Forever (part two)

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Yuri's stomach as a bundle of nerves as he put on his tux for the wedding. Was he ready for this? Did it matter if he wasn't? Yuri thought about it. It didn't matter, not as long as he was with Victor. The two had been through so much together, and they would stick together through much more.

Yuri stared at himself in the mirror. He wore the tie they had bought together after Yuri had told the world what his ice skating theme was. He wasn't sure what was so bad about his original tie, but it didn't matter. Not as long as Victor was with him while they bought the new one.

Yuri smiled as he pictured the first time they kissed. Even though he had fallen while trying to do Victor's signature move, Victor had been so surprised and proud of him. Nothing could have prepared Yuri for his feelings towards Victor. Nothing, and he wouldn't change a thing. That first kiss made everything clear. Yuri was in love with Victor, and he felt the same in return.

Even though they went through a few tough stages everything turned out perfect in the end. If he had a chance to go back and get rid of all their tough times together, he wouldn't. Because not a single moment spent with Victor was bad. Those rough patches made Yuri stronger, they grew stronger together.

Yuri thought hard trying to imagine what his life would be like if that video of him skating hadn't been leaked onto youtube. Victor probably would never have met him. That would be a world Yuri couldn't even imagine living in.

Yuri knew it was bad luck to see Victor right before the wedding but he didn't care. One kiss from Victor would sooth his nerves, and give him the confidence he needed to stand up there in front of everyone. Sliding open the door to his room he walked down the hall to where he knew Victor was getting ready.

Lightly knocking first he swung open the door. Tears sprung to his eyes as he took in the sight in front of him. Victor lay on the ground, Yurio on top. Victor's shirt lay spread to each side, not a single button done. As they heard the door open they both turned facing Yuri. Yurio with a smug look on his face, and Victor with a shocked one.

"Victor, how could you-. what is-. I don't even-."Yuri let out a loud sob retreating through the door down the hall and out onto a random balcony. He leaned against the railing. Tears blinded his vision turning the world around him into one big blur. He felt a hand rest on his arm before pulling him against their chest. Victor. "How could you do that? We're getting married." Yuri sobbed into Victor's chest. Even though he was still upset he found some comfort in Victor's arms.

"Yuri this is just a misunderstanding."Yuri pulled away slightly but still stayed close to Victor. He sniffled trying to wipe some of his tears away.

"A misunderstanding?"Victor nodded.


"Then what happened?"

"Yurio fell."Victor stared directly into Yuri's eyes without blinking while he slightly bit his lip. It was almost so unnoticeable that you wouldn't see it without actually looking for it. Tears began to stream down Yuri's face again.

"You're lying,"he yelled turning is back to Victor. "Why are you lying."Victor sighs.

"He tried to kiss me."Yuri's whole body tensed.


"He tried to kiss me."


"I started moving backward trying to get away from him when I tripped and landed on my butt. Yurio tried to grab me but ended up sprawled across me on the floor. I was trying to get him off me when you walked in."

"Really?"Yuri's whole face lit up. He turned back towards Victor who now had a smile on his face as well.

"Yes. Now can I have the kiss I really wanted?"Yuri's smile grew even bigger as he leaned up pressing his lips against Victor's.Victor pumped his fist in the air."Now let's go get married!"Yuri laughed at how ridiculous he looked before following Victor back into the building. It was finally time to for them to get married after all these years, and they couldn't be happier.


"Victor, do you take Yuri to be your lawfully wedded husband?"Victor nodded.

"I do."

"And Yuri, do you take Victor to be your lawfully wedded husband?"Yuri's smile grew impossibly wide.

"I do."

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