IX. I've Crossed Oceans of Wine To Find You

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There was a soft knock at Ville's door but no answer. When Elise opened the door she discovered Ville fast asleep still. She smiled to herself and tried not to wake him as she closed the door.

Elise walked into her office and it felt rather colder than in any other room in her house. Her blood red silk robe was too thin to trap the heat radiating from her body and neither did her black panties. "Why must it be cold. I want to play my organ!" She scoffed to herself. She took a seat on the softly cushioned patterned bench and began to play a few keys. Her mind wandered as her fingers played a soothing melody. 'You ended up breaking a fearless heart dear.' She felt a sudden pang at her heart. The pain hurts more than heartache, It's almost a love sick feeling. 'Heartsick once again.' She fluttered her eyes shut as she played.

"I didn't know you had an organ." Ville butted it in with his deep accent. Elise gasped in fright which made her hit a wrong note accidentally. "I had a really good tune going!" She turned her head to his direction with pout on her face. By the look on his face you can tell he barely woke up.  His curls were sticking out, making him look even more appealing. "Let me help you." Ville cheekly smiled and took a seat next to her on the small bench. "You had something like this." He played the similar tune she had. "Yes! Thank you for making me not lose track." She giggled. "No problem darling. Here let me play you something." He held onto her pale hands before he sat up straight to start a composition. His broad hands and long fingers miraculously played a dark but almost cathartic rhythm. Elise was amazed at what Ville could do. 'What else can't he do? He plays almost any instrument. Sings like a god. Is very loving, playful and sweet. Looks extremely handsome.' Her mind ran with those thoughts for awhile as he began to sing. "There was a time when I could breathe my life into you... one by one your pale fingers started to move.. and I touched your face and all death was erased.. and you smiled like an angel, falling from heaven just to be lift up again. And you kissed my lips with those once cold fingertips, you run me back to life. And all things come to an end.. we dont have to pretend. Slowly we fall asleep and never wake up again." He sang graciously in his low baritone voice. Elise was completely mesmerized as she was being serenaded by Finnish god. "I love your talent you know." She gazed at him. "I tried to not sound foolish." He snickered a bit. Elise smiled and placed her head on his shoulder. "I can hear you sing and play for an eternity and still not get tired." "That's clearly an understatement." Ville pursed his lips. "Not at all!" Elise giggled which made Ville nearly grin. "Anything you want to do today darling?" "Nope. Well not that I can think of." Elise picked her head up from his shoulder. "You want to stay in?" Ville looked into her eyes for a brief moment as he asked the question. "Yes. It's a lazy day." Elise laughed while bopping his nose with her finger, "Maybe we'll watch a movie and do some more musical tracks." "Sounds good to me. You want me to make breakfast?" He raised a brow and placed a hand on his chest. "Oh Ville don't be ridiculous. I got this." Elise shook her head. He stood up after her and noticed her robe was nearly unraveling itself from the knot. "Elise, uhh.. I think you might want to change. The robe is getting a little too flashy." He looked at her almost exposed pale chest as she began to blush. "I'm sorry. I got a little too comfortable in my own home." She walked out of the room awkwardly. Ville looked around the dim lit room and saw an art easel with a blank canvas. He was tempted to paint but he didn't want to disrespect Elise in that manner. He just got done making a fool out of her. 

Elise changed into her pajamas and regular band t-shirt. She giggled as she pulled him out of the office room and into the kitchen with her. Ville was smiling as he saw her get into serious mode in the kitchen. "What?" Elise asked as she grabbed out a pan for her to cook on. "Nothing. I like the 'I'm in the zone.' vibe you have." Ville made hand gestures which made Elise snicker. "You're so dumb at times." Elise joked. "I wouldn't be talking." Ville rolled his eyes playfully. "Excuse you?" She placed a hand on her hip and stood in a sassy position. "You heard me you little hag." Ville squinted his eyes at her. "Try me." Elise peeled her eyes. "Definitely.. not." Ville snickered and soon surrendered to his laugh as he saw Elise's expression. "You can starve." Elise laughed. "I don't mind." "Oh my god stop talking!" Elise pointed the spatula at him. "Okay fine." Ville pursed his mouth as he tried to smile and looked down at the ground. There was a small moment of silence before they both bursted out laughing.

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