VIII. Poison Girl

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A few days later

Elise was breaking apart. Christmas was right around the corner. She lost her only meaningful business. Inspectors came in and few of the workers didn't follow protocol and didn't alert her of their water pipes which doomed the whole restaurant. 3 People got sick which caused them to shut down her restaurant for good. Her reputation went down so finding a job was going to be harder. Elise had no idea how she was going to get by. She needed money for food, presents and bills. She was stressing out pretty bad. Her mind is about to crack.. how is she going to do it for Christmas with her family. The gifts? The food? The transportation? She did have money but she was saving it for emergencies.

Meanwhile, Ville got all his things ready and his plane ticket, he made his way over to Germany as soon as possible. Ville wanted to see Elise so badly. He was nearly dying to hear her cute little laugh and see her beautiful breathtaking smile. He wanted to hold her again and never let go. He had so much in mind for her. Although, he wasn't aware with what was going on. Elise never told him what happened because she didn't want to worry him at all on her well being. The phone calls were almost everyday, afternoon and midnight usually but Elise was afraid to spill the tea to him.

Once Ville got there he had trouble getting to her house because he never knew her address. The snow filled streets made it harder for him to get by. The snow crunched under his boots as he walked a few streets down the city. He knew her house was on the west side of Berlin but where exactly is she? The only time he saw her address was when she sent in some gift that she got Mige but that's it. He tried to recall the street name and asked for directions.

A man helped him out by telling him where to go and he was forever grateful to that man he paid him a couple of euros. Once he was on the street he made his way down the street. "Grey house. She said She has a grey house and black car." He mumbled to himself. The man's eyes scanned the snow filled area and no sign. He sighed and looked at the time on his watch. "Maybe I should call her." He gave up and fished out the phone from his pocket. When he looked to his side, he saw the house. Grey. Black car. It was literally right beside him that he didn't notice.

'Well at least I kept it a surprise.' he thought to himself. He didn't tell her that he was on his way so she had no idea Ville was going to see her. Thankfully for him it was midnight because he knew she had to be home from work. But awake? Who knows.

Her beautiful oak door was carved in with beautiful designs. Just one knock and he could be able to hold her. It was nerve wrecking to him because he didn't go this far for love. If he never met her, he would be stuck in Helsinki.. alone and drinking a few beers to ease the night.

He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell to await for her answer. Minutes shortly, the door slightly opened at her size and it revealed a very tired and broken lady but she snapped out of it once she saw Ville. "Ville!" She nearly squealed while throwing open the door and wrapped her small arms around him tightly. He let go of his bag and took her into his arms and they embraced each other for a few minutes. Her sweet scent put Ville at ease almost making it seem like if it was a lucid day dream. They eventually pulled away and she pulled him inside. "How? Is this real? What? I'm not even going to ask. Explain please." She let the words run out of her mouth. He put his bags down and took off his coat, setting it on his bags. "Well... my family was going to be busy so I had no plans for Christmas this year. The guys offered me to spend the day but I said no, so after having a beer or two I decided to visit you. I miss my best friend." His lips formed into a smile as he took a seat next to her on the couch "Aww. I miss you too! And I love your hair." She grinned while playing with his hair. "Of course you do and Thank you." He laughed and she laughed while hitting his arm. "So why are you up and why do you look tired?" Ville raised a brow. "Is it really that noticeable?" She covered her face with her small hands and brought her knees up to the couch. "...Sorta." He hesitated. "I lost my job and I might lose my house next. I am running low on money cause I apparently own the whole world. I've tried applying for work but no calls.. Christmas is near the corner and no gifts.." She sighed. "I'm sorry Elise.." Ville placed a hand on her shoulder. "I thought my life was over. I have a week to move out and I haven't packed yet. I don't want to leave this house... I want my job. When I wanted free time I didn't mean that I wanted to loose everything." She was now crying and Ville held her in his arms. She was venting and that was okay. He understood the situation she was in. He wasn't going to give her a big motivational speech to not give up because sometimes we all have to face reality. His hands cupped her face and he wiped the tears away with his thumb. "Don't cry. I'm here for you..Okay?" He looked at her concerned. "Okay.." she said quietly, "Thank you Ville." "Anytime. If it makes you feel better. I'll help you pay the house and find you a job." he looked into her grey eyes. "No it's okay. I got this." She nodded slightly. "Elise please.." "Ville I can do it." She cut him off before he can continue. "Well at least come to Finland.. you'll love it. I swear." he changed topic. "..I..I suppose I can give it a try." She hesitated. Maybe she did need a new start. "Good. Now get some rest." He rubbed her back gently before getting up from the velvet couch. "Okay and you too mister. Tomorrow we get to have early Christmas dinner with my family." Elise said walking towards her room. "Oh lord really? Wait Christmas isn't until three days." "My bad. I mean on Thursday. Half of my family will be out on the actual day so we have to make it early. Still be prepared!" She nodded and stared at him. "Okay. Good night." he said awkwardly. "Do you want to sleep in my bed and I go to the guest room?" she raised a brow as she leaned against the doorway to the guest room."No it's okay. I'll sleep in the guest room." Ville smiled and made his way in. "Okay make yourself at home then." Elise smiled and walked over to her room. He shut the door and breathed out in order to relax.

All Ville could think about is what will her parents think of him. A bad influence on her? A sex crazed rocker? A drug addict? A lazy piece of shit? He didn't want this to bother his beauty sleep but he just couldn't help but to think what her parents will think. Ville sighed and laid flat on the bed on his back. He stared at the ceiling trying to get himself slowly into dream world but he was struggling. Suddenly there was a buzz on the nightstand and he reached over for his phone. His eyes scanned the numbers, it was Mige calling. He decided not to answer and let himself try to get some rest for tomorrow afternoon.

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