X. Lose You Tonight

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It was snowing the next morning.
The smell of food awoke the beast in Ville's stomach and it looks like the hunger defeated his sleep. He woke up shirtless like always and stretched his long arms, showing his tattooed sleeve and the other tattoos on his body "Fuck. I should shower." He muttered groggily while getting out of bed.

In the mean time Elise was making one of Ville's favorite thai foods, Tom yum. Ville came out of the room to check on what she's doing and caught her in her work zone. He didn't want to interrupt her plating the dish but he knew that he had had to speak any time soon. "What's for breakfast?" She jumped at his low voice almost causing her to spill the hot liquid. "Oh my god you scared me." She held onto her chest and laughed. "Sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you love." "It's fine and I made Tom Yum." She smiled looking at the shirtless man. Ville was dumb founded and grinned when she handed him his plate. "This is my favorite. How'd you know?" "I didn't? I just felt like making Thai food today with the small remaining food I have left." She giggled as her eyes traveled up to his. "I love making thai food." Ville's facial expression went to excited. "Oh so you cook?" she raised an eyebrow. "Yeah but I choose not to." he laughed and took his plate to the table. "You should cook with me sometime then." She shrugged and turned back to get her plate and take a seat across him. "Maybe. Perhaps." He gave out a small laugh. "Coffee?" "Yes please... Wait where's the shrimp?" "Pardon me?" She poured the hot coffee in a mug. "Doesn't it have shrimp?" He asked. "Yeah but I didn't know if you wanted shrimp." "Yes! I like fish." "I thought you didn't eat that kind of stuff." "Well when it comes to Thai food.." he admitted which made her giggle. "You can get them and any cream in your coffee?" She looked at his body again as he was serving himself. "No just sugar please." He got up and served himself a couple of shrimp and took a seat after she did. She couldn't stop thinking about him being shirtless and exposing his tattoo from down below.

"Eat up kiddo." She joked and served him the sugar. He took his first spoonful of her food and was in love by the way it tasted. It felt like sweet angels were dancing around on his tongue and not even a mouthful can quench his hunger for more. The man devoured her food like if he hasn't ate in ages which made Elise realize his odd behavior. "Slow down or you might choke." She looked at him. "I'm sorry but this is just so good.. It tastes fucking amazing. I love your cooking." He admitted. She gave a shy smile and pulled her hair behind her ear before looking away, "Thank you.." She resumed eating and he stood up, having a sip of his coffee.

Ville finished before her and gracefully thanked her cooking "I'm going to shower dear." He picked up his empty bowl and went to the kitchen to place it in the dishwasher. "Yeah you really should, you stink." She joked before continuing, "Down the hall to your left. Don't get lost." She joked again. "Mhmm I sure do and okay no promises." He walked out and went down the hall.

Once it reached the evening they both went to the rooms and got ready. Elise had her hair curled with a nice white long sleeved blouse on and a black scarf around her neck. She wore some nice slim fit black jeans that complimented her look and she wore some black heeled boots. Her makeup was light and she got a black faux leather jacket in hand just in case it were to get colder later. She made her way out her room and to her dear friend's room. "Ville are you almost ready?" She knocked on his door. "Indeed I am." He opened the door and looked at her. Even if she was wearing casual clothing he was amazed at her beauty. She however was impressed at what he had on. She hasn't seen this side of him. Yeah what she saw in the morning was totally fine but this look was her favorite. He had a nice black long sleeve button up shirt that complimented his now short slicked black hair. His pants hugged his legs very well and his boots looked almost new. His satin black leather jacket complimented his final look. "Like what you see?" He joked. "I.. y-..We should go." She stuttered and felt her cheeks begin to burn which caused him to smirk. She walked off without a word as the smirk was still plastered on Ville's face while he followed her out of the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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