1(part two)

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🌺Hayley p.o.v🌺

"Honey, this is going to sound crazy, but are town is full of werewolves." He said with a straight face.

I bursted out laughing, I mean you think I just heard the funniest joke in the world. All my dad does is keep a straight face. 

"Ok, good one." He stares at me.

"I'm not kidding around Hayley." I start to get nervous, maybe it was my family that was going insane, not me.

"Dad that isn't possible, I'm human your human." He stares at me more.

"Cindy can you please show her." Cindy goes behind a screen and takes her clothes off. A wolf came out.

The wolf is around 5 feet high. A grey with white eye patches. The one I saw yesterday.

My mouth opens but words can't come out. Cindy goes to the screen and is back to normal.

"My wolfs name is Ella." She walks towards me, her eyes go to blue to black.

"But.......how........this is to much." I say confused.

"Sweetie you are half wolf, you have a wolf to, Nola. You will need to transition into your wolf soon."my mother steps in.

I stare at my mom thinking that my whole family is crazy or if I was in shock.

"You were attack by a rouge wolf, one who leaves the pa-" I cut my mother off

"Can everyone just leave me alone for a minute."I say frustrated. I guess I yelled it because the doctor came in to make sure I was ok.

I sat in my hospital room by myself. I lay down and close my eyes.

"It's not that bad." A voice says from across the room.

With my eyes still closed I start to speak. "I told you guys to get out."

"Sorry love but it's not your family." I hear a British accent kick in.

I shot up in bed, Zander was standing there. Zander is a friend from way back then.

"Why are you here, I thought you moved to Texas." I stared at him even more confused then before.

"Well surprise I'm a vampire. And now you know your a werewolf. Well half." He comes and sits by me.

"Can you explain this all to me. I really don't want to talk to my parents. How could they keep this from me." I looked at my hands.

"Well Hayley, I was werewolf, who got turned by a vampire. I got banned from the wolf village and then the rest was history." He says with a sarcastic smile.

"That's awful, why did you get banned."

"Us vampires don't get along with you werewolves. So I got kicked out because I betrayed our pack." He looks at me with a small smile.

"What other creatures are there."I asked curiously.

"Well there's vampire, werewolves, witches and other creatures." He stands up again.

"It was nice seeing you darling but I do have to leave. My group is waiting for me." He hugs me and walks out of my room like if nothing has ever happened.

Tired and hungry I curl up in my blankets and fall asleep.

The next day at Hayley's house-------

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