Part 15

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Scarlett's p.o.v

I wake up in my bed, I role around, the light from the window blinding me. Uh I forgot to close the blinds.

My room scheme is black with white accents. I get up and change into a green romper with my black retro hat and my black choker. I grab my nude wedges and walk out to the kitchen.

"Good Morning sunshine." Asher sarcastically says as he grabs the orange juice from the fridge. Asher bows about my past, he respects me. To be honest he's my best friend.

"Well aren't you just a little old ray of blackness." I playfully punch his arm.

"So any luck with your mate." He ask taking a sip from the carton. "Nope you." I ask.

"Nope, hey look we have something in common." He jokes. I mock his laugh.

"Well I'm going for a run, ruby is getting restless." I walk out in to the woods, far enough from the house so open can see me.

I take of my clothes and neatly fold and put them on the ground.

"Ok Ruby your time to shine." I shift quickly into my 5.7 foot wolf. Ruby takes over my body and starts running on the path. My wolf howled with joy.

Then I smell it, pine and peaches. Yeah I know weird combinations, but pine and peaches are my favorite smells.

I follow it, running off the path. I reach the edge of the woods, the school stands 100 yards from me.

I run back quickly and shift back to human form. I put on my clothes and run to my car. Off to school I go. Yeah I know I graduated, but this is my mate.

I drive to school fast and I get there before the bell rings, wait didn't Hayley say something about my mate. That is really suspicious.

I walk to the office, " Oh Scarlet, it's nice to see you again. How is the no school life?" Miss Martin ask kindly.

"Thank you, everything is going great. Is it alright I pull Hayley Boldwen out of class. You know, pack business." I whisper the last part just in case.

"Yes of course, I will get her here right away." She picks up the phone and calls Hayley's class. A few minutes later she walks in.

"Hey scarlet is everything ok?" She looks at me concerned.

"Yes, I want to know who my mate is. Please" She looks at me with confusion. But I can see the little smile trying to creep on her face.

Noah's p.o.v

Mr.John bores on about English. I start to feel dizzy. Scarlet's here, like here here looking for me. How could she get my scent. Breathe Noah, I need to get out of here, I need to get some of that masking spray again.

"Mr.John I don't feel so good can I go to the nurse." He nods yes and I walk out. Hayley is in the hallway, she looks at me with wide eyes. I put my finger to my mouth, trying to tell her to not say anything. She nods as the office door starts to open. I run quietly to the nearest hallway.

That was close, I run to the nearest exit. If she could smell me out of school, then she can definitely smell me now. I get outside and start to my car, then she walks out and sniffs.

"Oh shit" I accidentally whispered. Her eyes look up at mine. I start sprinting to the woods. Scarlet is hot on my trail, I keep sprinting until I get to the pack house. Fuck, I know the pack house because of a vision. Some guy is on the porch staring at me in confusion. Then he sees Scarlet chasing after me, so now there is two werewolves after me.

The guys is a lot faster than Scarlet and catches up to me, we both tumble to the ground.

"Ow." I madly yell, it didn't hurt that bad, I'm just pissed.

"Asher." Scarlet yelled mad. "Don't hurt him, he is my mate." What did I do.

He looks at me confused as I hold my bloody head.

"Scarlet, why was he running from you." He starts to laugh.

"I don't know, why did you run?" I look her in the eyes.

"I wanted it to be special when we first met. You see, I have visions, I know you from visions I've had." She smiled at me.

"That's so sweet of you, here let me take a look at your head." She walks towards me and moves my hand.

"Asher, how hard did you tackle him, your going to need stitches, I'm so sorry." I feel guilty, she didn't do this. Technically I did it to myself.

"It's ok, I will live. Just a few scratches on my pretty face." I chuckle, scarlets kisses my cheek. I sat there shocked. Not even 20 minutes and we have already kissed.

"Uh get a room you love birds." Asher protested.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Noah Wells, I just moved here from England. That's pretty much it." She smiles at me, I can't help but smile back. She is truly beautiful, I am happy that finally found me. Even though it wasn't the way I planned.

"Come on I will take you to the pack hospital." She pulls me up and walks me to the pack hospital.

Hayley's p.o.v

I walk out school, Jackson is leaning against my car.

"Hey baby, how was school?" His voice makes me melt like chocolate sitting in the sun.

"Good, how is my baby." I quietly, sexy growl leaves his throat. "I'm doing good now that I have seen you." I kiss his neck, he growls again.

"I want to get a tattoo." Jackson starts to laugh at me, making me a little annoyed.

"You, get a tattoo haha funny." He chuckles.

"For real, you have some and I want a couple. Can you please take me." He looks at me and kisses me.

"Fine but if you whine like a baby I'm going to say I told you so." I peck his lips and hop in my car, Jackson gets in the passenger seat.

We arrive at the tattoo parlor,"What are you going to get?" He ask as we get out.

"I'm going to get two, I want a black feather on my right hip and a mandala on my left shoulder." He looks at me with black eyes.

"I like that, I definitely like that." I smile at him," Let's go, I can't wait."

2 hours later

"It only hurt a little bit." Jackson starts laughing again.

"Is that why you kept cursing when ever he put the needle to your skin." I giggle a little bit.

"Ok maybe more than a little." He kisses me again. We stand there for a long time kissing.

"Ok I need to get home." He groans,"Why, we should go to my house, my room." He smirks.

"I should really get home." I like that I can make him so crazy for me.

"Then we can go to your room, it doesn't matter to me." He starts kissing me again.

"Baby, I love you, but I want to wait. I want it to be special." Jackson kisses me again.

"I know Hayley, I can't help it. But I will wait with you." We get back into the car and drive to my house.

"Hey I didn't say no to a make out session." He his face lights up.


I updated!!! Sorry it's been awhile, I've been so busy so I haven't had time to write. But it's here!

So what do you think of Hayley's tattoos?

Xoxo 100foreveralone001

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