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All I felt was pain, pain for the loss of my love, pain for all those who has turned their backs on me, and pain for the father who has disowned me.


I seek serenity and yet I cannot achieve it. All I want is peace, can anyone give me that? I ask for one thing only, why can't I get something as simple as that? I want to escape this pain that courses through my very being, I want to stop this tears that is flowing out of my eyes like an endless waterfall. Save me, save me from this pain.


There was no light, only darkness. I could not see a thing, everywhere I look, everything is the same. Pitch Black. No color or anything, just darkness. Consuming me and eating away my light and my hope. Somebody, please save me from this grief, save me from this cage that bound me in this nothingness.

What have I done to deserve this? What sin did I commit that I was wrongly accused of something I am not aware of? Can anybody tell me my sin? Is it because I am breathing? Is that my sin? Or is it something else?

I seek serenity yet I achieve pain and darkness. This is not what I had envisioned myself to be. What I seek, I cannot get. Why is that?

I was sentenced to die for a sin I did not commit. I do not fear death, and I don't have any objections, but instead of feeling anger, I can only feel sorrow for those people who once called their selves my family. How can such people believe that I will do such a dishonorable act? I have already lost everything, but still, they continue to rob me until I do not know what to give. What more could they take from me?

My name is Perseus Achilles Jackson and this is my story.

Fallen Protector [Percy Jackson Fanfiction] [In HAITUS]Where stories live. Discover now