V. Wicked Game

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The phone went off in the morning making Elise wake up and answer the phone groggily. "Hello.." she mumbled as she pushed her hair out of her face. "Yes someone asked for a wake up call. Good Morning and have a great day." The lady hung up before she can say anything. As tired as she was, she thought to herself 'Who must've called to wake me up?' Her small hands rubbed her grey eyes as she yawned before glancing at the clock. "7:15? Shit I need to get cleaned up." She shot up from the bed and made her way over to the bathroom.

She scrubbed the scum off her small body, washed her hair and brushed her teeth. Good hygiene was always a big deal for her. She looked through her bag to gather up her clothing for today. Nothing too big or too fancy. She went with something simple for now. Nice black short sleeve fit button up with black pants and nice boots. She got her small make up bag, opening up the small zipper and fished out the eyeliner. All she did was her eyeliner for now and left her hair natural.

She walked out her room and made her way downstairs through the elevators. She looked at the time through the watch on her small wrist and smiled. "Perfect not too long.." She walked out of the elevator doors once they slid open. The smell of food guided her way to the kitchen. They had breakfast going but all she wanted was black coffee and a fruit salad. She got her fruit bowl and got her coffee in a disposable cup. She got her so called "breakfast" and looked around for minute. Her eyes fixated on the beautiful Finnish man as he was sitting down. His coffee was in one hand while the other held the book he was reading. No wonder why he didn't try to get her attention. His nose was so far into that book.

She made her way over to his table and took a seat across him. The table she sat on was covered by a few plants around and to her side was a window that showed the beautiful view of Athens. It made her wonder if he sat here because it was more hidden or just cause he really liked plants and the view. He looked up briefly, flashing her a smile and immediately put the book down. "Well good morning sweetheart. Sleep well?" His thick accent made her smile. "Good morning to you too and yes I did thank you very much. How about you? Any interesting dreams?" She raised an eyebrow. "Not really." He admitted. "Bummer. What brings you here so early?" She placed her elbows on the small table and looked at him. "The guys are asleep and well I am usually the one to wake up early. Did you like the wake up call?" he leaned up from the seat. "Interesting.. Aha! I knew it was you!" She pointed at him. "Sorry." He gave a small chuckle. "It's fine. Thank you, I need to be up and running today." she did a small motion with her hands. "Oh yeah you're cooking. Good luck." He bowed his head. "Thank you kind sir." she smiled taking a sip of her coffee.

All the distinct conversations around kind of made it difficult to understand Ville's personal life but it made Elise wonder if Ville had some sort of girlfriend or admirer at least. He never mentioned a girlfriend, only family, band and where he lives. 'He's fucking beautiful for Christs Sake...' She thought to herself. 'No. Elise stop it now!' The sound of her phone ringing made her jump in her seat and snap out of his trance. Ville didn't want to laugh but she blushed as she knew that what she did was quite embarrassing. She answered the phone and with her luck, it was time for her to go. Unfortunate for her cause she wanted to stay and chat to the Finn all morning.

"Well bad news. I'm going to have to get going but good news is I'll see you around." Elise put her phone back in her pocket and looked at him in the eyes. "It's okay. Maybe we can hang out later or tomorrow? Perhaps if there is time for you. I stay in Greece for two more days." Ville made eye contact with her while taking a sip of coffee. "I can try to stay for an extra day but if I die of stress. I blame you." She got up from the chair. "I'm a stress reliever sweetheart, come on." he joked and got up from his chair. "Uh huh. Okay see you later." She hugged him and he instantly put his arms around her taking her sweet aroma in. Elise loved the way Ville smelled. It was natural and not bad which was good. They both pulled away and smiled. "Bye." Elise gave a small laugh and wave before walking out of his sight.

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