VII. For You

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One month later

Ville was at home in Helsinki. The man changed up a little in style and in looks. After their hit of "Join Me".. Ville got a haircut and a new upgrade in his wardrobe. Not saying that the last one was bad but he just needed more things to wear than all black long sleeves.

The band was finishing up their album that was soon to be released by the end of this week. The group of friends celebrated the accomplishment of the band.

Ville was spending time with his family and friends. It felt good to be back at his frozen hell hole named Helsinki. Being around a bunch of loud Finns who drink pints on a daily basis felt like home to him. "Checkmate." Linde mumbled at Ville. His emerald eyes looked at the chessboard as he was trying to strategize where he went wrong. They were playing an intense match of chess and both were on their third pint of beer. The day barely started and these guys were up and running with alcohol in their system.

Linde didn't notice his girlfriend was calling rather less Ville would notice too. The round of chess was that intense between the two that neither one of them touched their mug of beer.

Mige paid attention to their game and surroundings, he was trying to find a way to snap them back to reality. His ocean blue eyes landed on his drink then he gave himself a devilish smile. "Whoops." Mige purposely spilled his drink over the chessboard and Ville got upset as he saw the beer flow through the glass chess board. "C'mon dude. Really?" He gave him a grimace. "Oh shit Sanna called." Linde got up from his seat and quickly made his way to the young Finnish lady. "That's why I did that." Mige looked at Sanna and laughed. Ville laughed too as he saw Linde get scolded. Mige replaced Linde's spot and looked at his best friend who was looking at his phone. Before Mige can question him, Zoltan took a seat and butted in to their conversation.

"So Mige how's your new girl?" Zoltan asked. Mige's serious face turned into a big smile. "Pretty damn good. She's a beauty." The man's thick accent went into a high one. Ville put his phone in his pocket and gave a small laugh. "Well isn't love magical." He joked. "It is. Well..let's not get into detail here." Mige had second thoughts. It made Ville and Zoltan burst out with laughter. "Tell me about it.." Ville said quietly as he sighed. Mige got up and took a seat on the small bench next to Ville. "Oh did I hear a love bird?" Mige said in a sing song voice and placed his head on Ville's shoulder, batting his long eyelashes. "No. I haven't been in love since you know the incident with Susanna.." Ville pursed his lips at the lie as his tone went quiet. "Trying to figure things out with her?" Mige lifted his head up from his shoulder to look at him. "Kinda... I have someone else in mind though." Ville admitted, picking up his mug of beer and taking a sip of it. "Really? Well you do have a way with ladies." Mige said in a seductive tone and laughed. Ville raised a brow and placed the now empty mug on the table. "Yeah.. but this lady is playing very hard to get." Ville smirked while nodding. "Ha I bet. She will get something else hard if you know what I'm saying." Zoltan moved his brows jokingly as Mige laughed. "Maybe if I get that fucking lucky." Ville rolled his eyes and laughed. "I'm here in case you need to talk things out about this lady and if you need a way to woo her." Mige placed his hand on Ville's shoulder. "This is why you're the missionary of love." Ville laughed. Mige winked at him before he pat his back.

There was vibration in Ville's pocket and he reached for it and looked at the caller ID on the small screen on the flip phone and a big smile appeared across his face. "Thanks for the talk but can you hold that thought real quick. It's important." He got up and walked off answering it.

"Hello?" His thick masculine voice lingered through the line. "Hi Ville!" The silky voice sounded like music to his ears. "Oh hello darling! How have you been?" He looked around. "Good. Good. I've been working my butt off. I got a lunch break but eh I'll survive." Elise shrugged and smiled ear to ear. "You sure?" Ville raised a brow. "I do it all the time anyways what are you up to little Finn." She goofed. "Having pints with the boys and my family is here too but I moved to a more quiet area to talk to you." He smiled. "Ah no wonder I didn't hear a bunch of dweebs yelling in the background like usual." Ville gave a hearty laugh which made her laugh. "Maybe you should come to Finland with us to celebrate Christmas." "You know I can't Ville... I have a job and people to be with." her tone went cold and quiet. "Well at least I tried." he sighed. "Hey its okay.. soon I'll see you. Then we can finally be losers hanging around town." she giggled which made him smile. "Sounds good to me." Ville gave a small nod. "I have to go Ville. I'm sorry. These fuckers.. always trying to kill me." Ville held back his laugh a little as she knew that she was getting a bit upset. "Okay bye Elise." He hung up. "Man I would do anything to get to her.." He said to himself before walking back to the group of people. They were all sitting at a big table. Playing cards and chess. Half of them were talking and the rest of the friends and family were inside. Ville took a seat next to Mige. "Hey what's going on?" Mige looked at him concerned. "Uh.. nothing just an important phone call." he looked away. "Was it Susanna again?" Mige gave an annoyed sigh. "No. Thank god no." Ville scrunched his nose as he laughed.

