Chapter 1: Regret

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"Perseus Achilles Jackson, for the sufficient evidences laid down before us. You are hereby sentence to death for treason and murder" Zeus, the King of the Olympians stated, his voice booming like thunder in the now silent throne room

I just closed my eyes, suppressing the tears that want to flow out. "My Lord—" I went to speak, but was silence by a kick in the gut "Silence, traitor" Ares, the God of War growled out

I bit my lip to stop the cry of pain from slipping out of my mouth. I crumpled on the floor while Ares continued on kicking me. The tears that I was holding in flowed out when I saw the people who once call their selves my family looking amused at what was currently happening to me.

What have I done to deserve this? Everything was so perfect. I was happy, my friends were with me, and we won the war. But then, everything that I've work so hard to build came crushing down in a single instant. All because of that man.

I looked up and saw through my blurry eyes, the way Poseidon looked at me. The way my Father looked at me. I choked a cry when he simply looked at me with cold eyes "Father, why aren't you killing him yet?" The cold voice of Thalia Grace asking her father why I wasn't dead yet, reached my ears and that made me cry even more.

"Yeah! Why isn't he dead yet?!" The voice of Leo Valdez, followed by the campers resounded the throne room until the room was in chaos. Some were throwing me things and some were cursing my existence. But, the most hurtful part was the way they blamed me for Annabeth's death.


Everyone has already turned their backs on me, and although my heart broke and yearn for them. I just know that it is impossible to bring them back from that man, for he already took them away from me... permanently. But as long as the love of my life is with me. I can bear and withhold the pain, as long as she is by my side, I can overcome any obstacles that faith may throw at me.

"SEAWEED BRAIN!!" The excited voice of my love reached my ears and I instantly stood up from where I was sitting. I turned around only to catch the small body of my girlfriend who was as enthusiastic to see me, as I am to see her.

"I've missed you" I murmured, nuzzling her blonde locks and tightening my hold against her small body. But although small, she is a great warrior and has led thousands of demigods to war with me, and I am proud to call her mine.

I felt Annabeth smile against my chest before she nuzzled it "Me too" she mumbled, also tightening her hold, as if I would disappear if she ever let go "I wish that we could see each other as frequently as I want" she muttered angrily

I sadly smiled down at her "You know that the others would not allow you to see me"

She pulled back and turned around. It was only an instant, but I think that I saw a few tears streaming down her face "I know that! But it's so unfair. You didn't even do anything wrong. How can they believe that... that man" she said, ending the sentence with disgust clear in her voice

I sighed sadly and turned her around, only to see angry tears streaming down her face. I reached up and wiped away the endless tears that is flowing out of her eyes. I cupped her cheeks and made her looked at me "You know as much as you know me, that I would also like to see you as frequently. To be able to be together with you in broad daylight. Not fearing that Athena might smite me down, and not fearing of the campers taking you away from me. Annabeth, you know of my current status. I am accused of being a traitor at the moment, and me disobeying their rules might push them to really take you away from me..... permanently. And I would not like that to happen, you know that right?"

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