Chapter 14: Reunion

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"He what?!!" Artemis hissed out, glaring at me with such intensity that I forced myself to not sweat

Apollo was stifling a laugh and was giving me a thumbs up, the bastard

I cleared my throat, willing myself to not tremble under the glare of a certain man-hating Goddess "Nephew, I appreciate and is very happy that you are contributing so much to this meeting. You make me proud. But, I hope that you don't mind me asking this, why in the name of the creator did you stationed me with the hunters? There are plenty of girls in my team and I am sure that Lady Artemis would be most delighted if you pick one of them to be the guardian of the hunt temporarily"

"That's right" Artemis followed "I don't understand why the boy needs to be our guardian when we can have a woman for that role"

"Artemis!" Zeus snapped, glaring at her daughter with disapproval "Watch your tone!"

Artemis huffed and crossed her arms "And why should I do that, Father?"

Zeus glanced at me with apologetic eyes and I waved a dismissive hand

"Little sis, why don't you give him a chance?" Apollo butted in "I mean, it's not like it will kill you to have him as a guard, right? Actually, him being your guardian guarantees the safety of the hunt. And I know for a fact that the hunt's safety is your foremost priority"

I gave him a grateful smile, thankful that he was on my side.

Artemis glared at her brother "For the millionth time, I am the older one— you best remember that. And no, why should I give a man a chance to molest my girls?"

O~oh, I am smelling a start of an argument which will lead to more problems

"Molest?!" Kronos indignantly exclaimed "Forgive me Lady Artemis, but how dare you think so lowly of my uncle!!"

Artemis turned her icy glare from her brother to Kronos "I am only speaking the truth. Men are the same, they'll take advantage when you least expect it. Men are pigs who abuse women because they think we are lower than them. Him being a royal does not change the fact that he is a disgusting volatile creature that might attack my girls!! In fact, him being a royal just proves that he is a pig that needs to be mutilated. He must be using girls for his pleasure every night. Chaos should teach him how to be an obedient pig—more to say, she should teach him how to be less disgusting and more tolerable."

Oh wow, now I felt offended

Not only was I made the example of royals taking advantage of their position, I was also called disgusting two times. Also being called a pig several times doesn't sound nice to me.

Though I know that the word pig in her vocabulary varies to many meanings, I can't help being upset with the fact that one of the meanings of a pig is having an inflated belly.

I hit the gym regularly, woman. How dare you!

Zoe was staring at her Lady with disappointment

The rest of the Elites were bristling with anger. They were glaring holes into Artemis' head, permanent scowls etched on their faces

"I swear; no one here knows no boundaries when it comes to disrespecting people" Ethan muttered angrily

Luke who was grinning a while ago was clenching his fists and glaring at the Goddess beneath his hood

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