Chapter 16

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double update merry fucking Christmas



Saturday afternoon I went home so I could pack. I took Harry's advice and packed a big suitcase, and then had a smaller one for a carry on. I texted Stacy and told her to come meet me in my dorm. I told Anna about everything that has happened and it felt really nice to have someone to just listen. Stacy never listens. She just does.

When Stace got to my room I had just finished packing. She stared at my suitcase and then stared at me, clearly confused.

"What the hell?" She sat on my bed.

"So, I sort of have a lot to tell you." She didn't talk. "Harry and I have been dating basically since we met. It's been a few months now... and I'm, um," How the hell do I say this? "I'm pretty pregnant." And her jaw dropped. "But I love him, I really do. You think it's crazy, I know. Just let me explain." She was nodding, comprehending.

"I don't really go out anymore because I don't need to drink or smoke to be on a high. He gives me the high. He makes me feel things - he makes me want to feel alive. I've spent almost every waking moment with him - even sleeping moments. And my God, I feel happy. I smile. Ask Anna. I'm a different person." We both looked to Anna, who was nodding.

"And, all these bags are probably making you wonder what's going on." She nodded slowly. "I'm going to England with Harry for Christmas to meet his family."

"Wow." I knew she was shocked, I would be too. "How far along?"

"Seven weeks."

"I just think it's a bad move, Livi." She was going to yell.

Anna came and sat by me. "I know you don't like me for whatever reason," She began and I raised my eyebrows at her. "But if you're about to criticize Olivia because she's in love, go fuck yourself." My jaw dropped at her words. "I've really gotten to know Liv and I know that she is a great, strong person and she will do amazing with this baby."

Stacy stood up and left. That didn't go as planned. At all. I watched her leave my life. Just like that. I felt my eyes welling with tears and I tried to blink them away, but I couldn't. They wouldn't stop coming out of my eyes. Anna's arms wrapped around my body and she hugged me tightly. And I didn't stop crying.

Anna picked my phone up and called someone, Harry I assume. She was running her hands through my hair and talking to him. "Can you get over here?" She was saying. "She's crying, she won't stop," I need him here. "Thank you." And then she threw my phone.

I felt so small, like everything is out there and it is moving but I'm not. My best friend doesn't need me.

I cried for God knows how long. I cried for Stacy, I cried for my mom, I cried for Harry, I cried for my baby, I cried for my future. When Harry came into the room he tore me out of Anna's arms and held me. I don't remember what happened next. I remember Anna leaving and Harry laying me across my bed and holding me as tightly as he could. I didn't stop crying.

I don't know how long it took until my body stopped producing tears. Harry's kisses to my forehead and hair were like drugs. I remember feeling tired, like the tears had left my body completely empty. And then I think I was sleeping.


I held Liv in my arms for at least an hour until she stopped crying and eventually fell asleep. I was so grateful Anna called me, I don't think she would have stopped crying if I weren't here. I don't even know why she was crying.

We're leaving tomorrow afternoon, that's insane. I was worried she wouldn't want to go or something. I really can't wait for her to meet my mum and sister and stepdad, they're going to love her. I know what my mums exact reaction to the baby will be. She's going to cry and hug us, and tell us she knows we can do it and would love to help. She's going to talk to Liv alone and Liv will say something about not really having a supportive family and my mum will take care of her.

Anna walked in the door and smiled at the sleeping girl on my chest. "She tell you what happened?" She asked.

"No, she just cried." I sai quietly.

"Stacy came in here and Liv told her everything. Stacy started to doubt Olivia and I stepped in and basically told her to go fuck herself, and she got up and left. Olivia kind of sat there comprehending what happened and then started crying." Anna explained.

"That's so cruel." I sighed. "I'm so glad a lot of the bitter people are out of Liv's life now." Livi moved her arm and wrapped it around my chest, sniffling. She's so cute.

"How did her mom take it?" Anna asked. I like her. She genuinely cares.

"Did the same thing as that Stacy bitch. Got up and left."

"How will your mom take it?" Anna sat at her desk and opened a textbook.

"My mum is good. She's quite lovely, actually. She'll be worried but she'll be proud." Liv's leg snaked around mine and she made a small noise from her throat. "She's about to start sleep talking."

Anna smiled as we both looked at Liv and she was making small noises. "Stop it...." She was so dreamlike.

"Stop what, baby?" I whispered.

She nuzzled her face into my chest. "I love you," Sh was whispering, almost to be quiet enough to not break me. Anna smiled and grabbed Liv's phone off of the floor. She took a picture of us lying here.

"I love you." I promised. The corners of her mouth twitched into a smile and she seemed so far away from here. Like in order to be in a deep sleep all she needed were those words.


The next morning we were driving to the airport in no rush. Livi looked so cute in those leggings I love so much and a simple sweater. Her hair was bunched on top of her head and she was wearing he glasses but she looked so huggable.

Going through security and customs was probably the funniest thing in my whole life. An Indian man asked what we were visiting the UK for and Olivia says "to pursue my dreams of becoming a stripper." I laughed behind her and told them the real reason, and surprisingly enough they let us through. We got through the gates and to our terminal an hour early so I bought Liv her Starbucks and myself a bottle of water.

They called for first class to board so I stood up and Liv gave me the eye. "You got us first class seats?"

"Come on babe." I took her hand and pulled her up.

"I hate you." She said as we walked to our seats. White, leather and secluded into a corner.

"There are multiple things I could do to you when we're this private." I said, putting our bags in the overhead compartments.

She smacked me when I sat down. This will be a long flight.

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