Straight (12)

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She's probably straight. She's straight.

These words are replaying
Over and over in my head
Like my favorite song on repeat.
I tell myself this as she giggles,
I tell myself this as she's next to me,
I tell myself this as she smiles.
Denial eating me up inside,
My thoughts unable to connect to my words.
My wires cut and broken,
Causing me to be unable to function.

I help her with her work,
But it's hard to focus when you feel on edge,
Like every movement adds to an equation,
The solution being the me she will remember.
I wish I could be in a photograph,
So you only see one moment captured.
You can't tell the backstory,
Just their emotion in one second,
Whatever the camera chooses is what it is.
Then maybe I couldn't mess things up.

Time marches on,
We say goodbye.
Her warmth settled on me,
Her eyes embedded into my mind.
She smells like nature,
The trees, the grass, the flowers.
I smell like last night's old leftover pizza.
She is grace and beauty,
I'm clumsy and messy.
Differences race in my mind,
Reasons a "we" could never happen,
As she walks away from my house.
I could barely overcome the urge
To just fling myself at her.
I decide to quietly stand there.
I watch her walk off,
And I find myself staring at her,
I walk inside sulking,
Mentally scolding myself for being a fool.

She's probably straight. She's straight.

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