III. Phantom Gate

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Ville and his band mates just finished playing their sold out show in Berlin tonight. To their luck there was no popular demands in Berlin for the next day. They had to perform in Hamburg tomorrow.

After their successful concert, the five men still had the energy to go around town to search for a bar and grill or a pub. They goofed around for a good while down the street but still had their eyes peeled for any available places.  A few buildings illuminated, but it wasn't enough to catch their attention. It sure made their inner beast hungry though.

Yet it was still difficult for them to choose from a bar or a restaurant. Mige the bass player in the band is a strict vegan. He doesn't touch a slab of meat but feels guilty for owning a few animal skins. It was pretty hard trying to find somewhere good to eat for this guy and especially around Germany. "Let's just go to a pub." Jussi retorted against everyone. "No. I'm hungry. Uncle Fester aka Mika is hungry. Linde is hungry and Ville is probably hungry." Mige was throwing hand gestures in the air. "Hey guys what about that restaurant." Linde the guitar player pointed to a restaurant. Everyone kind of figured he would choose since he will eat anything but still remained in his twig like figure. Ville looked to the direction of his finger and nodded. "It looks pretty good to me. Can we go? Or Mige are you going to complain once again." Ville gave a small huff. "Fine let's give it a whirl I suppose." The man's once thick accent sounded like a faint mumble. The band all walked down the street to go the restaurant, but with their luck some fans recognized who they are so their time was starting to run short for their dinner. They tried to depart themselves slowly but some fans wish they could have more time with these Scandinavians.

When they walked in, they asked for a table and they got escorted immediately to their table that was placed in the nicest and peaceful area possible. Coincidentally a fan or just nice? "They will be with you shortly." The lady in blonde hair and thick accent smiled at all of them while handing them their menus. The band nodded and began conversing when she walked off. The five men talked about the weirdest things that came up in their minds. Everyone was so caught up into the conversation besides Ville. Once he saw Elise pull up to their table he just could not keep his eyes off of her. "Hello my names Elise I will be your server and cook for the night. May we start with beverages, do you want an alcoholic drink or a regular soft drink?" Her words charged so quickly but it was normal for her. "Make it a pint of beer." They all said. "Only beer?" She reassured them with a small smile. "Make mine a wine please." Ville looked at her notepad. "Okay. I will be right back with your drinks. Be sure you have what you want in mind." Elise walked off. "Oh I know what I definitely have in mind Elise." Mige said in a perverted joking way. The whole band laughed "Do you really think you can score with her? You haven't shaved that bush off your face." Linde joked. "Well someone's mad because I can grow facial hair." Linde rolled his eyes at what Mige said. "Hey guys relax let's not fight tonight." Ville peeled his eyes at the guys. "Ville is trying to keep it cool but we all know he was checking her out too." Jussi joked. All the guys awed and Mige nudged Ville. Ville seemed pretty annoyed but his cheeks got slightly red. Before the men could continue teasing him, the lady's accent broke the tension. Elise came in with all their drinks. "Beers for all the men and a wine for the gentleman." She placed their drinks in front of them. They thanked her as she whipped out her pen and notepad from her chef's pocket.

She intently listened to the men giving her their orders. Throughout the whole time of ordering, Elise observed each man. The pros of working at this job is that she can see a million faces and can tell who can be a real jerk and a real nice person. Elise found them all pretty attractive and very nice but the eye candy for her was the gentleman who took the wine. Although he seemed a bit intimidating at first his voice unraveled that judgement of hers. Although she tried not to let him snake into her mind.

Elise took the orders and re read everything they wanted and prepared them all. Meanwhile other cooks did the other people's orders. Elise was moving non stop and was cooking all the foods then plating them fancy. The dish looked so appealing to the eye and that is what she aimed for. A delectable looking meal for the eyes and then the mouth. She placed all the plates in her arms and hand and took it to them quickly. She walked with her head up and made her way over to the tabke full of men. "Here you go gentlemen. Enjoy your meal if you need anything just let me know." Elise spoke gently as she served them their dish in front of them. The guys were amazed and even Mige wasn't being picky about it. "Miss did you make this?" Mige said loudly enough to draw back her attention. Elise turned around quickly and answered. "Yes sir.. Why?" "It is delicious and very exquisite." Ville said after eating a piece of his dish. The short lady grinned showing her pearly whites and took a small bow. "Thank you." Her accent sounded almost thick. "I agree." The whole band nodded. "Hey are you free by any chance? I think you're very beautiful." Mige remarked. Linde rolled his eyes at him which kinda made Elise hold back her laugh. "Sorry I don't do dates. I barely have time for family.. I appreciate the offer but I'm only here to serve you all." She got uneasy for a moment. "I feel the same way too." Ville mumbled which followed shortly by a sigh. "You're a chef?" "No a singer actually." Ville gave a small chuckle. "Oh my that's quite interesting. Do you all sing or?" The lady looked at all of them. "No only he does." Gas smiled sweetly. "Amazing. Well guys I would like to stay and chat cause you all seem pretty interesting but I have to get back to work." The lady stood straight. "Wait one more question. How did you prepare my meal? The decoration on it is wonderful." Ville purposely tried to ask questions to hold her back.

She explained to him detail by detail. The conversation was pretty interesting until Lukas called her in. "I have to go. Enjoy." Elise walked off kind of upset at the fact she really wanted to stay and chat to the young man but she can't. The last thing she wanted to avoid was to fall in love with a customer which has happened before and it failed miserably.

"What happened Lukas." Elise's tone sounded cold. "There has been an accident..." He turned to expose a young woman with a bandage wrapped around her arm, crying and clutching to her arm. "Mila are you okay!?" Elise walked over to her. "She burnt her arm with the burner." Kiki pursed her lips. "I'll go file a report on this. Let me see your arm." Elise looked at Mila with such a worried expression. The young redheaded lady tried to extend her arm and exposed her wound to open sight. "Ouch." Lukas grimaced at the burn. "Call the ambulance Lukas... this is a 2nd degree burn.." She turned back to him and then back at the lady in pain. "Mila I know you are one of thee best youngest bakers in this town but if you wish to longer work here, I understand." Elise's eyes showed so much compassion to Mila. The young lady nodded and tried to speak out. "I want to work here but I need time to heal." Her green eyes were watery. Elise can almost feel her pain which hurt her. "I understand take all the time you need. I wish a speedy recovery for you sweetie." Elise smiled reassuringly before walking off to do the report in the office. She did what she had to do and soon the ambulance came to take Mila.

Within that accidental hour the band was hanging out in the restaruant eating their dessert. Ville picked at it for a bit since he was getting full and so was Jussi. The two waited for the rest of the guys to finish before they could call the check. Once the plates were empty Jussi called for the check. "Here's your check." Elise smiled sweetly as she handed them the small checkbook. The whole band pitched in the money for their platters and placed the money in the booklet. Kiki came by with the cart to pick up the used plates as Elise picked up the checkbook and walked off. The guys all got up and started to walk out the quiet area. "Have a nice day gentleman." Elise smiled at them. "So seriously you don't have any free time?" Mige questioned her. "Yes. Bye." Elise tried not to laugh at him. "Sorry. Ignore him for his weird talk." Ville gave a small laugh which made Elise smile. "It's fine. Have a good night! Come by soon." She was now grinning. 'Oh no give it a break Elise!' Her thoughts lingered in her mind.

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