25. Ba Sing Se

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My friends and I were awaiting our arrival at Ba Sing Se, we were in a monorail which was being pushed by two earthbenders. Katara looks out the window and notices the Inner Wall of the Earth Kingdom capital drawing closer. "Look, the Inner Wall!" She says excitedly "I can't believe we finally made it to Ba Sing Se in one piece."

"Hey, don't jinx it! We can still be attacked by some giant exploding Fire Nation spoon. Or find out the city's been submerged in an ocean full of killer shrimp!" Sokka said slightly skeptically.

"You been hitting the cactus juice again?" Slightly annoyed, yet still jokingly.

"I'm just sayin', weird stuff happens to us." He replied. A man, sucking a corn plant in his mouth takes a seat between Toph and Sokka, startling them. Aang and I looking out the windows, the former closing his eyes sadly. I give him a sympathetic smile. "Don't worry Aang, we'll find Appa."

Aang was doubtful "it's such a big city."

Sokka on the other hand was optimistic "he's a giant bison! Where could someone possibly hide him?" The monorail then entered the Inner Wall. Sokka, Katara, Aang, and I all look at the giant city through the windows. "Oh..." Sokka then says seeing the city's size.

Toph and I each let out a long sigh "back in the city. Great." Toph says.

"What's the problem? It's amazing!" Sokka asked smiling wide.

"It's just a bunch of walls and rules." I explain "you wait, you'll get sick of it in a couple of days."

"I'm comin' for ya, buddy." Aang says softly I walk over to him and place and a hand on his shoulder. More confident he says "he's here; I can feel it."


I can sense someone approaching was the other side of the track with my earth bending, turning I see there is a woman with long dark hair that blows in the wind. She approaches us with a strange smile on her face. "Hello," She says "my name is Joo Dee! I have been given the great honor of showing the Avatar around Ba Sing Se." She turns to look at Sokka, Katara, and my sister and I. "And you must be Sokka, Katara, Toph, and Anna! Welcome to our wonderful city. Shall we get started?"

"Yes." Sokka says "we have information about the Fire Nation army that we need to deliver to the Earth King, immediately."

"Great!" Joo Dee was still smiling "let's begin our tour. And then I'll show you to your new home here. I think you'll like it!"

Sokka was annoyed now "ugh!" He walks up to the woman "maybe you missed what I said. We need to talk to the king about the War, it's important."

"You're in Ba Sing Se now. Everyone is safe here." We were all confused regarding Joo Dee's strange statement but go to the carriage to start our tour nonetheless.


By the time we reach the Middle Ring part of our tour Sokka was more frustrated, Aang and I were bored so we made small talk in sign language. "Look," Joo Dee says "here's one of the oldest towns in the Middle Ring, Town Hall!" The carriage stops and Joo Dee exits. Sokka stares at her, annoyed.

"Is that woman deaf?" Sokka asked and I give him a glare which he either doesn't notice or is ignoring it." She only seems to hear every other word I say."

"It's called being handled. Get used to it." Toph says crossing her arms. We all stay quiet and soon Joo Dee comes back to finish our tour.


It isn't long before we reach the Upper Ring "The Upper Ring is home to our most important citizens. Your house is not too far from here!" We're told.

I can see that Aang is both bored and annoyed. "Can we see the king now?" He asks.

"Oh no, one doesn't just pop in on the Earth King!" Aang nods his head, sadly. And soon we drive up to a small house "here we are! Your new home." We all get out of the carriage and a messenger comes, gives Joo Dee a scroll before leavling. More good news!" She says reading the note. "Your request for an audience with the Earth King is being processed, and should be put through in about a month." We all look at her, "much more quickly than usual!"

"A month?" Sokka asked surpized, just like the rest of us.

Joo Dee was smiling widely. "Six to eight weeks, actually." She says before doing this strange thing where she closes her eyes and grins, she then leads us into the house "isn't it nice?" She asks "I think you'll really enjoy it here."

"I think we would enjoy it more if we weren't staying for so long." Sokka tells her "can't we see the Earth King any sooner?"

"The Earth King is very busy running the finest city in the world! But he will see you as soon as time permits."

Aang turns to look out the window determined. "If we're going to be here for a month, we should spend our time looking for Appa"

Joo Dee gives a bow "I'd like to escort you anywhere you'd like to go."

"We don't need a babysitter." I tell her annoyed, getting up and walking to the door however the woman steps out and blocks my path.

"Oh, I won't get in the way." She says as she does this "And to leave you alone would make me a bad host! Where shall we start?"


A/N: What? A new chapter so soon? What is happening to me?? Ha Ha hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

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