Ville went inside to get another pint of beer and saw that his mom and dad were sitting on the couch watching the ice hockey game on the tele. This was the perfect time to ask. He asked in his Finnish language since it was best for his parents to understand. "Hey mom, dad can I ask you something?" "What is it?" his dad shot up. "I am starting to fall in love... but this girl she is miles away what do I do?" he gave a look of sympathy. "Well go see her!" his mom sat up from the couch and gave him a smile. "She is right." His dad nodded while taking a sip of his beer. "Yeah but I don't want to abandon you guys for the holidays." he pursed his lips. "Ville honey don't worry about us. We're going to be busy." His dad placed his hand on his son's shoulder. "So you want me to drop my things and go?" "Well if you feel like if she is the one then do it." His dad nodded and patted his back. "Yeah. I want to meet this lady too you know!" his mom chimed in. "Hopefully you guys will soon. She's wonderful." He smiled as he thought about her before continuing. "Thank you mommy and daddy. I love you." he kissed both of their cheeks. "No problem honey." His mom held onto his hand. "Anytime son." His dad gave him a reassuring smile before the young man stood up. Ville made his way out to the patio area where the small group of friends were playing cards in the fresh air. "Ville come join!" Sanna yelled at him. "No thank you actually I have to go." Ville gave a small smile. "What? Where?" Mige got up and walked towards him. "To Germany. It's a mission." "Well what do you work for, the police?? Tell me what's the rush!" Mige threw his arms up. "Well I was going to stop by at Susanna's place to talk things final with her then go to Germany in hopes I would bring back a lovely gift." Ville gave a shy smile. "It better be final... wait is this about a girl? I can see it!" Mige peeled his eyes and pointed at him. "Maybe. You'll see! I'll be back. I want to be here for your birthday hang out and the holidays." he kissed Mige's cheek goodbye. "Fine. I'll be waiting Valo!" he laughed.

Once Ville got his coat and left the "get together" he made his way down a few dark icy streets. The cold atmosphere made it almost difficult for him to walk the streets but he somehow managed to cross them without slipping. He wondered why it didn't snow this week. Helsinki was always snowing in the winters. Last week there was big inches of snow that him and the band had missed.

The air was crisp and cold which made it hard for Ville to breathe. He was trying his best to take a few deep breaths but he didn't think twice about taking his inhaler. His feet dragged him into an old place that made him feel like a tornado of emotions. It was a good feeling that is slowly turning to dust. "I think I'm going to regret this." He sighed before making it up the stairs of the small flat. He stood at the door and knocked a few times. He waited patiently and looked around to see a few people walking down the streets. At least nobody was chasing him down so it made him feel somewhat relieved.

"Ville?" The lady's soft voice caught his attention. He turned to her direction and met her beautiful blue icy eyes orbs. "Susanna. I.. We need to talk." Ville huffed. "Of course... Come in." she said in Finnish and stepped aside for him to come in. The tall man made his way inside and looked at her as she took a seat on the couch. Ville felt awkward to move away from the door so he remained in place. "Look Susanna I am not here to stay for long. I have things to d-.." "Of course you never did have the time for me. The fame got to you." She cut him off. "No please don't say that. I did have time for you. It's just some things had to get done sooner." he looked down at the masonry patterned floor. "No you never had time for me Ville. You were out having fun and doing your job while I waited for you and not even one call!" She got up from the couch to look at him straight in the eyes. "I'm sorry but can you please just let it go? Christ sake we aren't even a thing anymore Susanna. I did love you but you didn't even bother to check up on me either so don't play the victim." Ville spat out rudely. He saw her face turn to upset to hurt. "No I never will. You hurt me and I did call millions of times. Did I ever mean anything to you?" She tried to speak aloud. It went quiet for a few minutes as Ville stared blankly at the floor. He knew he fucked up more than she did and he doesn't want to blame her for everything he's done but she's making it harder for him to explain. "Susanna I am sorry. I really am.." he said quietly and his facial expression was written with sorrow all over. "I never want to see you again. You can apologize now but only time will heal me. Get out please." She turned her back to him. "Well I guess this is goodbye." Ville mumbled. "I did all I can to make you happy and now we're strangers... get out please." The Finnish lady had tears streaming down her face but tried to hide it . "I'm sorry.." he said under his breath and walked out. Deep down inside he felt bad. All the wonderful moments they had together still lived but their bond was demolished into mid air. He shouldn't have done that but he knew it was best for the both of them.

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