Chapter 6

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"Eight thousand dollars? Bitch! We're going to be rich!" Pepsi shouted before Telay shushed her.

"Are you trying to get us killed?" Telay hissed. "What if Flip or Candy would've heard you?" Telay whispered. Pepsi bowed her head in shame of her careless actions. "Pepsi, we can't blow this! Eight thousand dollars is nowhere near enough. How many moves was that, like sixteen? We need to make like two hundred moves." She watched as Pepsi tried to calculate an answer.

"That's One hundred thousand dollars, Pepsi!" Pepsi's eyes lit up at the realization of how much money she could be bringing in. She and Telay smiled in unison.

"Now that, is something to scream about. . ." Telay's sentence ended abruptly when she spotted Candy stepping into the room.

"I'm sure my daddy knows about that money." Candy said in a threatening tone.

Telay faced Pepsi and then directed her attention back to Candy. "Your daddy don't have no parts of this money. Your best bet is to forget what you saw. Let's go, Pepsi!" Telay started shoving the money into her purse.

Candy snatched Telay up by her arm. Without warning Telay grabbed Candy by her wrist, throwing her up against the wall the way an officer does when someone is resisting arrest. "Look bitch, chill the fuck out." Telay warned her. Candy stared back at Telay in shock. She had always seen Telay as fragile and timid. And at that moment Telay was everything but. "Come on Pepsi!" Telay said. She released Candy and finished shoving the money back into the purse.

Pepsi followed Telay, running through different yards and apartments until they reached Latter More Park. "What the fuck Telay?" Pepsi said panting for air. "That shit was crazy," she added, still trying to catch her breath.

"Come on," Telay instructed Pepsi. They ran across the street to a wooded area. "Pepsi, you got to be more careful. If that would've been Flip back there instead of Candy, some shit would've popped off for real." Telay explained as they walked in to the heart of the wooded park. "Flip will be looking for that money so we're gone leave it here." Telay explained.

Pepsi flared her nose. "WHAT? We can't leave it here. What if someone comes and takes it?"

"What do you think we should do, take it back to Flip's house? No one is going to take it because no one knows it's here. Trust me."

"So what we just going to go back, like nothing happened?"

"Yes! Pepsi, we can't leave now. We're not ready."

"What about Candy? She's probably already telling Flip."

"Listen, we have to go back. We can't just quit on the count of this hoe. We got to work harder and smarter. Just stay close to me and follow my lead. Now, help me burry this bag." 

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