IV. Heartless

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It was that time of the week where Elise had a day off. It seemed weird to her since she was so used to being in the kitchen instead of the real world.

She sighed as she laid in her soft plushed bed thinking about few things. "I wonder how you're doing..." she thought to herself. "Happy that we lost something important? Seems great." She frowned to herself. Elise hated to remind herself of the past but it haunts her guts almost everyday. The one time she thought she found true love, it backfired so badly. She still feels the heartache and pain even if it was awhile back. Her mind likes to dig up a grave of old things to lay her in. She got up from her bed and decided to take a shower to let new ideas flow in.

She rinsed her black hair before she finished her shower and began to wonder. 'I wonder how that young man from the other day is doing. He seemed pretty interesting.' The question pierced her brain. Almost like if it was jabbed with a thumbtack on a bulletin board. She had to admit, she found him pretty attractive but she knows she shouldn't put herself in that position again. Her cellphone rang and she ran towards it picking it up, reading the unknown number and clicking the small answer button. "Hello Chef Báthory how may I help you?" she bit her lower lip anxious to hear who it was on the other side. "Uhm hello. Yes Chef Báthory, Mr. Giovanni wants to know if you can fly over to Greece on the 13th to cook for an awards ceremony with him and his crew. Would that be fine or do you happen to be busy?" The lady asked. Elise pondered for a minute before responding. "Sounds delightful! I will be there and tell Mr.Giovanni hello and greetings from the restaurant!" Elise said in a sing song tone. "Okay we will bye!" The lady hung up. Elise sighed and placed her hand on the counter of the kitchen. "Shit. Don't I have inspections? No.. That's until early December.." She wondered. "Fuck.." she face palmed, "Oh well I already agreed." Her bare feet walked on the dark oak wooden floors to the nice carpeted area in her work room when she entered. Her work room was usually dark with a few candles. It was the only way she could concentrate. She lit up the red wax candle on the the black carved candle stick that was filled with wax.  She turned on a few more candles that were on the candle sticks and took one with her to sit at the organ near her desk.  She sat down and began to play the organ for awhile to kill time and be at peace.


On the 12th she got her plane ride to Greece she worried about her restaurant but she didn't want to cause ugly scenarios in her head. When the plane had finally landed she called Giovanni to the place she was going to stay at for the night. When he gave her the details she made her way there. He also reassured her that one of their good friends had her restaurant  under control. She was finally relieved that her resturaunt was in good hands and could she could get some shut eye tonight.

When she walked to her hotel she was amazed by the beauty of Athens. She has never been to Greece ever so she fell in love instantly with the place. "I want to live here." She smiled to herself. Her eyes absorbed almost evey beauty of the streets and the shocks of all the marvelous things had her mouth agape.

Once getting to her hotel she signed in and went up to her room. Her back felt relaxed as it touched the soft bed. It felt as of she was on a cloud drifting away. The peace and quiet was marvelous and the atmosphere is wonderful. The little lady got up and ready for bed to catch some Zzz's. Until she heard a few stomps from the room upstairs she sighed. "Should I complain or will they stop?" She waited for a minute before getting on the bed. It went quiet in less than a few seconds and she smiled to herself. "Thank you." She laid back an shut her eyes once she relaxed herself for bed. The satin sheets felt comfortable as they snaked around her small frame. The lucid daydream was beginning to take it's toll but the loud stomps continued again. She clenched her jaw as she got up from the bed. Pissed than never before. The little lady was now stomping out of the room and into the hall. Her bare feet touched the nice polished wooden floors as she went up the flight stairs.

She looked around on the 6th floor for the room number and knocked hard when she found it. All you heard where the fits of laughter go quiet. Then an old man opened it slightly. "Yes?" He asked. "Can you keep it down I am trying to sleep. I have a long day tomorrow." She huffed while crossing her arms. "Sorry pardon the boys. I am trying to settle them down." The man nodded. His accent sounded pretty thick which made her wonder did he even understand what she was saying. Another man came and opened the door wider. "Who is it Se-.. Oh hello!" he smiled. The deep voice sounded familiar and when she made out who it was she gave a faint smile.  "Oh it's you again. I was just asking that if you guys can please keep it down? I am trying to sleep." Elise gave him a look. The man was way much taller than she remembered. Beautiful hair that was long but tied back and his appearance didn't look so heavy like the first time she saw him. "Yes sweetheart. Sorry for the disturbance." The man's rosy lips curved into smile while the older man went to go tell the guys. Elise nodded before breaking contact, "Thank you." She walked back down the hall and Ville stepped out of the room to look at her walk down the hall. "Nah I shouldn't bother." he sighed to himself. He began to wonder if she knew his name or knew who he was. He thought twice about it and he knew he wasn't going to let this slip again.

