II. Borellus

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Greatest Lovesong Vol.666 was their first big hit. It was the beginning to a new adventure. Ville never thought he would've made it this far. At least not with him being the singer of course. He wasn't very fond with it at all but yet people seem to love his voice enough to have his records playing on the radio.

The guys worked on their second studio album. It took a bit of time for them to get the sound they originally wanted. A few gigs were settled too which took time off their schedule. There was a few scratched out demo trial CD's that the guys thought about getting rid of but Ville was thinking about keeping them. "Alright cigarette break is over." Mige flicked the butt of the cigarette onto the ground. Ville was holding Linde's red gibson guitar while the fag was hanging from his rosy lips. His big hand played  a few chords to get a small lick of inspiration for another song.. but it failed.

Ville placed the headphones on his head and adjusted himself to get comfortable with a small drink in his hand. His eyes roamed around the messy producing room but it felt rather comfortable to him. He took a sip of his drink and looked over at his producer who gave him a thumbs up. Ville gave a small smile before he fluttered his eyes shut and began to sing. "I see it in your eyes... I feel it in your touch.. I taste it from your lips.. and baby more I love you." He sang with such a force, you can see his throat muscles squeezing tight with much force. The producer cut the song and Ville opened his eyes once again. Mige came in with a smile plastered on his face. "You did wonderful. He loved it." His thick accent made Ville almost grin. "Thanks Mizeee." He joked around which made him snicker. "Also Seppo has something to tell us. He won't tell us until you get there too so let's go by." Mige placed his arm around Ville.

Half of the band was excited about the news. They get to hit the outer parts of Finland but the two who weren't excited made it complicated for the group. They dropped their positions but they continued on with the album at least. Once they hit the road they were no longer part of HIM unfortunately. Seppo, their manager, tried his best to get everything settled with temporary replacements for the time being.

At the day of the concert, they took a while to practice but they were ready to rock. Although Ville was shy to perform in big venues. He had always played shows on tv and small gigs in Finland and even a few festivals but a full on Gig in Germany? It was nerve wrecking for him. He tried his best not to chug his third pint of beer but satan knows he really needed more than three.

There was a few fans screaming and chanting for them to come out and play. When the roadies finished with equipment the band was ready to rock the house.

They all went on stage and got ready to play their first song. "This one's called Your Sweet Six Six Six." Ville's thick accent covered his English making his voice sound deep. The fans cheered and most of them were quiet but still alert in what the band had to offer. Ville held the bottle of wine tightly to ease the tension within him and the stage. The crowd cheered and Linde started off the song with his guitar playing. Ville closes his eyes and let the music take him along with his angelic singing.

They played their whole album. The whole venue cheered for them and chanted for an encore. Ville was happy to give them a little more rock n' roll  by playing a few covers. They played Billy Idol's Rebel Yell and Depeche Mode's Enjoy The Silence which really soothed the guys down that night.

"Good job guys." His manager Seppo said in his Finnish accent. "Kiitos." Ville bowed and gave a small laugh. "Oh man I am sweating!" Mige tried fanning himself with his hands. "We toured a month ago did you really get out of shape that fast?" Ville raised a brow. "Unfortunately yeah." Mige sighed in frustration.

The whole band made their way into the green room before leaving the venue. "Good job Jussi and Mika."  Ville smiled to the new member. They bowed down and complimented Ville. "Alright let's call it a night with a few drinks." Mige laughed as he walked out the green room with a beer in hand.


At the restaruant Elise was cleaning a few tables until she heard music coming in from the back of the kitchen. She sighed and continued wiping down the tables with sanitizer.

Her poor back was aching from moving around and carry a bunch of heavy packets of flour and sugar. She was asked for help but she declined. She wanted to take care of it on her own but she made the horrible mistake of doing that.

Elise sighed and walked to the back of the kitchen as she saw some of her co workers cleaning and listening to the music. "Starting a party without me??" She questioned them. They all laughed and lowered it down. "Never! It's not too late to join." Kiki threw her wet soapy hands up. Elise laughed at her friends and helped them wash the few remaining dishes. "I'm done cleaning the stoves!" Lukas shouted from the back. "Okay!" the rest of the crew answered him.

Everyone started cleaning but in the most fun way. "Hey guys shh this is my song!" Juni giggled. Everyone stayed quiet as they played the next song. Everyone started to vibe to it but Elise wasn't really paying attention. Her mind wandered. She began to remember a few memories of her childhood which made her smile to herself. "Nobodyyyy loves no oneeee." They all sang which made Elise snap out of her trance. "Isn't that Chris Isaak?" Elise questioned them. "Yeah but it's a cover. You didnt hear?" Kiki turned her head to her direction. Elise's face was blank as she shook her head. "No. I dazed out." Elise admitted. "Is there a rewind button for the radio?" Juni asked. "No idiot." Luka scoffed jokingly. Juni slapped him with a wet towel which caused Kiki to giggle. "Oh well maybe next time." Toria shrugged. "They are supposed to play Germany this week I heard. I want to see them." Juni smiled. "I want to go!" Toria looked back at Juni with big eyes. "Elise do you want to go?" Juni asked the short lady. "You know I can't. My schedule is always busy. I'm sorry." Juni frowned at Elise's response. "Bummer. Well tomorrow is my day off so I might go out to buy a few clothes for the gig." Juni smiled. "To meet them?" Elise asked with a brow raised. "Yep." She giggled. "What am I going to do with you all." Elise rolled her eyes and laughed.

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