Chapter 17: Decisions

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Chaos' hand was trembling at seeing her son thrashing in his chains. His eyes which was always full of warmth and love was brimming with insanity and anger

"Where are the others?!" She screamed, wanting to finish the ritual as soon as possible. She cannot take anymore of seeing her son in this state "What's taking them so damn long?! My son is in pain and they're still not here?!! What in the name of my father are they doing?!"

Kronos laid a hand on her shoulder; comforting her through the gesture "Grandma, calm down. They're rushing towards our location. They're also worried about Percy, you know"

A growl resounded in the room and they looked towards Perseus' direction and see him tugging harder on his chains.

"I'll kill you!!" He screamed, his red eyes narrowing down on Chaos "I'll fucking kill you, you fucking bitch!!"

Chaos choked out a sob, and turn to Kronos who was biting his lips and suppressing his tears "Can't they hurry more?!! I can't stand seeing him like this!!"

A dry chuckle came from Perseus and his limbs grew slack for a moment to look at Chaos with cold red eyes "You can't stand seeing me like this, mother?"

His voice was echoing on the silent room. His eyes were brimming with anger and betrayal

"I knew that I shouldn't have trusted you. You're like everyone else!! The moment you didn't see what you wanted to see, you locked me up in chains and talk bad about me like those fuckers back at earth!! All of you should just rot in the void!! I hate you, you hear that?!! I fucking hate all of you, motherfuckers!!" Perseus was trembling and he was back to tugging the chains that were connected to the void; his efforts doubled because of his anger

The chains of the void was indestructible. No one can escape those chains... not even Chaos or End. The chains of the void is used in order to restrain the royal family and the higher beings once they are driven into the brink of insanity or has done treason against the kingdom. The chains is also used by the royal family in order to purify those who are possessed by higher beings that are strong enough to not be restrained by all weapons except the chains of the void. The only thing that can make the chains free you is if that it senses that you are back to yourself or had gave up on fighting and has finally come to a decision to accept your punishment

The doors burst open and the Primordials along with the Giants and Titans came piling up in the room. All of them were wearing distraught and worried expression on their faces

Perseus stopped and stared at them before letting out a laugh. He stared straight into Chaos' eyes "What's this? Needed the whole family to take me down? Should have known that some woman can't take me down alone."

He sent a scowl to the the new arrivals who were gaping in shock at him "What the fuck are you staring at? Want me to fucking claw your eyes out of you?!"

"Dear?" Gaea called out with hesitancy, not used to seeing such a sweet and kind boy cussing them like there is no tomorrow

Perseus' lip curled in a sneer "I'm not your 'dear', bitch. I know why you're here. Stop acting like you fucking care for me, when in all honesty, you don't!! You just want to hurt me like the rest of them. I knew I should have fucking destroyed you when we fought, but I was still naive then. Don't worry though, once I get out of this fucking chains, I'll make sure you regret that you ever accepted into doing this"

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