Drunk Memory

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Yuri skated freely across the ice, but even though he should have felt at peace he couldn't help but worry about Victor. Yuri had waited for Victor to come home last night but once 1am rolled around he couldn't keep his eyes open and feel asleep. Victor said he would be right back but it was now noon on Saturday and Victor left at around nine on Friday. Where could he be?

Yuri heard the door slam open and what looked to be a very drunk Victor stumbled out and onto the ice.

"Victor!"he skated as fast as he possibly could over to Victor, catching him before he collapsed on the ice. "Where have you been? Are you drunk?" Victor smiled a very sloppy smile.

"You're gorgeous."Yuri's body went stiff, he didn't know how to respond. Victor was currently drunk off his ass and probably wouldn't remember what he said once he got sober.

"V-Victor."Victor moved to put his finger on Yuri's lips but missed and ended up hitting his nose.

"Sssh, don't speak."within seconds Victor had closed the space between them. At first, Yuri didn't know what to do then his body seemed to move on his own against Victor's. He had never experienced a kiss like this before and it was intoxicating. With one swift movement, Victor had flipped them over, pinning Yuri against the ice. Yuri didn't know how he managed it in his drunk state but he did.

Victor sloppily began to pull Yuri's shirt over his head but as soon as his skin came in contact with the ice he jumped away. Victor stared at him in confusion and reached out to pull Yuri back to him, but this only caused Yuri to move away farther.

"Come back."Victor sounded so innocent right now it was completely out of character.  Yuri almost didn't want to leave. Well, he didn't, not really. But it was for the best. Yuri couldn't bring himself to give a verbal answer and instead shook his head. "Why?"he drew out the word and sounded like a little kid whining.

"Because you're drunk, I'm cold, and it's time for me to leave."Yuri skated across the ice to the exit, looking back at Victor once. He regretted it. Victor sat there looking sad he even thought he saw a tear in his eye. But he was so drunk there was no way to tell if this was real or not. Yuri knew which one he wished it was, though.


"Yuri! Yuri wait! Yuri!" Victor ran down the street towards a very upset looking Yuri. "At least tell me what I did wrong, please! Yuri!"Yuri stopped and turned towards the man he loved. It was just as Yuri had thought, Victor didn't remember anything from yesterday, and it broke Yuri's heart. It hurt to be around him knowing he didn't feel the same.

"Victor, I can't do this anymore."Victor slowed to a stop, standing in front of Yuri. He didn't understand what had happened, he didn't know why Yuri was suddenly acting like this.

"Yuri, what can't you do anymore? Talk to me."Victor brought his hands up cupping Yuri's face forcing him to look at him."Please, Yuri, I want to help." Yuri yanked his face out of Victor's hands and placed his hand on the nearby railing, looking off into the distance.

"Victor."his voice came out as a whisper.

"I'm here. I'm here for you."

"But are you?"

"Of course, I'm your coach it's my job."coach not friend, coach.

"That's the problem."

"What is?"

"You being my coach."

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