Part 6

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🌺Hayley's p.o.v🌺

"Hayley......... are you ok Hayley."A boy was holding me in his hand. I start to wake up.

"What happened." I say rubbing my eyes. I look up and see someone I didn't recognize.

"Who are you. Where is my dad?" I say trying to get up. I didn't I was one the ground, his hands on my arms. I felt a slight tingle through his arms into mine.

"Relax Hayley.......I'm Jackson. Your dad is heading to the hospital right now. I need to get you to safety."

Jackson picks me up and starts to walk. I must of hit my head hard because I blacked out again.

I wake up snuggled into Jacksons neck. I start to fall back to sleep when I realized I was snuggling with a guy I barely know.

I tried to get up so I didn't wake him. Once I got up I looked around trying to figure out were I was. He must of took me to his house.

"How are you feeling." I deep voice says behind me. I spun around to see Jackson standing with a stiff face.

"I need to get home and get ready for tonight's party." Jackson turned his head in awe.

"Well then I will drive you home."he grins.

"No actually I have my own car thank you very much." I said sarcastically

I start to walk out of his house when my wolf started to whine. I stopped confused.

"What is wrong with me." I whispered.

"What was that Hayley." Jackson leaned besides me. I gave him a glare.

I walk out of the house to across the street where my car was. Something about him, I couldn't put my finger on it but he seemed familiar.

•••••••Right before the party••••••

I look at my mirror. The white dress Cindy gave me looks great. My mom walks in.

"Where were you. I don't ask much of you, but today. Your father is in the hospital do you know that."she stared at me. The memories started to flow back to me, I look at the ground.

"Mom I was there." A silence fell between us.

"I'm sorry honey, I've just been stressed. Your father is in critical condition. We aren't allow to see him, do you have plans tonight." I saw her eyeing my dress.

"Yes, it's a party but I don't have to go." She frowns, her eyes are puffy. She must feel horrible.

"No, go, get your mind off of this whole mess. By the way, you look cute." She gave me a faint smile. I wasn't so sure about the party.

"Thanks mom" I kiss her cheek, her pain is pouring out of her pours. I couldn't imagine having my mate almost die.

I drove for about 23 minutes until I pulled into a path through the forest. It was dark out probably around 11:30 pm. I keep driving, I look outside my window and see wolves running around. I stop at I lighted out door patio in front of someone's house. I know that Lori is hosting the party but I don't think this is her house.

There is about 100-120 people here, some from nearby schools. I tried to look around for people I new. The only one I saw was Jackson.

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