Part 21

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I wake up on the beach, it must be around 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning because the sun is just rising.

I feel hands crawl up to my shoulders.

"Good morning." I hear Jackson's voice from behind me.

"Good morning." He kisses my cheek.

"Let's go for a walk." He grabs my arms and helps me up. It's still kind of dark out but we started down the beach.

"That dance was one of the best nights of my life." I remember the dress and the last song.

"Yeah, it was just a great dance." I reply.

"Actually every night is like that with you, my feelings for you will never go away. I want you to feel the same way, to know that I will always love you." He stops and looks at me.

He gets down on his knee," Dillon Grace Boldwen, it would make me the happiest man alive if you would marry me." I nod my head yes, holding my hand out for him to put on the ring.

"Yes, a millions of times yes." He gets up as we hug there, the sun coming up, etching soft shadows of our body's into the sand.

"I want the rest of my life to be with you, always and forever." I wrap my hands around him.

"Always and forever." He whispers back.

I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket, I answer.


"Honey, you need to come home now." It was my mom, I couldn't tell if she was excited or worried.

"Mom what happened, what's wrong." She asked a minute to answer.

"Your dad, he woke up." I look at Jackson wide eyed.

I hang up and smile," He's awake, my dad woke up." I bear hug Jackson.

"Lets leave, right now." Jackson looks at me, wildness laced in his eyes.

I smile and run back to the house, him following me.

We tell everyone what happens as soon as we packed our stuff up. We are are now 10 minutes from home, I mostly slept in the car.

"What are you going to say to him?" Jackson asks as we turn a corner.

"I don't know, I haven't really thought about it." We pull into the hospital. I quickly get out and run inside, i stop o catch my breathe and start running to my dads room. I walk in, the smile on my face big.

I was meet with doctors and my mom, sobbing. I stopped smiling and look at her confused.

"Mom what's happening?" I ask as the doctors yelled clear.

"He had another seizure, it caused him to go into cardiac arrest." She sobbed and hugged me.

"But we just got him back," I start to cry as they yell clear again.

"Momma I don't want him to leave." I cried into her shoulder as she rocks me.

"Time of death, 10:26 pm." I cry as the doctors leave one by one. All I wanted to do was cry, by after, I was going to have Zander's head for this. If he would of let go of me, this wouldn't of happened.

Jackson, be ready to leave tonight, we're going on a trip, I mind link to him as I stand up.

"Let's get you home Mom, I will take care of this." I help her up and hug her. I couldn't imagine what she was going through, losing a mate. That would hurt, the mate bond would be broken.

We walk out to my car and drive home,
Jackson must of ran to the pack house.

I pull into our driveway, my mother hasn't stopped crying, I go to her side and help her out of the car. Then I bring her to her room and let her lay down.

I walk to my room and call Cindy.

"What happened?" She asked seriously as if she knew something bad happened. Then I remember the bond we have.

"He....he's gone." I grit through my teeth, trying not to sound like I've been trying for hours.

"Oh god Hayley, I'm so sorry." She quickly tried to comfort me. I smile at her attempt and think of something to say.

"I just feel like I'm sitting back and watching my life fall apart, almost as if I was on the moon watching the earth explode."

"Hayley, it will get better, I promise you." I take a quick breathe.

"Zander's going to die today, that's one thing that I can control." I hang up before she can say anything.

I walk quietly to my moms room, she's crying in her bed, gripping my dad's favorite shirt. He wore it almost everywhere, he wore it on there first date.

I felt the pang of grief hit my body, I walk downstairs and to my car.

I call Zander


"Meet me at our spot"

"I knew you would come around " I shutter, he thinks I'm meeting him because I "love" him.

"See you there"

"Bye love"

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