Chapter 12

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Another saucy chapter ;)

Oh and one more thing it means a lot to me when people read my stories. So thankyou all so much! I am truly grateful <3


“Ally, will you-“ Niall started to say but was interrupted by Louis' loud voice entering the house, “Were home!” He shouted. Niall sighed and someone started banging on the bedroom door. “Can we come in or are you naked?” Louis shouted. God bless him. “Hold on.” I chuckled. I got up and dropped the sheet I pulled on my boxer shorts and a tank top. “Come in.” I said jumping back on the bed with Niall and our lovely half empty ice cream tub. The boy’s walked in and had those stupid yet adorable grins spreading across their faces. “What?” Niall and I asked. “Have fun?” Louis winked at us. I giggled and hid my embarrassment by burying my face in between Niall’s neck and shoulder. The boy’s just laughed while Niall had a cute smirk on his face with his pale cheeks growing pink. “Can you guy’s give us a minute?” Niall asked the guy’s. “Fine.” Louis said blankly closing the door. “Ally, what I was going to ask you was because you’re my girlfriend now.” Niall said looking me in the eyes, the girlfriend part came out as more of a question then a statement. I nodded my head for him to carry on and letting him know that he could call me he’s girlfriend. He continued, as I got more nervous. “Would you go on tour with the boy’s and I?” He asked me looking deep into my eyes. So deep I thought he could read my mind. All I could let out was a massive squeal. The boy’s burst through the bedroom door to see me pretty much hug raping Niall. “WHAT HAPPENED?!” Harry said with a face of shock. “I’M GOING ON TOUR WITH YOU!” I squealed jumping off Niall and pulling the others into a massive group hug. They all laughed at me. “Guessing that’s a yes then.” Niall chuckled. “Oh my god I have to call my mum, excuse me.” I said grabbing my phone and running into the kitchen.



“Ally, darling how are you?” Mum said.

“Mum, I’m going on tour with One Direction!” I shouted into the phone.

“Oh hunny that’s great, but what about school? Your due back in a week.” Mum said to me. As she spoke those words my smile disappeared.

“Shit!” I yelled. “Mum I can email the principal and he can get my teachers to send me all the work!” I said as a big grin appeared on my face gain. “Okay hunny I have to go, it was great hearing your voice baby. Be careful and call me again soon, oh and email your principal now.” Mum said to me.

“Okay bye mum, love you!” I said to her adding ‘mwah-mwah-mwah’ noises.

“Love you too sweetheart, speak soon.” She said ending with ‘mwah-mwah-mwah’.

Then the line went dead.

2 hours later

I had emailed my principal and he replied almost instantly saying it was okay but I still had to do exams so I’ll be doing online examinations. At least that’s all sorted. I was cuddled up on the couch with Niall as all the other boys had made a massive bed on the floor with there bed mattresses and duvets, (known as doona’s in Aus.) We decided to watch ’Vacancy’ considering we were in a hotel and wanted to spook our selves out. As I made the suggestion the boy’s turned to me in shock. “What?” I questioned all their faces. “You’re not scared of horror movies?” Zayn asked sounding lost and confused. “No? I watch them all the time?” I said to them with a confused expression myself. “Alone?” Niall asked looking down at me as I was resting on his lap. “Yeah?” I questioned them again. “Sorry but normally all the girls we know hate scary movies and are terrified by them.” Louis said. “Not me.” I giggled. We were half way through ‘Vacancy’ and I was falling asleep. To wake myself up I decided I would do a little prank on the boy’s. “Babe, I’m tired. I’m going to head off to bed.” I said to Niall slowly standing up and stretching. “Okay babe, want me to come?” Niall asked sweetly. “No, ill be fine Niall. Our hotel isn’t owned by disturbed murders.” I giggled. I walked into the kitchen pretending to get a drink out but instead I grabbed the tomato sauce I put it all over my shirt and rubbed it in to make it look more realistic. I waited so I would scare them just on a jumpy bit. I turned the kitchen light off and made my way back to the living room, slowly and silently. And then. “AAAAGGGHHHH!” I squealed really high pitched and falling on the floor next to the boy’s massive bed. The boy’s all screamed and then Niall ran over screaming, “ALLY!” He realized I was pranking them when I started giggling then my giggle turned into a major laughing fit. “You should…have seen…your faces!” I said in between laughs. “Right you.” Niall said whilst picking me up by the legs and throwing me over his right shoulder. “Wait.” I giggled reaching out my hand back to the living room as Niall was slowly taking me into my room. He placed my feet on the ground and kissed my nose then he kicked the door closed with his foot. I turned around giggling pulling off my pajama shirt and finding a clean, tomato sauce free shirt. I grabbed Niall’s navy blue pajama shirt. Which on me was oversized – BIG TIME! Literally you couldn’t even tell I was wearing boxer shorts. The shirt went down to my mid thigh. Niall laughed at me and chucked my dirty shirt in the washing machine. He took my hand in his, and with our fingers intertwined we entered the living room again with cheeky grins planted on the others faces. We ignored them and snuggled back up on the couch. Niall reached behind us and grabbed a blanket placing it on top of us then Niall and I started getting comfy like it was a bed, both of us lying close together so I wouldn’t fall off the end of the couch. I was wrapped tight in his arms and pulled closely. Louis threw Niall a pillow and Niall tucked it under our heads. And we were comfy. I noticed Harry’s expression changed when he saw I was snuggled up to Niall. While no one was looking and focusing on the TV. I coughed and Harry turned around. I mouthed ‘What’s up?’ he just shrugged and turned back around. Hmm. Strange.

