Chapter 5

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You might get emotional in this chapter <3 its dedicated to my little Emmiboo @randomer456 just coz

After around twenty minutes of Chloe's constant,  piercing screaming,  a guard unlocked the door which was holding her in the bright white prison.  Her mother rushed in and gave her a hugely comforting hug, and for a second neither one of them were aware that the guard was still in the room.

"You have five minutes, " he said. He had a surprisingly deep voice, even for a man. He was tall,  but it was impossible to tell any of his other features,  as he wore the telltale uniform of the District 7 guards- white jumpsuit,  with white boots and a white helmet with a blacked out window in it.

He left the room,  locking the door again to ensure Chloe did not escape. Chloe and Christi sat and looked at each other for a moment,  before Christi said to her, "I'm so, so sorry Chlobird."

Chloe sighed, before saying,  "No, mom. There was nothing you could have done about it.  Obviously it's just my fate, to be brutally killed on the other side of the country by another kid in some Game which is set up to do that exact thing yet is classed as entertainment!" She sighed again, and looked at the white floor.

"You shouldn't be so opinionated,  Chloe."

"Yeah,  but you can't deny that I'm telling the truth."

"No, you're right.  It's never a good thing when someone dies, but its worse when its someone you're close to." Christi and Chloe made eye contact again before she continued. "Chloe,  darling, its not fair, its never fair! You've already been picked once before,  and I know it was terrible seeing Georjee die in your place,  but nobody else deserves it either! Just remember that I will always,  always love you, no matter what.  And I don't care how many of the other kids you kill,  be it zero or thirteen,  just stay alive as long as you can- and if you can't do it for yourself or me, do it for Georjee,  then you will have won for both of you. "

"Mom,  I-I... "

Before Chloe could finish her sentence,  the guard was back in the room,  his gloved hand resting on the gun in his belt, and both Lukasiaks knew he would not be afraid to use it.

"Time up.  Get out," he said to Christi.  She walked towards the door, and as she reached it, she turned around and blew a kiss to Chloe,  possibly her final one. As she did so, a dainty tear rushed down her cheek. Chloe opened her mouth, but before she could shout goodbye to her mother, the door was closed and locked.

There was a clatter of footsteps outside the room,  and Chloe ran over to the door,  wiping the tears from her eyes. She pressed her ear to it, and could just about hear the muffled conversation between the two people stood in the corridor.

"I'm sorry, rules are rules.  Parents and close realatives ONLY, " the guard explained.

"But please!  I'm her aunt, we are close,  very! My daughter was Georjee Gressingham,  who voulunteered for her! Please,  I must see her,  for thirty seconds,  I will do any thing! " her aunt cried.

"No!" the guard yelled back at her.  Within seconds, there was a bang of someone falling on the ground,  a gunshot,  and Chloe was 99 per cent sure that her aunt was dead,  lying cold,  unwanted on the ground.  She left the door and burst into tears again- tears of sadness and greif, but also tears of anger and fury, because someone could be so cruel and kill an inncocent women purely because she begged to see her neice.

Sorry if I have made any spelling and punctuation mistakes in the story so far, its kind of a weak point!  Can you correct any of them in comments ♡♡

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