had to taste her again, drown in her delicious lips. His need for her engulfed him, taking all thoughts from him but only to bury his cock inside her.
Tongue, lips and teeth battled, each fighting to have a better taste of the other. His hands squeezed her butt, rising along with her shirt up to her breast where he squeezed and played with her nipples. His lips left hers, gliding down her neck to lick and nip at her.

Eva's legs were wrapped around his broad waist, humping his hard penis. She felt her wetness ooze all the way to her thighs and dirtying his untied pants. She small hands went in for the prize and came out with a thick long glistening shaft. Her fingers run down its length, to his tight scrotum. She squeezed them and then continued to play with her new found toy.

Koava thought he might burst into happy tears when he heard her loud, "now! Fuck me now!" His defly swept her panties aside, his probing finger went in her warm wet carnal and came out soaked. She was ready for him alright. He slowly inserted the head of his swollen dick, pausing each time he heard her catch her breath. When he was in to the hilt, he stopped moving waiting for her to get accustomed to him as well as hold on to the overwhelming sensations he felt for his first time inside her.

"I love you," he softly whispered before pounding her. Her rising 'yes, yes!' told him she was on board to what he was doing before he drowned them with his mouth. His thrusts picked up pace with the rise of his dragon inside him. It wanted a taste of their mate, to feel her blood in them as she came. He pistoned faster and faster in her, going deeper straight into her womb as they climbed up the peak. For a moment he was scared he would break her in half but his dragon pushed him on to continue ploughing her.

Eva saw stars and bright light as she climaxed, her whole frame shaking along with the sticky flood her vagina had turned into. She was sure she had died and this was heaven with how bright the lights were. Like fireworks blowing right on her eyelids. She heard his animalistic groan as he came before she felt his long teeth tear through the flesh on her neck. The feeling morphed from pleasure to pain and an instinctual loud pained scream escaped her lips.

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