Chapter 20

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merry New Year's Eve :-)



The next morning, it was already the 18th. Harry gave me the run down of what Gemma knew because being me, I fell asleep after she said she knew. We didn't really even do much the whole time I was at Harry's, but it was the best time of my whole life. I felt wanted in every way possible.

On the night of the 23rd, Harry Gemma and I were sitting on Gemma's bed, deciding how to tell Anne and Robin. Gemma suggested just straight up saying I was pregnant, but that was too straightforward. Harry suggested to add some inappropriate humor in and start playing "Glad You Came" By The Wanted. Gemma and I both smacked him.

We put our ideas together and decided that tomorrow when we are out for dinner, Harry will start by saying that we have something to say. Gemma will smile really big, hinting that she knows what's going on. And when Anne or Robin ask what's going on, Harry and I will say that I'm pregnant. And who knows what happens from there.

Gemma was so supportive that it actually made my heart ache. I could tell she and Harry didn't get along when they were younger, but they sure do now. She had asked me about my family and I hesitated but told her. Not in full detail, just that my dad and I never got along and he passed before Harry and I were together. It turns out she's a photography student, too, just like the girl on the plane.

She didn't have a school project, but she still took mine and Harry's picture whenever she thought we were cute. She says it's a photographer thing, but I think she has something else in mind. My favorite picture in the whole world is of Harry and I lying in bed, facing each other and touching the other's hip tattoos.

The night before Christmas Eve, Harry and I were lying in bed. It was getting hard for me to sleep on my side, so I would lay on my back and Harry would rest his head on me. His face was tucked into my neck and he would kiss me at random times when we were falling asleep.

"I'm scared as fuck." I sighed.

"Don't say that, there's a baby in the room." Harry grumbled, smiling. "But it'll go over fine. I promise. I triple promise, even."

I smiled. "Good night, Harry. I love you." He picked his head out of my neck and kissed me, smiling.

"Love you too, gorgeous."

We both weren't sleeping and we both knew it. His hands were always moving from my belly to my shoulder to my chest and all other places. He started to tickle my armpit and I slapped him. "Sorry love."

"You sound so English." I smiled as he pulled his head out of my neck again, this time lying on his back next to me. His fingers interlocked with mine under the sheets and squeezed.

"I am English." He said sarcastically. I punched his shoulder and he smiled. "You know, I went to America with no plans of falling in love. I just wanted to have fun and get to do things I didn't do here. And then you smiled and fuck, I ruined it. I needed you that day in that old bar. I needed to find a way to be alone with you, to just get to know you. When I saw your arm, a whole piece of my heart fell off. Seeing your scars and knowing I wasn't there when I should have been broke me." I squeezed his hand and turned to him, a tear slipping out of my eye. These are the words I need to hear.

"In the bar, I saw that you were perfect so I fell for you. And in the car, I saw that you weren't perfect so I loved you."

"Really?" I turned to him and he was already looking at me.

"Oh yes. In the bar I thought, 'Wow, she would be fun to fuck.' and then in the car I pictured myself laying in bed with you just like this and there was no turning back." He was smiling.

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