Part 1

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🌺Hayley's p.o.v🌺

"Hayley wake up. You have one week off for Easter break and your not going to be sleeping the whole time. My mom shakes me.

I groan and turn away.

"Come on I made breakfast for me you and your dad." My mom shakes me some more.

"Yeah yeah I know I'm getting up." I mumble into my pillows. Then I feel a pain on my butt, my mother slapped me.

"Hey watch it." I quietly yelled as she left my room. I heard a small chuckle from her.

I roll out of bed and walk to my mirror, my chocolate colored hair fell out of the bun I put it in last night, so now it looks like a turkeys tail feathers.

I brush it and put it a ponytail, I then walk to the bathroom and clean my face.

My eyes look at myself in the mirror, for being unhealthy this summer I was still in good shape, sure I had some chub but my face looked fine. Especially my eyes, the vibrant jade-green made me stand out from most people. But that ran in my family, jade green eyes and a small birth mark on your right shoulder.

The only weird thing though is that I don't have the birth mark, only the jade green eyes.

I walk out to the kitchen, my mom and dad are sitting at the dinning table, I walk over.

"Your mother cooked us some eggs, pancakes, and bacon." My Dad says as he shoves food in his mouth.

"Thanks mom, but I have to go work out with Cindy. We made this promise that I would keep in shape, even though I've haven't done anything all summer" I joked.

My mom looks at me with a smile. "At least your doing something" She kissed my cheek.

"Thanks mom , love you guys." I steal a piece of bacon and run out to the road. I realize now that I don't have athletic clothes on. Crap.

I run back inside and change.  Then I start to jog to Cindy's house.

At Cindy's house------

Cindy is my best friend from our town of Greenland, a small town in the mountains of New York. It was a simple town with some secrets. Well a lot of secrets

I walk up to her door. I'm all sweaty but we are going to work out anyway so.

"Hey Hayley." Cindy walks out of her house.

"Ready to pump it up." Cindy flexes her arms, I can't help the giggle that leaves me mouth

"Sure, but after this I'm expecting a back massage." We leave her house and go to our towns gym

"So what do you want to do first?" Cindy says as we walk in.

I look around, some boys were fighting each other on some mats. To be honest he was really cute. "We can start at the weights, do some rounds."

"Ok let's get started."

It's been a couple hours sense we started. We've lifted weights, ran on the treadmill, and now we are boxing each other.

"Come at me bro." Cindy jokes. I kick her leg out from under her, but she then grabbed me and pulled me down to the ground.

"Ok my turn." Cindy and I get up. Cindy punches me in the stomach. Then brings her leg and gets me in my side.

I went down with "umph"

Thank goodness she is wearing boxing gloves, her feet hurt though.

I get up, and kick her in the leg, then upper cut her in her jaw. She falls.

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