Chapter 17

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"How long is this flight, anyways?" I asked Harry as I got situated. I put both of our armrests up so we could lay down on our sides and cuddle and it would be comfortable.

"Like seven or eight hours." Harry said, putting one of his headphones in my ear and started playing some soft music. His arm was around me and holding me up so I didn't fall. His hands started to slowly move towards the top of my leggings, but I slapped it away.

"Not right now," I whispered. "At least wait a little bit, you horny prick." I said, louder than intended. Harry laughed and my senses warmed to the lovely sound.

"You want me." He whispered slowly into my ear and suddenly, I did want him. Very much. There's no way we could fuck on a plane quietly, although we managed to do it in a bar bathroom. The idea was making me warm and I didn't stop Harry as his hands slipped into my pants.

His finger slowly circled around my sensitive spot and he shushed me quietly. "You can't be loud, baby," He purred as his free hand made it's way up my shirt and cupped my bra. He slipped a long finger into me and I squeezed his shirt like I would the sheets if I were at home. He added another finger and was slowly pumping in and out of me, leaving me breathless. We were both breathing fast and he was squeezing my bra to keep himself down.

"Fuck," I whispered as my legs started to shake involuntarily. Harry's thumb swirled around my clit as his fingers were pumping into me and the feeling in the pit of my stomach was growing stronger with each passing minute.

"I'm gonna -" I was trying to whisper.

"I know." Harry interrupted me as I released onto his fingers. I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding as Harry brought his fingers to his mouth.

"Fruity." He smirked and I smacked him, turning around so we were facing each other. I put the headphone back in my ear and nuzzled my head into his chest.

"I keep feeling like I forgot something." I mumbled and Harry's hand ran down my back.

"Don't worry, you're basically my sisters size so whatever you forgot she'll have." Harry said, gently pushing his hips forward and pressing them against mine.

"I'm scared." I admitted nervously. "What if they hate me and slaughter me because I'm going to ruin your life?"

Harry chuckled, his chest vibrating. "They won't do that. They'll love you, I know it for sure."

"Um, excuse me?" A voice said before I could answer. Harry and I both looked to the aisle way to see a girl about fifteen holding a camera. "Uh, do you mind if I take your picture? Just go back to whatever you were just doing? I'm a photography student and my mission this trip was to find a picture that tells a story."

"What's our story?" Harry asked nicely and was being very friendly.

"If you let me take the picture I'll tell you." She smiled.

Harry shrugged and we lied back down, just to how we were before. A cheap airplane blanket draped over us, we both look pretty tired, our chests were pressed together. I was looking into his deep green eyes and he was finding life in my poop brown eyes. If I had a list of things I could never tell anybody, it's that sometimes I stand in the mirror and say his name over and over again, just to watch my eyes light up. I felt a few flashes and then she told us we were done.

The girl sat down and Harry and I sat upright in our seats. "I'm Jezzibel. I know I look younger, but I'm a freshman at NYU. Over break we were supposed to find a picture that told a story, like I said. I figured I'd see a lot in London, but I had been watching you two since we got on the plane, really. No creepiness intended." We all smiled. "The way you act towards each other is something quite obvious to me. You obviously need each other." Harry squeezed my hand, smiling. The corners of Jezzibel's mouth turned into a smile. "Just how hurt one of you must have been and how much you need each other is the most beautiful story I've ever seen."

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