The next morning I woke up on the couch cuddled into Niall. I giggled as he was slightly snoring, how adorable. I decided why not make my man breakfast in bed… or in this case couch. I got up slowly not waking him up and ran to the kitchen. I got the frying pan and pancake mix out of the fridge. To feed this army, I’ll need 3 bottles of pancake mix to fill their stomachs! I got out the first bottle and sprayed the pan with canola spray. I put the pan on the stove with the heat and started making the pancakes.

(Harry’s P.O.V)

I walked into the kitchen because I heard someone cooking. I walked in to find Ally. “Morning.” She says chirpily looking up at me smiling. “Morning.” I fake smiled back hoping she wouldn’t notice. I don’t know what was going on with me but I just kept getting this jealous feeling every time she was with Niall. And I was even more jealous because right now she looked super hot! She had her sexy, wavy hair hanging down nearly touching her ass. It looked like she wasn’t wearing shorts underneath that massive shirt, but she was. She’s not that type of girl to walk around with no shorts on in a house full of boy’s. “Want a drink?” She asked, snapping me out of my gaze. “Yes, thank you.” I said. She smiled and walked over to the top cupboard reaching for glass. She was standing on her tippy toes with her hand reaching out as far as she could. But she still couldn’t get one. Why does she have to do this to me now? I know I shouldn’t of but I just looked at her up and down. Noticing her toned legs. I walked over and grabbed a glass down from behind her. She turned around, and now our faces were millimeters apart. I couldn’t help myself. I pressed my lips against hers and wrapped my arms above her hip’s pulling her closer. She pushed away and slapped me hard across the face. She wiped her lips. What did I just do! “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” She yelled at me. I stepped back, “I’m s-sorry.” I stuttered. She pushed past me and walked back over to the stove flipping the pancakes. She stopped and put her head in her hands. “Harry, what was that?” She whispered. “I’m s-sorry, I don’t know why I did that.” I whispered back. Ally turned around facing me knowing my lying voice. She pulled the yeah-right-face. “Okay, I like you Ally. Every time I see you with Niall, jealousy over takes me and I couldn’t handle it anymore.” I said looking at her beautiful face. “Harry, I’m sorry. But my heart belongs to Niall.” She said to me looking down fiddling with her hands. As she said those word’s my heart shattered and sunk deep down into my stomach. Even though I knew those word’s would come out of her mouth, I didn’t want to believe it. I blankly nodded and turned around to walk back to my room when she grabbed my arm. “Can we just pretend this never happened and still be good friends?” She asked me. I nodded and turned around slowly, I heard her sigh as I walked off. Well done Harry, once again you’re the king of screw up’s!

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