Ville chased her down the dim hall and down the cold wood stairs and when he finally reached her, she jumped up in fright at his touch. "I'm sorry but I really want to make it up to you." He caught his breath for a moment. "No I won't date you so leave me alone please." Her tone sounded a bit scared. "N-no not like that... W-.. How would you uh.. like to come to our gig?" he stuttered while trying to find the right words. "I have a busy schedule. I'm sorry but thanks for the offer." The lady continued walking and didn't show any eye contact with the man. It made him feel stupid for trying but the man wasn't going to give up yet. "So you're busy on Saturday as well?" He questioned with curiosity. "I.... don't know. If I'm free. I would like to go but right now I have to get first things first done. Mister." She stopped walking to turn and face him. She made eye contact with the tall, pale man. It never came to her attention that the man had some peridot eyes that glisten beautifully in the dim light. Silence consumed both of them as they gathered up the words to speak again."I'm Ville... Ville Hermanni Valo." the man let his r's roll while flashing a small smile. He stuck out his broad hand in front of her. She looked at him a bit hesitant and took his hand to shake it. "Nice to met you Mr. Valo. I'm Elise Di'Jaelyn (Dee-Yayleen) Báthory." she said very fluenlty in her accent. Elise smiled wide enough to reveal her pearly whites that automatically caught Ville's attention. "Báthory? That's amazing." his eyes bulged out slightly. "Eh..Kinda not." She scoffed while shaking her head. "Why not?" He raised a brow. "People think I'm evil. I mean, I'm not evil... or well at least I think I'm not. I prefer De La Croix my mother's maiden name." she giggled as she tried to think. "Ah I see. Well to me you seem sweet but kinda tough." he shrugged. "That kinda contradicts you know?" she pursed her lips. "You get what I mean though right?" He looked at her in the eyes for her reassurance. "Yeah of course. I'm messing with you." she looked into his eyes for a moment before laughing.

"Are you from Germany?" He blurted out. "Uh.. why should I tell you where I am from?" She gave a weird face and looked away. "I'm just wondering. Your accent doesn't sound German." "I have a shit accent?" She asked with a hint of hurt in her tone. "N-no it's beautiful actually but where is it from?" He squinted his eyes a bit as he tried to recollect his thoughts. "Swedish." She smiled fiendishly. "Really?" "Hell no. It's French!" she laughed as she tricked him. "I was going to be against you." he rolled his eyes playfully before laughing. "Why? Have a problem with the French people?" His laugh caused her too laugh too. "Swedes and Finns don't like each other." He smiled. "Ahh. You're a Finn? You sound kinda Hungarian to me." She raised a brow and gave a look of suspicion. "That's cause I am half Hungarian and half Finnish sweetheart." He shook his head. "Wow I'm a good guesser." she placed a hand on her chin. "You sure are little French lady." he smirked playfully. "Well you Hungarian Finn named Ville. I have to get some rest for my big day tomorrow." she pat his arm and gave a half tired smile. "Big day?" He asked. "Awards ceremony." "Amazing. I am attending one too but probably not the same one you're attending. Anyways, I'll see you around. Goodnight Elise." He gave a shy smile before turning his back on her and walking down the hall. "Goodnight Ville. Hey maybe we can get some morning coffee?" Elise blurted out without a meaning. "Sounds good." He nodded and shrugged before turning his back on her and walking off. 'I can't believe I just did that...' She thought to herself as she made her way to her room.

She faced the white door, giving out a heavy sigh.. "No crushing.." her small hand worked with the key and door knob. She walked into her room and threw herself back onto the soft plush bed. Not minding that she was laying down incorrectly. She knew her dream is going to be extremely sweet tonight.

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