14. Anna's Lesson

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This chapter was edited by alllura
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you gringos! (If you know what it means, then you googled it or are from America Latina!), and if you aren't from the US like me then... uh... Happy Ordinary Thursday! - Mia (@alllura)

Now that Toph had a chance to teach Aang a thing or two about earthbending, it was my turn to train him.

Me and Aang were over at the area were Toph gave him his first lesson, hoping he could get in the mood as the previous lessons.

"Okay!" I exclaimed cheerfully. "What I'm about to teach you, is a move only Toph knows about, so you have to promise to keep as a secret. At least for now."

Aang's gleeful smile quickly morphed into curious grin. "How come?"

"I'm waiting for the right time to reveal it, I can't risk that an enemy gets their hands on this moves." I explained. "Do you promise to keep it a secret?" I asked

"Yes I promise!" He nodded.

Just as he said so, I smiled and took my stance. This stance, however, wasn't an earthbending stance, but a waterbender's. I moved my hands swiftly as the rock beneath me raised like a water whip would.

When I was done, I looked over to Aang, who looked starstruck. "H-How did you do that?"

I smiled "It took a while to get right, because I'm not a waterbender nor have known any--"

"Then how could you master this style of bending?" He asked.

"I found a burnt scroll at the ring, where me and Toph fought as the Deaf Warrior and the Blind Bandit. I began to train very hard, so I could surprise my enemies."

"This style look familiar, now I remember why! You used it at the ring, to defeat your opponent." He remembered, as I nodded, impressed by his memory.

"I thought it might be easier for you, since you already know an acceptable amount of waterbending. As you may have noticed, it's like mixing the two bendings together."

"Okay, I get it!" Aang said, grinning.


I taught Aang the basic of my substyle bending form, and honestly, he looked like he was getting the hang of it! He mastered it quite easily, for an airbender.

As we finished our training, we started walking back.

"You have progressed a lot, Aang! I'm very proud of you." I gave him a small smile.

"It's because of my amazing teacher." He said happily.

We kept walking in silence until we were nearly at camp.
I stopped. "Thank you." I whispered. "For keeping a secret."

Aang just shrugged with the same smile. "That's what friends are for"


Happy Thanksgiving everyone (that is if you live in the USA)!! So here's a bonus chapter for you all! Please comment what you are thankful for this year. I am thankful for my friends, my family, the family that drove 8 hours to spend Thanksgiving with us, all the food i'm going to eat today, and all you wonderful readers!

Please add, vote, and comment! Happy Turkey day everyone!


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