0. Prologue

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"Push! Push!" Said the midwife as a baby came out. The midwife took the baby and exclaimed: "It's a girl!"

Poppy Beifong cried out.

"There's a other one?" The midwife asked, her eyes wide.
A few minutes later a second girl was born. Soon, the toddlers were taken to another room to be cleaned up and checked to make sure that they were healthy. To everyone's surprise, it was discovered that the first girl was blind and the second one was deaf. The parents were sad to hear so, but that didn't stop them from giving all their love to the newborns. They named the blind girl Toph, and the deaf girl Anna.
The two girls would have to work together to make it though life, that's for sure.


So there you go the prologue stay tuned to find out more! Make to sure you Add, Comment, And Vote! :)

Note: this is my first story so please don't judge.

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