Chapter 12: Explain

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Nathan was gone when I got to my room. Max was chasing me back to my room. I slammed the door in his face and locked it. "You could at least told me about her" I screamed through the door. "Well..I didn't want you to get mad" Max said "To late..Max the reason I'm mad is that I just got into a car wreck and you don't even come check on me but instead your kissing a girl" I screamed. I heard him walk off. I was crying by now. Someone knocked on my door. "Hello" I asked sadly. "Hey babe.What's the matter?" Kaliegh asked.

"Max never told me about his girlfriend "Nina" did you know that he had one?" I asked.... "No" She lied "Kaliegh please can you stop lieing to me" I said running out of my room. "Kyra please" She said. I ran out to the front yard to see Tom and Max. I paused. Max was starring at me with tears in his eyes. He came over to me and hugged me. I hugged him back "Max why do you think it was good to lie to me and didn't even come check on your little sister who just got into a car crash?" I asked "Kyra I knew you wouldn't like it" Max said "I would've been fine.I'm not fine because you lied" I said "Well i'm sorry" Max said sweetly "I love you bro" I said "I Love ya sis. No more secrets" Max said "No more secrets" I said argreeing.

I went back to my room and got my phone. "Kyra" A voice asked "Yeah?" I looked up to see Kaliegh "I'm sorry that I lied" Kalegh said "Its ok.My life is screwed up anyway" I said "No its not" Kaliegh said. "I gotta go jog" Kaliegh said "Don't die" I joked. She laughed as she walked out of the room.


I walked down the hall to Max's room. "Knock knock" I said. Max opened the door. "Hey mate I wanna ask you a question about Kyra" I said "Yea,What is it?" Max replied "I wanna know if I can date your sister" I asked "Um..Yeah sure but only on one condition" Max replied "Ok what"I asked "TAKE CARE OF HER" Max said "Oh I will. We are still living here..sooo" I teased "Arsehole" Max teased.


Nathan called Kaliegh,Tom,Me,and him into his room."We should go on a double date" Nathan said. "I'm fine with it" Tom said "Me too" Kaliegh and I both said. "Ok tomorrow night 7:00" Nathan said "Ok" everybody agreed. After the meeting my phone rang. I had a voicemail from Jonathan "Hey Kyra its Jonathan I was wondering if you could hang out with us tomorrow. Its Wednesday swim meet. Call me back If you can.Bye" Jonathan said I didn't want to say I had a double date.

Hey Jonathan I got my brothers concert to go to

talk to you later ~Kyra

"Kyra" Max said panicking.

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