Chapter 5

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The house was pitch black when Telay stepped inside. There were no lights, no TV on, no sign of life period, except for music playing softly. Oh, God, please let everything be alright, Telay thought as she made her way through the five-bedroom house. She noticed the music was coming from the master bedroom. She paused, trying to erase the fear of something being extremely wrong. The house was too quiet, too calm. Just like it had been when she found her mother. Afraid to take another step, she turned around and darted toward the front door. She ran straight into Flip, knocking him down.

"What the fuck are you running for?" Flip demanded with a hint of anger evident in his voice as he pulled himself off the floor.

Relief flushed over her face once she saw him. "I'm sorry Daddy. This place was giving me the creeps. It's so quiet, I got scared." She admitted.

He sat down on the black leather sofa and pulled her down onto his lap. "You know, you've been doing good around here. I think it's time for you to start climbing up that ladder." He said, cradling her cheekbone.

"You want me to leave or something?" She asked hopefully, praying his mind was stuck somewhere between compassion and remorse for all the things he had put her through. Of course, she was wrong.

Immediately, his face became twisted offensively. "You're not ever leaving me! You hear me?" He screamed. She jumped a little out of fear of him striking her but his demeanor quickly settled. "Listen Carmelay, you're about to be nineteen and you're doing big things. I want you to be my bottom hoe."

"Your bottom hoe? What about Candy?"

"What about her? We gone get rid of her. She doesn't possess the loyalty that you do. A woman like you deserves to come first."

Telay sat quietly, listening to him. The man her mother died trying to get away from. She hated everything about him yet he seemed to love everything about her. Though disgusted, she pretended to be overwhelmed with joy. It was the only way for her to hide the fire for vengeance raging inside of her. She looked up at him with a generic smile of gratitude on her naturally bronzed face. "Anything for you Daddy!" She continued to play the role of a proud hoe.

They kissed briefly. "Come on, I got something to show you. I know this been on your mind heavily. I hope after this you can have some peace about Marie."

She followed him to the master bedroom, where the music was coming from. The thoughts that were going through her mind were endless. Troublesome. She just couldn't think of anything in the world that he could do to give her peace about her mother. Unless he was ready to confess. She wanted him to tell the truth about what he had done to her and explain to her why he killed her mother. But that wasn't Flip. He wasn't man enough to do that. So, what could he possibly have to do or say now that would give her any peace about Marie's death?

Her heart dropped once she saw a man hog-tied on the bedroom floor. "What's going on?" She asked.

Flip stood over the man and shoved his foot into the man's back. "It's been 5 years since he killed Marie, but I still got this nigga." Flip lied proudly.

"What?" Telay yelled in disbelief. It sounded as if she was mad at the man but it was not the man she was mad at. It was Flip. How could he be so cruel to punish another man for something that he knew he did?

"I wanted to show you how much I care for you. I was just gone kill the nigga but I figured you wanted revenge on this cat so I brought him to you." Flip added. "I bet you wish you would've just paid her the money instead of killing her huh?" Flip asked the man.

The man mumbled something underneath the rag that was in his mouth. He looked up at Telay. She stared back into his eyes. They were pleading for help. "I want to hear what he has to say!"

"What? Why the fuck does it matter? I got the nigga, just blast his ass." Flip insisted while placing a 9mm pistol in Telay's hand. "Do him in, boo. It won't bring Marie back but it will make you feel better. I promise." He assured her.

"NO! Hearing what he got to say will make me feel better." She quickly rushed to the man and removed the rag from his mouth.

"Ma'am, please! He's lying. I'm with Jehovah's witness I just came here to...AAAGGGHHH."

Flip punched the man in his mouth before he could finish his sentence. "She young but she not dumb bro." Flip said, pretending to defend her. He glanced at Telay to see if she believed the man. She kept her same expression. She knew he was telling the truth but she had a point to prove to Flip. She would not hesitate when killing the man who killed Marie.

She stared at the innocent man in front of her. He was going to die today. Even if she didn't do it, Flip was going to. It must be meant for him to die today! She reasoned in her mind. "I got it from here, Daddy." Telay said quietly. Without hesitation, she shot the man in the face.

Flip stood frozen with shock and fear, wondering if Telay would point the gun his way next. The thought had crossed her mind. "Give me the gun Caramelay." He said cautiously. She passed him the gun with a spiteful smile plastered across her face as she walked out of the room.

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