Part 18

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Hayley's p.o.v

"Omg Cindy you look amazing, oh Scarlet and Lisa, you guys look fabulous." We all look amazing, we definitely are slaying prom.

"Ok who is walking down first." Lisa raises her hand. "Ok the order is Lisa, Scarlet, Cindy, and then me. Once everyone is down the stairs. I start to walk down.

The boys are all wearing tuxedos, their bow ties matching their dates dress color.

Jackson is standing at the end. He sees me and his eyes go wide.

"You look gorgeous." He grabs my hands and twirls me around, making my dress puff up.

"You aren't that bad yourself." He grins, he pulls me into a big bear hug.

"Hey don't ruin the master piece." I giggle.

"Are you guys ready to go." They all nod.

We get to the school, the dance started five minutes ago. Me and the girls walk in together as the boys walk behind us.

"We are definitely going to be the show stoppers." Lisa winks at us.

"We will totally make Lori look bad." Scarlet pipes in.

"I want to see the look on her face when we walk in." I say as we walk in. Lisa was correct, everyone looked at us. Lori looks at us disgusted. She is wearing a short hot pink dress.

"Uh oh slut alert." Aubrie chimes in, we all laugh.

Jackson wraps his hands around my waist and kisses my neck.

"Mr. Smith, your lips are for talking and eating food." Mr. Whit smirks.

Jackson let's go of me and puts his hands in the air like he is surrendering. "Come on let's go dance." I grab his and and pull him to the dance floor. The DJ is playing Don't Let Me Down by Chainsmokers.

After that, they start to play Sour Patch Kids by Bryce Vine. (If you haven't heard of it, it's good)

We dance pretty much the whole night. We are dancing to the last song, Million Reasons by Lady Gaga.

"Thank you for an amazing night." I rest my head in his shoulder. His hands slide down a little, almost touching my butt.

"Thank you for being my mate." He whispers.

"It's all just so surreal, I just wish my dad was here to see me."

"Your dad would kill me if he knew you looked like this and my hands are where they are. Actually he would kill any boy looking at you." I giggle at his joke.

"Your going to make a great Luna, your going to be a great mom too, I mean not saying you are going to be anytime soon." I kiss him and rest my head on his shoulder again.

The song ends, the last senior dance is sadly done. Jackson gives me a ride home.

"Thank you again, would you like to come in for a bit." I asks as we get out of the car.

"As long it is alright with your mother." We walk up, my mother opens the door.

"Oh honey you look beautiful, and Jackson you look very handsome." She hugs us both.

"Is it ok if he spends the night." She looks at me with doubtful eyes.

"Ok fine, I love you, I have to go in late, they moved my shifts at the hospital.

"No sleeping in the same bed." She laughs.

She kisses me and walks by me to her car. Me and Jackson head inside to the living room.

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