VI. One Last Time

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Last night was fantastic but Elise had a horrible hang over the next morning. She managed to get up and have breakfast with Ville at least. Today didn't seem like her day at all and she was feeling out of it. The dear prince of darkness can feel it deep inside his bones too that something wasn't right.

Flashback Memory

"Congratulations Ms. Báthory. You are indeed pregnant by looking at our test results." The doctor smiled and handed her the papers. Before Elise can react she looked at the papers first and started to cry.. happily of course! She has always wanted a baby especially with her fiance. She was so excited to tell him the news. But she also had to tell him that her uncle's burial was in two days. The week had been a crazy rollercoaster. First the love of her life proposed after 3 years. Her uncle passed away with lung cancer a day after the engagement. Her brother became a law attorney but he moved to France. Her cousin is moving into town to hang out with her more frequently. Now she found out she is pregnant. She was content but sad at the same time.

"Babe I'm home." Elise sighed in relief. No response. "Still not home.." She put her things down on the couch in the living room and made her way to their room. Her fiance was usually never home and if he was he was usually asleep. She felt kinda disconnected from him since work always made him tired and she was working almost all the time. They never had fun like they used to. They always hung out and laughed with each other by the park. Kissed and made love when they were alone at home. It was a nice game to play. Christian was the perfect guy for her. He had nice black hair that fit well with his fiery hazel eyes that gleamed with passion and lust when he looked at her. His crooked smile and small dimples were basically irresistible. His olive skin complimented his well tone and tall body frame. This was the man she was going to have forever. 3 years of being together and it was quite exhilarating when he popped the big question on her. "Oh Chris.. I just wish you were home so I can have one night of fun and happiness with you..." she muttered to herself.

She opened the door to her pitch black room and turned on the lights. There he was... naked with another woman. Cuddling together and having a perfect deep sleep. How cute. She woke them up with her yelling. She was pissed and this little lady should not be fucked with when angry. She dragged the naked lady out of the house forcefully and into the cold with no clothes. When alone she began to argue with Christian.H tried to speak but she wouldn't budge. He began to get annoyed by her constant yelling so he began to hit her. She wasn't going to let herself either but a huge man like that had way more power over her. After a few hits, she felt weak and tears began to spew down her cheeks. He was packing his things while she was down on the floor in pain. "Christian please.. I'm sorry... I love you..." she choked on her words. With that final saying he left without saying a goodbye nor a word. She was left with a few cuts, bloodied nose and hits that would soon turn into bruises and out of all a shattered heart. Her world was falling apart. She felt torn and numb. This is why she didn't want to fall in love.... she wanted to avoid a situation like this. "Why did I ever say yes? I wish I should've never met you..."

Two weeks later her life plummeted. No work. No eating. No outside. No socializing. She had a miscarriage which crushed her heart even more. All due to depression, stress and lack of nutrients.

Present moment

"Are you alright Elise?" The man's peridot eyes shined with such empathy. Ville wasn't stupid he knew something was flooding that mind of hers. He didn't force it out but he wanted to try and help her. "Nothing. I'll be alright.." She sobered up with a false smile plastered on her face. He gave a small nod before walking down the sidewalk with her. It was quiet and the kind of quiet that makes you want to leave or shoot yourself in the brain.

It was pretty hard for the rockstar to spark up a conversation without fucking up the mood. "So... uh.. do you ice skate?" He blurted out. "Huh?.. Oh well sorta. I suck at it why?" She raised a brow. "Well cause I wanted to know if you want to go ice skating but apparently it's a no." he looked away giving a face. "I want to go!" She beamed with happiness. She was secretly a kid at heart and Ville saw that. "Then lets go." He laughed.

When they arrived, they ordered the sharp polished skates to wear on the thin ice. They rid themselves from their own shoes and slipped on the blades but they were very careful about it.

The blades grinded against the cold ice as the two worked themselves slowly over the ice. "Oh my it's been quite a while." Elise said quietly, trying to find her balance. "Tell me about it." Ville laughed which cause Elise to laugh. Ville laughing almost threw her over the edge. He literally had a laugh that killed you every time. She slipped down on her arse and if she were to fall forward, she would've scraped her calf with the blade. Ville's facial expression changed to happy to concerned as she fell. He helped her up and he didn't mind if it caused him to fall on his ass as long as she was okay. "I got you." Ville held onto her by her arm. "Let me help you out sweetheart." he smiled as he glided on the ice with her slowly then worked up in a faster pace. Once she got a hang of it they began to skate around the musical ice rink. Together flawlessly and in perfect harmony. They didn't realize it though. They were too caught up with dancing, talking and joking that caused fits of laughter.

"Okay I think I'm going to take a break. I'm kinda tired." Elise gave a tired laugh and Ville nodded. "Well go ahead sweetheart." He smiled. She stood there melting at his words again like always. They played at her heartstrings so elegantly. Ville continued without a break and it took Elise awhile to notice since she was deep into thought. She happened to glance up when he started dancing to the music and moving his hips around. It caught Elise's attention the way he was dancing and she had to admit it was pretty sexy but he was kinda making a fool of himself. She tried not to laugh. "Come here before you slip!" she said aloud enough for him to hear. He turned his head to her  direction and sighed. "Fine only cause you say so." He whined and went over to her.

At the end of the day they had a long day of fun. They went out to look at the ruins of Athens then went out to lunch together, they had a few drinks after his bands small gig and then the pair went to the pub. There at the pub they told each other stories that caused them to bond well. Elise seriously hasn't had this much fun in awhile. She was exhausted though and she wanted to go to the hotel and lay down on the bed.. but she wishes she could rewind the day just to spend it with him. "Do you want me to walk you to your hotel room?" Ville asked. "No I am fine. I'll walk you." She yawned. "You sure?" "Kinda." She mumbled as she let sleep defeat her. "Alright let's take you." He gave a small laugh but she didn't want to argue.

Together they walked down the chilly midst streets of Greece and Elise was trying her best to stay awake. The warmth of his arms around her made her feel comfortable and safe. "So when are you leaving?" he asked holding onto her. "Tomorrow. I have to." She gave half a smile. "Ah. Hopefully soon we can see each other.." he raised a brow and gave a heart warming smile. "Yes. Where are you heading to next?" She slurred slightly and looked up at him. "Uh hopefully to Rome if not the Czechoslovakia." he nodded as he gathered up the name of the place. "Aw. I'll miss you." Her eyes gazed upon him. "Me too." he gave a small smile.

They walked through the lit up hotel doors. "Are we here?" She looked around and saw no one in the lobby surprisingly. "Yeah." He sighed. He walked with her towards the elevator and she kept mumbling things he couldn't understand. The man walked her to the room and smiled when she gave him a tight hug goodbye. "Well uh. I'll see you around..." Ville said awkwardly before pulling away. Elise stood quiet and nodded. She was scared to get close she didn't know if she will ever see him again.. 'Who wouldn't want to steal this beautiful man's heart?' she thought to herself. "Call me if you need anything." Ville said letting go and gave her a small paper. Which made her wonder 'Did he have this planned or? Whatever.' She tried not to think about it and took the paper and smiled. "Okay Mr. Rockstar." she said sheepishly. "Goodnight." He said before walking off. "Goodnight." she said softly.

They both parted ways and began to wonder... will they ever see each other again?

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