I. Solitary Man

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"Alright see you next time." The beautiful, tall 6 foot man spoke into the microphone before walking off stage. The rest of the band stayed a few minutes behind to play their instruments. The crowd screamed and chanted for an encore but the singer was already going to his tour bus. There was definitely no show or encore. The man was exhausted and tried to get himself cleaned. Luckily for him he really did not sweat much on stage but he still thought about taking a bath at the hotel anyways.

He made his way back into the venue and soon the guys made their way onto the bus. The man walked aimlessly through the back to find the green room to get another beer. "Fantastic. You did amazing out there. The show was sold out!" His assistant manager beamed with happiness. "Well that's great. I tried to put my heart out on that performance." "That's good love and oh there's some fans out there waiting for a couple of autographs. No worries we'll get security to be with you in case something happens." She walked off before he could speak. Sometimes being a rockstar wasn't easy. Yeah you make money and you get to do what you love but you're constantly torn away from family or forbidden to fall in love due to so much work. It was a blessing and a curse. The guy didn't even step one foot out of the back stage and the fans had spotted him and started to reach out for him. "VILLE VALO!! I LOVE YOU!!" Was all you heard from the sea of fans. He gave a small smile and tried to walk by but it was pretty jammed for him to get by. He pulled through and the security led him out to an open area with a table for him to sign. Soon his whole band came and took a seat near him. They all signed a few CD's, shirts and peoples arms and backs. Some girls tried to make them sign their private parts but they refused. Some men and woman tried kissing them but they backed off. This is was the daily tour life for Ville Valo or well at least some of it.

Meanwhile for Elise Bathory it was non stop hustling. Everyday she was carrying trays of food, sauteing, baking and or grilling many foods and serving platters each and every minute. This lady worked fast and there was no stop or break for her. She owned her own restaurant so she managed to look sharp and stay sharp by doing her proper job. New faces come in and leave with a grin and a satisfied tummy. Big tips is what she received a lot. Most people compliment her cooking and the other staff as well. To her this is happiness and a passion. She ends up tired by the end of the day but this is what she enjoys doing most. This is the life of Elise

These are two different people whose worlds are going to collide.

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