Part 2

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One week later

🌺Hayley's p.o.v🌺

Now that I know I'm a werewolf, I have to train and learn about the pack.

I still was thinking about Zander, I used to have a lot of feelings for him, we are not friends, but we aren't enemies, we are strangers with memories.

(Yes, I put in a rhyme *dabbing* sorry for the cringe)

I've also talked about mates with Cindy.I don't know much about mates but I do know you will definitely know when you meet them.

I feel better, like I'm not a total loner anymore. Anyways me and Cindy have bonded more, I mean we had a lot more in common then we new.

I've been in my room for about 40 minutes staring out my window. I want that wolf to come back.

He seemed, different then other wolfs that I meet during training. But even at training he wasn't there, well I couldn't smell him, only sweat and testosterone.

Anyways I'm trying to find clothes for school. I finally decided on a coral long sleeve shirt with black leggings. I put my hair in to two French braids.

I walk downstairs, my father is siting in are kitchen reading the paper.

"There's a pack party tonight, the Alpha has invited all of us." His dark blue eyes lighten.

"I will be there Dad. Love you." I walk to the door.

"Hey, Haley, I'm proud of you for training, my pup is all grown." I walk over and hug him.

"I will always be your little pup." I get up and walk out.

I pull into the school parking lot. Cindy is waiting for me by the doors. I walk over to her.

I feel a death glare into my neck, and turn around to see Lori.

"Look it's white trāsh." She and her friends snicker.

Oh great not again.

"Takes one to know one." I say stiff, I straighten my back.

"Well look at you, think your a little miss tuff girl. Sorry hun but your just a little ugly bit*h." What is up with this girl, I didn't even do anything for her to be like this.

I roll my eyes,"And you think your any better, you just a rich spoiled slu-"

"That's enough girls, go to your classes immediately, and if u catch you guys using fowl language like that again I will give you detention." Mr.Slattery, our principle, yelled from behind me.

Lori smiles at Mr.Slattery. Then gives me a glare,I roll my eyes.

"Come on Cindy lets go." I walk into school.

Now walking through the crowded hallways I can smell a lot more, especially when some guy sprays way to much axe, then it hits me.

The intoxicating smell of roses, vanilla and cinnamon. I stop to look around.

Then I see hazel eyes look at me. Then they disappear into the crowd. Not wanting to be late for class I just ignored it.

After my morning I go to lunch, maybe this time Lori will keep her mouth shut, if that's possible.

I walk to my table, Cindy isn't there, wonder where she is.

After lunch I head to gym, which Lori is also with me. Yay.

"Today we are playing dodgeball." Mr.Whit goes on with his boring tone. I realized that I'm not in Lori's team so I can beat her äsś.

The game starts.

I get a ball and look for her, I set my aim, and I'm about to throw it when I see a ball coming at me from the Conner of my eye.

I try to doge but the ball is coming faster then I thought. As I'm waiting for the impact......I opened my eyes to see someone who caught it in front of me.

A boy with short blonde curly hair and dark blue eyes. I mean eyes so dark blue that they were like black. I focus again and chuck my ball at Lori.

Yes,direct hit, right in the face.

She falls to the ground.

"Miss La'Grave your out." Coach Whit yelled.

Lori gave me a evil look, I smiled back making her roll her eyes as she walked away.

"Not even a thank you." The boy who caught my ball said.

"I was getting there, I just needed to get her first." He stuck out his hands

"I'm Noah, I just moved here." I shake his hand.

"I'm Hayley, nice to met you." Coach whit started to yell.

I turned around to see it was only us in the court. "Blue team wins." The bell rings.

"Well thanks for catching that ball for me. I owe you." I joked

"Hey maybe we can hang out sometime." He smiled at me.

"Yeah that sounds like fun." His eyes come off me and look at something behind me.

"I have to go." He says quickly, the color drain from his face. He sped off.

I turn to see the boy with hazel eyes. He seemed angry.

"What were you doing with him." He asked irritated.

I thought he was going to be different.
"Excuse me, you don't even know me." His eyes looked hurt from what I said. Something told me to apologize, like we have been friends for forever.

He turned and walked away. I started to leave school.

At home-----------

"Mom how do you know when you find your mate." My mom stopped and looked at me with a grin.

"Well for me I didn't know what was going on. Being half human I want sure, but I'm sure you will know. For you, I don't know what it will be like. Sense you are a werewolf and human you probably have some werewolf senses and some human like me." I looked at my fidgeting hands.

"Do you think you found him." My mother asked.

"I have no idea." Thinking about the guy in the hall. I think someone said Jackson.

⚜️Jackson p.o.v⚜️

I love her. Hayley is my mate. What did I do, I stupidly went up to her and treated her with disrespect. Now my wolf is whimpering and I have enough anger to punch a hole in a wall.

I can't tell her that I'm her mate. Not yet. She just found out about being a werewolf.

This would be to much pressure.

I love her though. The day our wolves met. I knew she was the one. She is beautiful, her green eyes, the glow, they are so deep I could jump right in.

"You are really love sick for her." My sister Allison walks into the kitchen next to me.

"She is perfect. I can't even tell her how much I love her." She looks at me with a big toothy smile.

"You will be able too, I can't wait to meet her myself." Allison said with a grin. I get up and walk toward our window.

"Any word about the rouges." Allison asked.

"No, they are off the grid."


So that was that, what do you guys think??? I might not comment on all the chapters, I also will try my best to update frequently.

Love 100foreveralone001

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